Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 242: Victory is worse than defeat 2





As the last member of the patrol was cut off by Hypatia, the road that had just been filled with life suddenly became quiet.

Only the thick smell of blood that began to spread in the air reminded everyone that a one-sided massacre had just occurred here,

The battle started suddenly and ended quickly. From the time Tal took action, the entire battle probably took less than thirty seconds. The gap in combat power was really huge.

On the patrol team, even the leader is only an elite soldier. How can he be the opponent of the elite Orcs selected by the Orc Kingdom with all its efforts?

This group of orcs, even in the orc army, is an officer who can lead at least 500 people. Now they are all concentrated here to attack an ordinary peasant patrol. The effect is simply like a dimensionality reduction attack. Look carefully, this Most of the orcs didn’t even have a trace of blood on their bodies, which shows the huge gap.

“Brother Tal, what should we do now?”

Hypatia, who had vented her violent emotions, finally came to her senses. Although she was a bit impulsive, she was not stupid. She knew that this move by herself and others would not be conducive to the execution of the mission at all.

“Oh, what else can we do? We can’t explain it to the legion leader when we go back now. Let’s continue the investigation. Next, we will be ready to be besieged by the human lords.”

“What are you afraid of? If they dare to come, I will kill them one by one.”


Tal smiled bitterly and shook his head. At this point, he had no good solution. He finally agreed with Hypatia’s somewhat reckless words. There really was no good solution next.

It is impossible for him to bring a really capable manpower and turn back within less than a day, while saying that he can’t make a deal with the legion commander. He is too embarrassed to go back in this situation.

Their team is simply strong enough. In Tal’s opinion, as long as they don’t defend the human army head-on, a small team like theirs only focuses on exploring the terrain and escaping. Even if humans want to encircle and suppress them, they can’t do it as long as they are careful. There would be too much danger,

After all, there are no dragon knights in the North, and there are no strong men of the earth level. They are invincible in small-scale battles.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

“Where are we going?”

“Go to the nearest human town first. At least we have to disguise ourselves, like a team of businessmen. What do we look like like this?”

“Okay, let’s go for a walk. It’s best to get some food when we get to the human town. There are no snow giants to send prey these days. I eat the dry food I brought with me every day. There is not even a bit of oil or meat in my mouth. I don’t want to eat anything.” I’m going to lose weight!”

Tal and others quickly buried the bodies of Mercone and others before continuing south.

Although the disappearance of the Mecone patrol would have to attract attention sooner or later, burying the bodies and doing some cover-up could delay their bodies for a while, so that their bodies would be discovered later, and Tarr and others would still be able to There is more leeway.


Near Xiaoshi Village, a large group of people with torches were searching for something.

At least fifty cavalrymen and three hundred peasant soldiers gathered near Xiaoshi Village. This was already the largest mobile force that the surrounding villages and towns could draw.

“Captain, we have searched the area and found no patrol team from Xiaoshi Village.”

“Keep looking, you will find people alive or corpses dead.”

“Yes, sir!”

The patrol team in Xiaoshi Village disappeared without a trace. The patrol team that originally changed shifts with them decisively reported the abnormality after waiting for half an hour more and did not wait for the Merconne team, and the superior’s The captain of the cavalry patrol also attached great importance to the anomalies in Xiaoshi Village, and mobilized the greatest strength within his own jurisdiction to search for this missing patrol.

“It seems something happened…”

The cavalry captain knows very well that a peasant-soldier patrol patrolling such familiar territory will basically not be late or late. The weather today is not bad, and it is not extreme weather, so it should not be There was an accident. Several hours have passed from afternoon to evening, and no trace of them has been found. The possibility of people surviving may not be great.

“My lord, my lord! There is something going on here!”

“Take me to see it quickly.”

In a bush beside the road where Tal and others slaughtered the Mecone patrol team, a group of peasant soldiers finally discovered the blood stains in the forest. Although Tal and others were veterans, it was impossible for them to deal with it in a short time. The area was too clean, and the patrol range of the Meconne patrol team was not large in the first place, so the search range was limited at the beginning. After several rounds of exploration, someone finally found blood stains that had dried to dark red in the forest.

“The soil here has been newly disturbed.”

“These plants are wrong too!”

“dig for me!”

Following the captain’s order, the surrounding peasants and soldiers began to shovel the soil with their weapons. There were no suitable tools at this time, and it was not the time to take care of the weapons.

“There are corpses here!”

“I also found a body here!”

The corpses were not buried deeply, and soon the peasants and soldiers dug out the bodies of Mokane and others.

“It’s from the patrol team of Xiaoshi Village!”

“I know this guy! He even greeted me two days ago!”

“This is Captain Mercone!”

There are basically a few acquaintances in each village in this small place, so there is no need to find someone to identify the body. The body has just been buried and is still in good shape. The peasants and soldiers responsible for excavation can all identify the body. .

As the corpses were carried to the open space outside one by one, the cavalry captain on horseback had already got off his horse to observe.

Almost all of them were killed in one blow. These farmers and soldiers, including captain Mocone, had no room for resistance. The gap in strength was terrifying, and there were no traces of fighting around them. It was a complete one-sided massacre.

The more the cavalry captain looked at it, the more he frowned. He has rich combat experience and can get more information than others. Even now, he is starting to feel a little nervous.

He could tell that even if he and his elite cavalry encountered these people, they would probably have no chance of survival. Their strength was completely crushing.

“There are thirty-three corpses in total, which is exactly the number of people in the Xiaoshi Village patrol team!”

No one ran away, maybe because these peasants and soldiers were brave enough, but more likely because there was no chance to run away.

“This is a big deal.”

This is the inner thought of the cavalry captain.

“Be more vigilant!”

“Team Two and Team Three will go back and report to Ironwood City separately!”

The cavalry captain divided the reporting team into two teams, apparently fearing that they would be intercepted and not be able to send the situation to Ironwood City in time,

“Others, get together for the time being, continue to investigate, and order the surrounding towns to be more vigilant!”

“Yes, sir!”


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