Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 248: Surrender



Tahr, who was unable to kill the two champion knights immediately, could only roll around on the ground temporarily to try to escape from the predicament of being beaten. Suddenly, a burst of fighting spirit came from his body. Tal tried his best to ignite the fighting spirit and raised his knife to resist. , but he really couldn’t react quickly to his actions at this time,

This fighting spirit still penetrated Tal’s side shoulder, and a stream of blood gushes out from the breach.


“Brother Tal!”


Hypatia, who originally tried to support Tarr from the flank and cooperate with Tarr to take down Richard, saw that Tarr was injured and in danger, and ignored the cooperative tactics she prepared at the beginning, and ignored the other champion knights around her. Danger is coming to help Tal rescue him.

However, Hypatia, who was already under siege, should not be distracted at all,

Her strength was already weaker than Tal’s, but it was already very difficult to face two champion knights. At this moment, she was distracted and was shot by a lance before she could reach Tal’s side. Get out,

Not only are these champion knights not weak in strength, but they also have a tacit understanding of cooperation. Once they find an opening, they can attack hard.

If Richard hadn’t asked him not to make a fatal blow at the beginning, Hypatia might not have been shot with a lance, but a hole in the lance.

Of course, being hit by the champion knight’s lance was quite uncomfortable. Hypatia rolled in a circle on the ground and was unable to stand up with her scimitar.

Seeing that Hypatia was still trying to struggle, the two champion knights were not polite and rushed over. Although they had Richard’s order, they did not intend to kill the other party, but to inflict more injuries on the other party. But it is necessary, at least not to let the other party be so alive and still resist.


“We surrender, no more fighting! Surrender!”

Seeing that Hypatia was about to be attacked by two human earth knights again, Tarr’s eyes were red. Hypatia, who could hardly stand still with a scimitar, was attacked by two human earth knights. If the Earth Knight attacks, he might even lose his life.

Although Tal is working for the Orc Kingdom, it is purely a joke to say how much loyalty and sense of belonging he has to the Orc Kingdom.

In the process of growing up, he was always discriminated against, suppressed, and even hated by all the orcs around him. He finally became a strong man at the top, but still suffered from inferior treatment. As long as he was not a filial son of the kneeling clan with masochistic tendencies, he would not There should be too much sense of belonging and loyalty to the orc kingdom,

Tal was willing to fight before, firstly to consider the situation of other half-orcs in the orc kingdom. These poor people were already living miserable lives in the orc kingdom. If he, a banner figure, was unfaithful again, what would happen to the half-orcs in the orc kingdom? The situation of the Orc Kingdom will be even worse. In addition, Taal has the dignity and arrogance of a strong man, and it is impossible to surrender easily.

But now Richard has used his absolute strength to shatter Taal’s confidence. There are eight earth-level experts, more than the earth-level masters known to exist in human beings according to the orc intelligence. It is not what Taal can do. Easily resisted,

Moreover, compared to other half-orcs, Tal cared more about his sister Hypatia. Seeing that Hypatia was about to be in danger, the dignity of a strong man and the prospects of the half-orcs were not on his mind. It’s within your consideration range,

He raised the long knife over his head and shouted surrender at the top of his lungs, hoping that the opponent would stop attacking.

Looking at the touching scene in front of him, Richard, who was sitting on the horse just now, holding the Vulcan Sword and participating in the beating of Tarr, rubbed his nose with one hand. Why did he look like a villain like this?

However, Richard still ordered the champion knight to stop the attack in time. The goal has been achieved…

The two champion knights slowed down their horses and walked up to Hypatia, who was still holding on just now. The swords were still pointed at Hypatia vigilantly in their hands,

Hypatia, on the other hand, relaxed when she heard Tarr shouting surrender. After sheathing her scimitar, she sat down straight and allowed the two champion knights to point their swords at her. What does it mean to resist? It’s too weak.

“Stop! Bring all the surrendered enemies over! Do not harm the enemies who have dropped their weapons. Violators will be treated as battlefield disobedience!”

After Tal shouted the words of surrender, the other orc warriors seemed to have lost their backbone and no longer resisted. They all obediently dropped their weapons and surrendered.

Richard was still thinking of recruiting these orcs, but he was afraid that his men would become red-blooded and attack the orcs who gave up resistance, so he issued additional orders.

“Go, go there!”

Under Richard’s order, the surrendered Orc warriors were gathered in the open space where Tarr was kneeling with his sword raised. Even Hypatia, who had just knelt on the ground to eat fish, was also ordered by the champion knight to move The scimitar stayed on the ground, got up and walked over.

There were dozens of Red Flame knights and seven champion knights around. Richard was not afraid of them causing trouble. There were even hundreds of centaur elites who had arrived belatedly and formed a circle outside. It was really scary. A watertight mess.

Seeing that the crowd was almost gathered, Richard walked up with two champion knights and asked:

“State your identity.”

“Tal, the royal warrior of the Orc Kingdom!”


Richard had no reaction when he heard this name. At most, the royal warriors who knew the orcs were comparable to the human earth knights, and they were also among the top combat powers. However, Hardman on the side made a surprised sound. voice.

“Do you know this name?”

Richard turned to Harden and asked.

“Yes, sir, there are two strong orcs at Longxing Pass that have been causing a headache for our army. Even the dragon knights have been injured at their hands.”

Hadmen has served in Longxing Pass for many years, and he still has some impressions of the two brothers Tal and Hypatia, who are quite famous on the front line.

“Tal and Hypatia?”

“Yes, my lord!”

“They are indeed two strong men.”

Richard nodded, but still affirmed the strength of Tal and Hypatia. The combination of the two is a top-notch force that can fight against the Dragon Knight. If he hadn’t encountered the cheating Richard, he would just come up with seven A champion knight and a red dragon, no matter how bad they were, they would never be in such a mess.

“However, they are now the prisoners of Lord Richard. All the past glory is just a mark of Lord Richard’s meritorious service.”

After complimenting Tal and Hypatia, Hardmen still flattered Richard in a timely manner,

Richard nodded noncommittally, got off the horse and stood in front of Tal, who was still kneeling and holding the long knife high,

The two champion knights nervously took another step forward, hanging their swords above Tarr’s head to prevent the other party from suddenly attacking.

However, the champion knight’s worries are unnecessary. Tarr sincerely wants to surrender this time. It’s not like he has never fought against Richard. Tarr also has some understanding of Richard’s strength. This fundamental man The unknown human lord’s personal strength is actually stronger than some of the dragon knights in front of Dragon Breathing Pass. It is not something that can be won in a short time.

If he dared to act violently, the knights around him would be able to crush the Orc warriors, including him, into a pulp within a few dozen seconds.

Richard, who walked up to Tal, stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, and then pinned the long knife in Tal’s hand behind his back.

“I, Richard, Marquis of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, accept your surrender…”

“Roar! Roar! Roar…”

When Richard finished these words, as if some kind of ritual had been completed, the Orc warriors lowered their heads, while the surrounding knights shouted loudly…


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