Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 244: Encirclement and processing


Richard rode a red flame horse and walked in front of the team, followed by seven champion knights and a large group of centaurs. Behind them were dozens of members of the Red Flame Knights, and dozens more floating in the low air. The famous Silver Pegasus Cavalry.

Now the main horse power of the Hunter family has basically gathered here. As for the system infantry of the brigade a little further back, these are the only system infantry that can enjoy the speed bonus of treasures and skills. They could barely keep up with these four-legged and even winged friendly forces.

Richard immediately had a relaxed expression. At present, it seems that there should be no sky-level power among the orcs, otherwise it would not be so easy for his Royal Griffin to detect, and as long as there is no sky-level power in the opponent’s team , the rest is easy to say,

To put it bluntly, several strong men of the earth level are no longer a big trouble in the eyes of Richard now.

“Order the surrounding patrols not to engage in combat with each other, but to spread out far away. Let’s speed up.”


“Boom, boom, boom…”

The sound of heavy hoofbeats came from far to near. The sound of iron hoofs not only shook the ground, but also shocked Tal’s heart.

This is a movement that can be made by at least hundreds of heavy cavalry. Tarr, who has experienced many battles, can distinguish heavy cavalry from light cavalry from the sound of hoofbeats. He has only heard of the movement of such a large group of heavy cavalry. I’ve seen him several times on the Longxingguan battlefield.

When did a large-scale heavy cavalry appear in the Northland? Originally, even the strongest Lanster family only had some light cavalry, and suffered heavy losses in the last battle.

We really can’t blame Tarr’s intelligence for being out of date. The Hunter family’s development speed is indeed a bit unbelievable. In just a few months, not only the heavy cavalry, but also the knights composed entirely of knight-level experts have emerged. ,

In terms of military force, the military power of Northland, which suffered heavy losses in Tal’s impression, is actually several levels higher than that of Northland when the Lanster family was the leader. Unclear intelligence can kill people. .

“Brother Tal, what should I do?”

Not only Tal heard that something was wrong with the sound of horse hooves, but the orcs around him, including Hypatia, were all experienced in combat.

Fighting hundreds of heavy cavalry in this plain area, even if each of them is a strong orc, they would not want to do such a reckless thing.

“Retreat to those hills over there first, at least don’t fight here.”


Although this area is mostly an endless plain of black soil, there are still small patches of hills and trees not far away visible to the naked eye. However, the forest is too small and relatively isolated, so it is not really a suitable place to retreat. ,

But I really have no choice now. If I don’t retreat to the woods, I can’t just stand on the plain and wait to be charged by the heavy cavalry.

Facing the charging heavy cavalry on the unsheltered plain, I am afraid that only myself and Hypatia in the entire team have a chance to survive.

The orc team led by Tarr moved very quickly. As soon as Tarr gave the order, everyone ran away regardless of physical exertion.

The movement speed of this elite team is really not slow. At least in this short-distance burst, the burst speed of these at least warrior-level orcs has exceeded the speed of horses.


“Order, with the small hills in the southeast as the center, patrols will be deployed within ten miles. No one with a breath of life will be let go.”

“Yes, sir!”

The actions of Tarr and others fell into Richard’s eyes. Although they delayed their defeat, they actually entered a military crisis. It was a choice to seek death, but it was just an early death or a late death.

Li Cha can actually order Chilong and other air units to intercept, wait for the cavalry on his side to approach, and directly kill the opponent with a crushing force. Anyway, after basically confirming that the opponent does not have a sky-level strongman, Li Cha Cha is very confident in the strength of himself and the champion knights behind him.

But since the other party has chosen to hide in such a military base, Richard is not in a hurry. He can take his time and directly surround the small hilly area with three circles inside and three outside.

It would even be better to try to lure the opponent to surrender by attacking the opponent’s mind. The opponent is just a group of orcs. This is the conclusion that Richard came to through intelligence and observation of the Royal Griffin in the air.

Although there are not many half-orcs making a living in the human world, there are always some examples. In particular, the prestigious White Wolf Warriors in the Western Region has almost attracted most of the half-orc masters from the Golden Dragon Kingdom to serve. Richard does not mind that there are some among his men. A group of orcs are working for you,

The key to this mission is that the shadows from the orcs are mainly for exploration, and there is no requirement for killing. This group of orcs is obviously just the first person to investigate. This group of half-orcs dared to break into the Hunter family’s territory to investigate. The orc captives, asking for information about the orcs was what Richard wanted most.

“Brother Tar, is that a dragon?”


Before Tal and the others who had just entered the hill had time to breathe a sigh of relief, a familiar and uncomfortable roar came from the sky!

Hypatia looked at the figure of the red dragon passing by, with some uncertainty in her tone. She had seen the style of dragon knights. Those strong human beings riding green and golden dragons could always fight back at critical moments. Every time the orcs attack, a large number of their own soldiers will be killed, so Hypatia is very impressed.

This dragon roar made her feel very familiar, but the color was somewhat inconsistent with the human dragon knight in her impression.

“What happened in the northern land of mankind, even the dragon knight came out?”

Compared with Hypatia’s doubts, Tal was quite sure that it was the giant dragon. In order to defeat humans, the orcs once wanted to spend a lot of money to form an alliance with the black dragon clan. Unfortunately, the plan failed because the orcs were too poor and the black dragons had no foundation at all. Not interested at all. Although the plan did not succeed, Tarr was a member of the black dragon clan who accompanied the team as an envoy. He was lucky enough to see the appearance of a red dragon, so he naturally knew that it was not a sub-dragon species, but a real giant dragon. .

No matter how frightened the orcs were, after showing off his strength with the red dragon, Richard also led his team to the hills chosen by Tarr and others.

“Sir, they are inside. They must have consumed a lot of energy by escaping just now. Do we want to go in and pursue them?”

“No need, dispatch all the surrounding patrols and cavalry teams, and surround this place first, for two days first.”

Li Cha looked at the hills at the end that could be seen clearly with the naked eye, and did not issue an order to attack directly. Anyway, there were royal griffins patrolling in the air, systematic troops on the ground, and a steady stream of peasant and soldier reserve troops arriving. There is a red dragon that scares people.

First put enough pressure on the opponent, and after the opponent fails to escape twice, it is a good time to induce surrender…


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