Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 246: Red Dragon


Tal’s idea is correct. Breaking out in this kind of night is indeed effective most of the time, especially because they are powerful and their transfer speed is quite fast. In this kind of night without even moonlight, even if they are attacked The secret whistle discovered it and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But who told Richard to be a cheater? When the golden gong sounded, the Royal Griffin hovering in the sky had already rushed over. The Royal Griffin, whose eyesight was almost intact at night, quickly followed the sound and locked onto it. Tal and others are escaping,

Then they stayed behind him to provide Richard with their precise location.

“Just order the patrol to send out a signal, don’t take the initiative to intercept!”

Richard, who was chasing the cavalry, once again emphasized the order for the peasants and soldiers to avoid fighting. The biggest role of these patrolling peasants and soldiers and hidden sentries was to issue warnings and put pressure on the opponent.

Of course, if the number is large enough and they continuously come up to engage in battle and form a siege, no matter how elite the group of orcs Tarr is, they will be gradually slowed down and even trapped to death by the sheer number of troops.

If Richard ordered all the patrols and peasant soldiers to assemble to the southwest to join the battle, it would definitely cause a lot of damage to Tarr and others. But there is no need to make such unnecessary sacrifices. Richard can pass the Royal Air Force in the air. The griffin completely locked the opponent’s position,

You can just press forward with elite system soldiers. There is no need for these peasants and soldiers who are not even ordinary soldiers to go up and make unnecessary sacrifices. Even Richard has to repeatedly give warnings and don’t take the initiative to attack, otherwise With the atmosphere of Hunter’s leadership, even if they knew the danger, there might still be peasants and soldiers who didn’t know how powerful they were and wanted to try their hand at military glory.

Richard led several champion knights such as Zebul and the entire Red Flame Knights into an accelerating running state. Although the Red Flame Horse carried a heavy weight, it ran no slower than an ordinary scout.

Many of the Crimson Flame Horses were even snoring and running a little excitedly. This group of somewhat irritable Crimson Flame Horses had not seen blood for a while. They were even more eager than the knights on the horses. The smell of blood,

Although the centaur elites at the back were born to be one man and horse, their physiques were there after all, and they were thrown away by the red flame horse not long after running.

Li Cha didn’t care and didn’t care about the out-of-touch centaur elites. He had basically figured out the opponent’s background. He didn’t need so much strength. It was enough to bring seven champion knights and nearly a hundred knights.

On Tar’s side, although he had escaped a lot in the southwest direction, he was running a little desperately now. He had already heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance, and he didn’t think these cavalry would follow the wrong direction. , the Royal Griffins that have been following in the sky may have already exposed their whereabouts.

If you keep running like this, sooner or later you will be overtaken by the opponent’s cavalry,


Perhaps there is no need to worry about the opponent’s cavalry catching up. The Royal Griffins that were still following closely above them actually left a small gap, and a huge shadow appeared in the night sky.

“Get away!”



The reaction of Tal and others is not unpleasant. Many people in their team have participated in the most difficult battles at Longxing Pass and have some understanding of the dragon’s fighting methods. Tal even has The experience of fighting against the Dragon Knight,

As soon as he discovered that Chilong appeared above him and others, he knew something was wrong and immediately ordered them to disperse.

In the night sky, first a red star loomed, then turned into a beam of red flames and spewed out,

Although the Red Dragon is not a high-ranking dragon, this dragon breath is also the authentic dragon breath, which is not comparable to the acid spitted out by the Flying Dragon King. No one dares to face the dragon breath head on, not even the Sky Knight. Able to predict and dodge before the dragon breathes.

With the warning from the experienced Tal in advance, most of the orc warriors dispersed around, but there were still some unlucky ones who were locked by the red dragon’s breath and were directly wrapped in the red dragon’s breath.

An elite half-orc warrior, dressed neatly, could fight one against a hundred strong men on the battlefield. He only had time to let out a short scream and then died in the dragon’s breath. In a short time, he turned into a charred black mass. body,


Chiron seemed dissatisfied with the effect of his attack. This was his first attack. He wanted to cause a large number of casualties to the opponent with a breath of dragon breath. Unexpectedly, the opponent dispersed at the same time, causing his dragon breath to disappear. Get the expected results.


Mars flashed up in the night sky again, and huge pillars of fire spurted towards the ground. However, this time the vigilant Orc warriors all dodged the red dragon’s attack, and the powerful dragon’s breath failed directly.


The irritable Red Dragon simply lowered its height and pounced on the ground. The main reason why the dragon’s breath failed was because the Red Dragon was still in a higher position, giving the orcs time to dodge.

This time the red dragon was more than ten meters above the ground, staring at an escaping half-orc and spraying out its dragon breath. At such a short distance, the half-orc warrior had no time to dodge. He just took a step The whole body was wrapped in the dragon’s breath.




When the red dragon was proud, a scarlet fighting spirit struck from the flank, directly breaking through the red dragon’s scales and scratching a wound more than one meter long on the red dragon’s body.

The deepest part of the wound was already faintly visible, and the hot dragon’s blood was sprinkled all over the floor. This rare item that was said to be able to improve a warrior’s physique was now soaked into the ground as if it was free.

Of course Tal couldn’t just watch Chi Long deal with his own men one by one. Taking advantage of Chi Long’s carelessness and falling into the low altitude, Tal gathered his strength and attacked Chi Long’s side with a burst of separated fighting energy.

At this moment, Tal didn’t have to worry about the problem of an outburst of fighting spirit being conspicuous in the dark night. Not to mention that they had already been targeted by the royal griffin, the red dragon’s breath was shining in the air, and as long as they were not blind within a ten-mile radius Everyone can see it clearly!


Chiron howled in pain as he was hit by this fighting spirit. His body trembled in mid-air and he almost lost his balance. The charged blow from the earth level was not so easy to withstand.

Chiron was seriously injured just by this blow. Of course, the huge and powerful Chilong was far from losing his fighting power after this blow. On the contrary, the blood and pain aroused the ferocity of Chiryu. , along the direction of the grudge attack, they found Tal holding a long knife.

Ignoring the other orc warriors who were closer, he swooped towards Tal. He wanted to immediately deal with the bug that injured him,

Seeing the red dragon swooping towards him, a normal person would be a little panicked when seeing such a giant beast with a length of more than ten meters. However, Tal chose to face it head-on, and just shouted. A sound,



Hypatia, holding a scimitar in both hands, quickly approached from the flank. The two siblings cooperated very well.

Tal didn’t care about escaping at this time. No one can escape unless this red dragon is dealt with.

Now while the red dragon gives up its own advantage and fights close to the ground, Tal is ready to cooperate with Hypatia to challenge the highest honor of the orc kingdom – dragon slaying!


However, just when Hypatia was in place and Tarr was about to take the risk of fighting the red dragon head-on, the red dragon suddenly did something that shocked Tarr and Hypatia. They had just ignored it. The red dragon that was about to kill Tal suddenly rose vertically at 90 degrees, flew away from Tal, and flew back to the mid-air where it was difficult for Tal to attack.

This made Tal feel as if he had punched cotton.

“Da, da, da…”

In the short time that Tal and others were entangled with the red dragon, Richard had already led the fastest champion knights to catch up, and the sound of horse hooves was already close at hand.

The red flame horse is faster than imagined…


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