Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 243: The Orcs in Difficult Action


Ironwood City

Information about the death of all members of the Xiaoshi Village patrol team has been sent to Richard’s desk. From Richard’s heart, it is a good deal for a peasant-soldier patrol team to expose the infiltrating orcs. things,

If it were not for the special situation, the information on the deaths of more than 30 people would not be qualified to be sent to Richard. In the eyes of superiors, these casualties are really just a number,

Of course, no matter what, when Richard received the information that these peasants and soldiers were killed in action, he immediately ordered that they should be compensated according to regulations, and that one of Enyin’s nephews should be admitted to the Ironwood City official school, with the entire cost borne by the Hunter family. .

This system can not only win over people’s hearts and let everyone know that there is no need to worry about working for the Hunter family, it can also ensure that those who will be trained next will have a certain degree of innate loyalty to the Hunter family.

“Orders, cavalry patrols, and all village militia, only need to report suspicious people after discovering them, and do not conflict with them easily.”

“Yes, sir.”

The messenger left in a hurry, and then several winds flew out from Ironwood City, conveying Richard’s order as quickly as possible.

Although the Hunter family has a big business now, even if they lose dozens of patrol teams, it will not hurt anything, but whether they can make this unnecessary sacrifice or not, now that they have taken the risk, Richard There are better ways to target them, so why bother testing them with human lives.

Hundreds of griffons flew towards Xiaoshi Village under the command of Richard, starting with Xiaoshi Village as the center and searching for hundreds of miles around.

The gryphons in the sky and the patrols on the ground work together like a spider web. According to this search method, if nothing goes wrong, it will probably take less than two days to catch the tail of Tarr and others.

After arranging the search operation, Richard left Ron and a small number of Crusaders and Champion Knights behind, and rushed to the direction of Xiaoshi Village with the rest of the system troops, including the red dragon that caused a sensation.

“Da, da, da…”


Richard led more than a thousand people out of the city along the main road of Ironwood City. However, Richard, who was always the focus of the audience, was robbed of the limelight this time, and more people focused on that. On the body of the red dragon with a mighty head,

The giant dragon is definitely a new thing to the people in the North. Every time the red dragon appears, many people stop and watch. Many people wait until Richard and his army have left the city, and the red dragon disappears from the sky. Then he put away his eyes and continued to do his own thing…

“Brother Tal, why are you walking so fast? I just passed by that barbecue stall and planned to buy some. I don’t know what spices humans added to it. I don’t want to leave because of the smell.”

Tal and more than a dozen people had just entered a market to replenish some supplies. As soon as Hypatia entered the market, she was a little unable to move forward. Although she was a royal warrior and had no shortage of food, she was not living well. It is considered exquisite, and spices are basically considered luxuries to her. The Orc Kingdom is already somewhat lacking in daily necessities, and the food for the belly is somewhat insufficient, let alone luxuries such as spices.

Originally, as a royal warrior, Hypatia’s living conditions should be better, but she is a half-orc with impure blood. Half-orcs are actually better off in the orc kingdom than in the human side. Unfortunately, for a former samurai, a master who corresponds to the earthly level of mankind, his living standard is only at the level of being able to eat well, which is better than ordinary people. He is greedy for meat roasted with spices.

“If we don’t leave, I’m afraid we won’t be able to leave.”

Tal and others did not spend much time in the market, but they soon aroused the suspicion of the security team in the market,

Although half-orcs are already the most suitable candidates among the orcs to come to the North for reconnaissance, in fact, as long as someone pays attention, they are still very conspicuous. They are generally tall and burly, and they are not good at first glance, and it is obvious Outsiders, if they are in some aristocratic territories where grassroots management is not in place, they may be able to muddle through. Anyway, most ordinary people have the mentality of doing more than doing less.

But it’s different on the Hunter family’s territory. Especially the land outside Tiemulin is the Hunter family’s longest-running base. The patrol teams and security teams in each village are well trained. In fact, it is much stronger than any garrison on the central plain of the royal capital.

The local villagers are also different from the numb farmers under the rule of other lords. They are people who sincerely care for the Hunter family. They have been exposed from the first person Tal and others met when they entered the market. The lingua franca, which was different from the Northland accent, and the dozen or so tall men who were obviously too tall, made the vendor immediately notify the members of the public security station in the market right after he sold the goods.

The captain of the security team was still clear-headed and did not use the strength of his men to send him off. Instead, he observed from a distance for a while and then immediately reported it to the superiors.

However, his observation still fell into the eyes of Tal, who was sensitive. Realizing that he and others had been discovered again, Tal immediately ordered everyone to leave the market.

Although Hypatia kept complaining, she was still honest in her actions. After Tal gave the order, she ignored the barbecue she had paid for and immediately followed her.

Tal completely ignored Hypatia who had been chattering in his ears, but frowned and glanced at the flying creatures that suddenly started passing by in the sky.

He has been paying attention to these strange creatures for a long time. Not long after leaving the market, these flying creatures appeared in the sky. As far as he knows, the only human aerial units other than dragons are sword eagle knights. But the creatures flying above their heads now were not the sword eagle knights he was familiar with. They were obviously not dragon creatures, but they were much stronger than the sword eagle knights.

But no matter what these flying creatures are, I am afraid they have come with bad intentions, because Tal discovered that these guys who look like beasts, but not beasts, but not birds, have been following his team for a long time, and they have even reached higher altitudes. The lower you place it, the more detailed you want to observe it.

I’m afraid this is no longer a coincidence, they have been targeted.


After sighing heavily, Tal finally stopped keeping silent.

I took off my long knife from behind and said:

“Get ready to fight…”

The other orcs didn’t ask any questions and pulled out the weapons they had tried to hide. Hypatia also silently pulled out a pair of scimitars.

Because now there are not only flying creatures observing unscrupulously in the sky, but at the end of their sight, they have even seen the Northern Scouts wearing blue and white cloth armor,

The last bit of luck in Tal’s heart was also broken…


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