Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 245: An attempt to break out


Late night

The moon that was supposed to give a glimmer of light to the dark night sky was blocked by clouds, and the entire northern land was plunged into a pitch-black night.

It’s just that in the countryside, which was supposed to be quiet at night and filled with the sound of frogs and insects, something was slightly different.

On the unnamed hills near Xiaoshi Village, a large number of Hunter family garrison troops gathered here. Tens of thousands of torches illuminated the area brightly, and the sounds of insects and frogs were restrained.

“Be careful, don’t go into the woods, report any abnormalities immediately, don’t be too lazy to fight!”


In just half a day, at least tens of thousands of peasant soldiers gathered here, and their mobilization speed was much faster than the kingdom’s regular army.

This speed is possible because, first, it is a home battle. The garrison team and farmers and soldiers who came here are locals. They are not far away and are very familiar with the distance.

The second is that the Hunter family has always done well in wartime mobilization. Their control and mastery of each village is absolutely the best among all the nobles in the kingdom. Compared with other lords who only collect taxes and levy and basically don’t care about anything else, Hunter There are grassroots officials in every village, and the management is quite complete. It is not surprising that we can achieve this kind of mobilization speed.

The speed of the encirclement was within Richard’s expectation, but it greatly exceeded Tal’s expectation.

Through the gaps in the leaves in the forest, Tal looked at the densely packed torches nearby with a gloomy expression. He had never seen this kind of vast ocean of people’s war.

In Tal’s mind, as long as you persist at night in the hilly woods, there is always a chance to escape under the cover of darkness,

After all, their team is very capable, with a small number and strong strength. It is not difficult to break through some weak encirclements at night, but now with the layers of torches outside, it is obvious that the number of people has exceeded Tal’s. expected,

In Tal’s impression, even the Lanster family shouldn’t have such a terrifying mobilization ability, as long as he doesn’t go to the snowy city and won’t be surrounded by the army.

“Lord Tal, shall we continue?”

Behind Tarr, in addition to Hypatia, there were more than a dozen capable orc warriors. All weapons were already in their hands, and they seemed to be preparing to break out under the cover of night.

Just seeing the number of people and the posture of the Hunter family, I couldn’t help but ask in a slightly hesitant tone.

“Continue! Try not to alert the opponent’s manpower for a while to avoid a fight. If you are discovered, you must resolve the fight in the shortest possible time. Do you understand!”


The Orc warriors following Tal responded with a low voice in order to avoid making too much noise.

“Let’s go…”

Breaking out in this situation can be said to be a rash advance, but Tal has no choice but to wait until dark. If it takes two more days, maybe this area will be surrounded so much that even mosquitoes will fly. Do not move.

Outside the hills

Richard led a group of cavalry gathered together, ready to go out at any time, as if they were sure that a battle would happen tonight.

Besides Richard, in addition to Zebul and other champion knights, there is also the great knight Hardman who has already planned to follow the Hunter family wholeheartedly. Although Richard has appointed himself the leader of the Red Flame Knights, he has already shared a lot of daily management. Less to Hardman. Although Hardmen has not been a member for a long time, with his own strength, he can barely get to the core of the Hunter family.

Hardman also looked solemn at this time. Although his side had an absolute advantage at the moment, Hardman’s good habits developed at Dragon’s Breath Pass made him never look down on the orcs. Since they were infiltrated orcs, No matter how careful you are, you can’t be too careful.

“There are enemies, there are enemies!”

“Dang, Dang, Dang…”

The clear sound of gongs spread very widely in the dark night, but it was particularly harsh in Tal’s ears. It was unlucky for them to bypass the patrol, but not escape the secret whistles. These secret whistles were specially Among the half-elves who are famous for their eyesight, they are the ones with excellent eyesight.

Before Tal could sense him, the secret sentry spotted Tal and others who were trying to break out, and without saying a word, he rang the golden gong in his hand,

It can be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves. A large number of patrols began to approach the place where the gongs and drums were ringing, putting Tal and others who had just broken through the first patrol line into an extremely embarrassing situation.

If we continue to break through at this moment, I am afraid that we will face the pursuit of cavalry. They may not run slower than war horses in a short period of time, but if there is a real tug of war, except for Tal and Hypatia, the other orcs will slowly Being caught up by a war horse, let alone an opponent like Red Dragon, the probability of escaping is extremely slim.

But retreating is no different from slow death. After tonight, the human defense line will only become more and more solid, and there will be no chance of escape.


Instead of waiting for a slow death, it is better to fight in the dark, and maybe there is a chance to escape,

Making up his mind, Tal pulled out the long knife that was originally in the scabbard and prepared to lead his men in a desperate fight.

“Stop chasing, let’s go! Break through toward the southwest!”

After stopping drinking and trying to catch up to kill Hypatia, who was trying to kill the secret sentry just now, Tal directly issued the breakout order and direction,

Although he also hates the secret whistle who struck the gong just now, and wishes he could cut him and the golden gong in two, but now is not the time to vent his anger, and he cannot delay even a second now.

Tal was not unprepared before preparing to break out. At least he observed the direction of the opponent’s cavalry, and chose the southwest to stay as far away from the opponent’s cavalry as possible to gain more time.


“Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, search, whoosh!”

An unlucky patrol happened to be blocking the way for Tarr and others to break through. This patrol was also brave. Although they had learned that the enemy was extremely dangerous and unbeatable, the battle was obviously over at this time. Unavoidable, the commander of this patrol gave the decisive order and took the initiative to launch an attack.

With the development of the Hunter family, the lives of the subjects in the old territory of the Hunter family are getting better and better. In addition to the spears issued to most of these peasant soldiers who only receive training in their spare time after busy farming, They all prepared their own other equipment, such as leather armor and hunting bows, which were almost all available to everyone. Those with better conditions also asked blacksmiths and tailors to learn from the style of the Flying Bear Army’s soldiers to create simple cloth armor. They were better than ordinary people. The peasants and soldiers of Shangdu are actually much stronger,

If we must make a comparison, the peasant soldiers of the Hunter family are a bit like the soldiers of the Sui and Tang Dynasties who have not yet collapsed, and their combat effectiveness is still somewhat guaranteed.

Unfortunately, in the face of the absolute strength gap, this kind of bravery and training did not play a big role,

A dozen arrows shot from hunting bows pose no threat to Tarr and the others.

At a distance of less than fifty steps, these arrows aimed at the head were not bad, but they were easily deflected and did not even have the effect of blocking the attack.

The captain of the patrol’s eyelids jumped when he saw this scene. Although he didn’t expect a dozen hunting bows to have much effect, the other party was too relaxed.


I couldn’t think too much. Seeing that the tall and burly enemies on the opposite side had already rushed forward, the captain of the patrol also raised his sword and led the peasant soldiers to rush forward.

The peasants and soldiers who had just fired a round of arrows did not bother to put their hunting bows back, casually discarding them on the ground, then straightened up the spears at hand, and rushed forward with the captain.

Although the military law of peasants and soldiers is not that harsh, if the captain dies, not only will they not win, but they will also have to suffer heavy punishment if they survive.




The captain, who was already quite capable of fighting in the eyes of the peasants and soldiers, was kicked out as soon as he met the opponent’s leader.

Yes, it literally means a kick. The captain, who looked mighty even though he was wearing a cloth mask, was kicked five or six meters away. The opponent didn’t even bother to wave the weapon.

After landing, the patrol leader tried to struggle to get up, but the heavy force obviously caused him serious injuries. He tried to get up twice but failed. Finally, he lay directly on the ground with his hands and feet twitching slightly.

The results of the peasants and soldiers behind him were no better than his. The enemies shrouded in black robes on the opposite side were like monsters in front of the peasants and soldiers. The leader’s long knife could easily kill them in front of them. The peasants and soldiers who thrust with short spears slashed with their weapons and people, and blood spattered on several people around them.

“Let’s go, don’t be obsessed with fighting!”

When Tarr finished speaking, Hypatia’s scimitar took away another life,

In just a few seconds of contact, more than a dozen people including the captain of the patrol fell down, and more than half of the patrol was killed or injured. This was the reason why Tal and others were unwilling to ignite their fighting spirit to point the direction in the dark night. They were crushed solely by their combat experience and physical fitness.

After Tal gave the order, everyone, including Hypatia, did not hesitate. They gave up on the confused enemies around them and continued to escape in the southwest direction.

Only a dozen scattered peasants and soldiers were left standing there, some of their faces even covered with the blood of their companions,

Five breaths? Ten breaths? It hardly acted as a hindrance, and half of the companions around him died. I am afraid that in today’s battle, some of the surviving peasant soldiers will leave a huge shadow.

However, in the dark night, Tarr and others were not aware yet. Just when the golden gong sounded, the royal griffin in the sky followed them again…


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