Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 247: Fight and surrender


The tall war horses slowly revealed their silhouettes from the dark night. Even with poor vision, it can still be seen that these horses are a bit outrageous. The orc warriors who were originally gathered together may still be able to lead them under the leadership of Tarr. They resisted slightly, but the half-orc warriors who had now fled had basically lost their ability to resist when faced with these knights who rushed out of the night.

The faint smell of blood in the air is mixed with some burning smell. The earth has just been roasted by the dragon’s breath, and the environment is even a little hot. This is the most comfortable and exciting environment for the Red Flame Horse. The knight on horseback actively rushed towards the fleeing orcs.


These half-orc warriors are not sheep. They are at least as strong as the peak knights. In terms of hard power, most of these horse knights are not as good as them.

Facing the chasing Red Flame Knight, the half-orc warrior dodged for a while, then used the long sword in his hand to block the knight’s long knife, and then bent down and slashed at the Red Flame Horse’s leg.

However, the red flame horse with rich combat experience actually dodged a blow from the orc warrior and snorted, as if in ridicule.

“What kind of war horse is this?”

Having never seen a half-orc warrior who can actively dodge his own leg-cutting attack, a half-orc warrior can actually take off and jump to such a height while wearing heavy armor. He can even feel this tall and outrageous war horse. With that cunning and aggressive look in his eyes, if he wasn’t in a good position right now, right on the side of the war horse, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be as simple as hiding away from the war horse.


There is no chance for this half-orc warrior to marvel at the magic of this war horse. There are more knights than just the one who attacked.

Just after the Orc warrior’s attack failed, another knight also rushed up. This time, the Orc warrior failed to dodge.

The Red Flame Knight slammed into the Half-Orc Warrior who was half-bowing on the ground. He was hit by the Red Flame Knight, who was both a man and a horse and fully armored. He was surrounded by the Half-Orc Warrior, who was as thick as a wild bear and was like an offline kite. Generally flew out,

The whole person collapsed on the ground and could not move. His survival instinct supported him to get up, but looking at the twisted angles of his body, many bones had been broken. It was obvious that he was unable to fight anymore, but only faintly You can also hear a knight in front still mumbling something,

It seems that he is still dissatisfied that his credit has been robbed, while the other knight is laughing…

The Red Flame Knights did not make any further stops. They seemed to be very confident in the power of the collision and did not even bother to do a last hit. More Red Flame Knights emerged from the night and began to pursue in groups. Looking at the fleeing orc warrior,

“Put down your weapons! Put down your weapons! Surrender and avoid death! Surrender and avoid death!.”

The pursuing Red Flame Knight was still shouting at the orc warriors. Although the pursuit was exciting, Hardman still did not forget what Richard had told him at the beginning, and he would mainly capture the opponent if possible.

However, the effect of shouting seems to be little. In this desperate environment, no matter how capable the army is, the morale of the army should be shaken, and many people surrender. However, the fleeing orcs are still working hard to move towards They rallied around Tal, as if as long as the backbone didn’t fall, they would never lose their faith in fighting.

However, at this time, Tal had no way to help the group of loyal men around him. A row of knights with obviously better armor lined up in front of him,

The leader is obviously the leader of this team, and the whole battle may even be started because of him. Tal holds a long knife in his hand and stares at the knights opposite him with vigilance, still thinking in his mind Is it possible to capture the thief first and capture the king, seize the opponent’s leader and resolve this crisis?

Tal is very confident in his own strength. He is a banner-level figure among the orcs and a half-sky warrior. In the orc kingdom where there are so many strong men, there is no one who can beat Taal. More than one hand,

It stands to reason that a strong man of Tarr’s level should not carry out such a dangerous mission of conducting deep reconnaissance into enemy territory, but who makes him a half-orc? He is born with a much lower status than an orc. With the strength of an orc, None of the characters are powerful officials, but Tal is the only one who actually goes to the front line for investigation.

Tal himself has not shown anything yet, but Hypatia is very upright and keeps showing her dissatisfaction on her face.

But no matter what they think, Tal and Hypatia must now work together to overcome this crisis. When Tal raised his knife to confront Richard, Hypatia stood by in time. Behind Tal, ready to fight the enemy together at any time.

Tal tentatively made a gesture to Richard, which meant that he wanted to fight in front of the battle. The orc army and the human army at Longxing Pass had this tradition of fighting in front of the battle, but Richard did not Don’t do this,

Although Richard couldn’t understand this gesture, he could still understand the meaning. This was a posture to challenge him in a duel,

But Richard also knows how fierce this guy is. The one-meter-long wound on Chilong’s body has already shown a lot of things, such as powerful attack power and reaction speed.

At least it is the strength of the peak of the earth. Although Richard himself has the strength of the peak of the earth with the Vulcan Sword and strong physical fitness, he is not sure that he can win the opponent in a duel. Richard himself is not stupid at all. There is no point in playing a game of knights and warriors with the other party.

He shouted directly:

“You have been surrounded by our army. Now put down your weapons and surrender immediately. Our army will give preferential treatment to the prisoners!”

Tal: “…”

Tal didn’t have time to think about Richard’s strange surrender cry, because while he was shouting, Richard waved his hand and rushed forward with seven champion knights behind him.

If you want to persuade the opponent to surrender or something, beat the opponent violently first. Such strong men are always overconfident in their own strength and have their own pride. They do not show overwhelming strength and just rely on words. It is still difficult to get the other party to give up resistance.



Tal and Hypatia, brothers and sisters, both have earth-level strength, and they work together tacitly. In low altitude, they may even slay dragons when they work together. This is why Tal chooses to fight head-on.

Since the opponent’s leader dares to charge forward, he must seize this opportunity to reverse the situation of the battle.


Tal jumped up in the middle of the road and pounced directly on Richard, who was at the head. The Vulcan Sword and the long knife clashed, and the hot tongue of fire burned Tal’s face.

“What a powerful force.”

This was the exclamation made by both of them at the same time. Tal borrowed some of the power of jumping and slashing, but Richard also borrowed some of the power of the red flame horse’s impact,

Although Richard did not take advantage of this blow, it was Tarr who was embarrassed. He originally wanted to force Richard off his horse, but now he could only fall to the ground and roll to the side.


As soon as Tal landed on the ground, two knight swords wrapped in golden fighting spirit came at him. The experienced Tal directly burst out with scarlet fighting spirit and swept upward towards the owner of the sword, injuring his fingers. After cutting off one of his fingers, Tal prepared a wave of explosions to directly take away a strong opponent.

However, Tal’s sword was firmly suppressed by the two knight swords, and his originally invincible fighting spirit did not break through the opponent’s long sword.

Tal discovered a terrible situation,

The owners of these two swords are actually masters of the earth level, and they are at least strong men of the middle level of the earth…


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