Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 249: Hero Tal and Lead the Way


Orc Hero: Tal

Strength: 31.2

Agility: 32.5

Physique: 33.6

Spirit: 9.1

Speciality: Orc leader.

Effect 1: On the battlefield, it can make the enemy orcs have a certain probability of surrendering.

Effect 2: Greatly improve the territory’s attractiveness to orcs.

Effect 3: When leading half-orcs in battle, the morale of the half-orcs can be greatly increased, and there is a chance of triggering the death battle effect.

Skill 1: Avenger’s Breath Breathing Technique (Master Level).

Skill 2: Zangyue Qi Entrainment Technique (Master Level).

Skill 3: Leadership (intermediate level), which can slightly improve the morale of the troops you lead.

It turned out to be another wild hero that was not produced by the system. Richard has not yet figured out what the system’s criteria for identifying heroes are. Now he only vaguely guesses that the identification of these heroes has little to do with strength. It seems to be race or Only key representatives of forces have a certain chance of being recognized as heroes.

But there are no system hero prompts for strong men like Aragorn and Thor who are also representative figures of mankind?

Forget it, I don’t understand. At least Tal’s heroic attributes are an unexpected bonus.

When Tal called for surrender, there were still seven people left in this half-orc team, including Tal and Hypatia. In less than ten minutes of fighting, the half-orc warriors lost more than half.

After all, they are facing the Red Flame Knights, who are also composed of knight-level masters, and the opponent still has an absolute numerical advantage. They can support Tarr’s surrender and half of them will survive. This already shows that this half-orc team Not weak anymore.

The surviving half-orcs are definitely the best part of this team. In addition to the two earth-level warriors Tarr and Hypatia, the remaining five half-orc warriors also include masters of the knight-level and three peak warriors. Knight-level expert,

After confirming your loyalty, go back and rely on the effect of the Tar Orc Hero to recruit batches of Orcs to join you, and then use the strong men of this team as the core to create a group that is not weaker than the White Wolf Warriors of the West. It shouldn’t be difficult to form a team,

Despite the fact that several Orc warriors were still hanging their heads and being held in the middle by the Red Flame Knights with low morale, Richard had already begun to arrange his own Orc warrior group happily.

“In other words, there is still a small orc army in Ironwood Forest?”

“Yes, my lord.”

Different from the treatment of other captives, Richard had someone give Tarr a horse from the west, and he walked beside Richard,

This can minimize the risk of Taal and the orc warriors from causing trouble when they stay together, and it can also show how much I value Taal.

Look, I have assigned you a good horse and asked you to ride with me. How can I treat you as a prisoner? Hurry up and serve me well.

“How strong are they?”

“They are all the most elite warriors. Almost every warrior has combat experience on the front line of Longxingguan. The leader of the team is Nuno, the commander of the orc army, whose strength is equal to mine. Nuno’s adjutant is also a royal warrior. There are more than a dozen great warriors in the team.”

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this. This team is indeed ridiculously strong. If you include the Tar brothers and sisters who have fallen into his hands now, this orc army of about a thousand people actually has There are four earth-level masters and a dozen great knight-level masters, and there are probably even more knight-level masters. The remaining ordinary soldiers are also elites with rich combat experience and physical fitness that has reached the peak of quasi-knights.

Before Richard relied on the system to rise, such a small army appeared in the North. Not to mention those small lords with only one or two knights in each family, even the previous overlords of the North, the Lanster family, could hardly stop it. Their actions were to use at most one hundred thousand Jingbei troops to protect Piaoxue City. They were absolutely an invincible force in the wild.

“What is their purpose?”

Richard asked very carefully. Since he wanted to recruit this half-orc sincerely, he must first verbally distinguish Tal from the group of orcs in the Iron Wood Forest.

Tal was slightly startled when he heard the question, but he still followed Richard’s words and changed the title.

“They want to destroy order in the North. This is just a vanguard force. The basic goal is to cause more damage, and it is best to capture Zhenbeiguan.”

“Have you reached an agreement with the Snow Giant?”


“How many people were lost?”

“From more than a thousand people when we set out, there were only more than 900 people left when we arrived at Tiemulin.”

The loss rate is probably close to 10%. This is what Richard expected. Without the support of the snow giants, let alone the follow-up troops, these more than a thousand people would be nothing if they could not reach it. The problem is, in such a harsh environment, people who are weaker than the knight level have basically no chance of making it out alive.

If you want to join the army, you can only complete the feat of crossing the entire Arctic snowfield from the north with the permission and assistance of the snow giant.

“Did you pay any price to the snow giant?”

“I don’t know much about this. This is something only the top leaders of the kingdom know.”


Richard nodded and did not continue to ask. Although Tal was already qualified to aspire to the top position, due to the embarrassment of his identity, Tal was always in the position of a tool man and could not get much benefit. trust.

This action of the orcs can be described as a stroke of genius. No matter how much they paid to the snow giants, they made this group of snow giants who valued their territory very seriously and were extremely xenophobic agree to use the passage.

But the orcs do have the opportunity to start from the north, where the kingdom’s power is weakest, directly bypass the Dragon’s Breath Pass, and backstab the Golden Dragon Kingdom from the north. In the past, except for the Lanster family, there was basically no one in the north who could do it. Fighting, according to the configuration of this team,

The Lansters, who have not yet licked their wounds, may be beaten to the point where they won’t even have the strength to fight back, let alone stop them from wreaking havoc and establishing an advance base,

It is not impossible for them to hide directly in Zhenbeiguan without deliberate calculation. If Zhenbeiguan changes hands, with the gang of merchants and nobles in the river valley, there is no possibility of resisting the orcs, and even the rich people in the river valley can still Provide sufficient supplies for the orcs. After the orcs’ subsequent troops arrive one after another, they can follow the Jinlong River south from the valley to reach the central plains.

No need for more, as long as ten thousand elites appear on the central plain in the hinterland of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, it can create a lot of panic. If there are more people, it is even possible to attack Longxing Pass from behind and fight with the people outside the pass. It is not impossible for an army of millions of orcs to cooperate and break the Dragon’s Breath Pass in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, although the plan is good, what the orcs have is only outdated information. Now the leader of the North is not the Lanster family, but the Hunter family who has strengthened several levels. This The orcs’ plan went very unsatisfactory from the beginning.

Now Richard has basically grasped the situation of the orcs, and the orcs obviously don’t know much about the strength of the Hunter family. There is a huge information gap here,

Of course, this does not mean that the orcs do not pay attention to intelligence. It is originally very difficult for the orcs to obtain intelligence in the human kingdom, not to mention the rise of Richard in a cheating manner. The speed is too fast. With the orcs’ intelligence capabilities and information transmission in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Speed, it is reasonable to not fully understand the Hunter family,

Not to mention the orcs, most of the forces in the Golden Dragon Kingdom do not fully understand the full strength of the Hunter family, they are just stronger than the orcs.

“Can you still find their location?”

“It should be no problem. According to the agreement, we will go back and report to the Legion Commander after we complete the basic investigation.”

“That’s good, you will lead the way, find them, and eliminate them…”


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