Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 240: Dragnet


Total strength:

Centaur Elite (345), Halberdier (360), War Dancer (310), Marksman (380), Great Elf Archer (156), Royal Griffin (200), Silver Pegasus Warrior (56) , Crusader (128), Phantom Archer (5), Senior Monk (39), Deadwood Warrior (39), Diamond Man (2), Champion Knight (9), Manticore (1), Unicorn (2) , Giant (1), Frost Giant (1), Red Dragon (1); (PS: The previous description is wrong. Unicorns that have not been upgraded are sixth-level junior soldiers. They only have the peak strength of the Great Knight and cannot reach the earth.)

After recruiting all the troops during this period, the number of Richard’s system troops has reached two thousand, of which a small part of the elven troops remain in the forest city, and some remain on Elena’s side, mainly The power is now concentrated around Richard.

Ron has led his troops to meet up with Richard outside the Forest City. At this time, except for the Frost Giants who were left at the Stone Castle to prepare for emergencies, most of the military forces followed Richard into Ironwood City.

“Hey, there are so many half-elves in Master Richard’s team.”

After Richard led his army into the city, although he ordered the city guards to clear the roads, he did not expel the citizens because the relationship between the army and the people of Ironwood City was harmonious, and the residents of Ironwood City had no fear of the army led by Richard. Instead, many people stayed on both sides of the road, pointing and watching the excitement.

“These people don’t feel like half-elves. Although they are somewhat similar, you see, half-elves are not that tall.”

Because of the half-elf leader Al, Ironwood City has attracted many half-elves who have settled in the Ironwood Forest to settle in Ironwood City. Many citizens in Ironwood City have seen half-elves,

Half elves are generally about 1.7 meters tall, which is shorter than humans in the North. However, the half elves war dancers in front of them are generally taller than 1.85 meters and close to 1.9 meters tall. Humans are all considered tall, and if you look closely, you can see that they are much stronger than half-elves. It is surprising that one or two half-elves are like this. Why are all these half-elves so tall and strong?

“What if they weren’t half-elves? How could they still be elves?”

“This is also…”

If you want him to believe that the pure-blood elves that no longer exist have appeared in large numbers under Richard’s command, it is better to believe that they are a group of carefully selected half-elves.

“Hey, look at those horses with wings!”

“Those horses must be able to fly.”

“Country bumpkin, that’s a Pegasus. It must be able to fly. There are them on the grassland to the west through the iron wood forest.”

“Have you seen it?”

“Of course!”

“Going west through the ironwood forest and crossing the barren mountains, can you handle it?”



When this guy whose bragging was exposed was about to refute something, he suddenly saw his companion in front of him staring at the sky, his jaw almost falling to the ground, as if he had seen something extraordinary, and seeing the exaggeration of the other party His face was dark, and he didn’t care to retort and followed the other person’s gaze and looked up.

What kind of creature is that? It has a huge body, fiery red scales, sharp dragon horns, and a ferocious dragon head…

“So, is that a giant dragon?”


A high-pitched dragon roar completely attracted the attention of everyone present.

“The dragon, it’s the dragon!”

The crowd immediately became excited. The giant dragon is a powerful symbol in the Golden Dragon Kingdom. This is an idea that is deeply rooted in the hearts of every kingdom. The Hunter family in the Northland and our Ironwood Forest also have giant dragons. This is the belief of most citizens. The idea is that the originally high sense of security may have doubled after the appearance of the red dragon.

“There is no red dragon. There are only green dragons and golden dragons.”

“What do you know? It’s just that the Golden Dragon clan has an agreement with our kingdom. There are not only golden dragons and green dragons on the mainland, but also red dragons and black and white dragons, but we have never seen them.”

“Did Sir Richard’s dragon make any agreement with other dragon clans?”

“This is possible.”

The person who answered was completely unsure. He was just a traveling businessman with a little more knowledge than these people. How could he know such a profound question?

“Master Richard, you are so awesome.”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

“Long live Ironwood City!”

The appearance of the red dragon completely pushed the atmosphere to a high point. Anyone with a little knowledge knows what a giant dragon means to a force. Most of them are bound to the interests of the Hunter family in Ironwood City. At the same time, the stronger the Hunter family is, the happier they will naturally be.

Richard showed the red dragon in front of everyone after careful consideration. Unless he uses these advanced creatures, they will be exposed on the battlefield sooner or later,

With his current power and strength, he is no longer afraid of any trouble caused by sensitive creatures like red dragons,

Ordinary nobles have no qualifications to influence his ideas. As for the kingdom, even if they have some ideas, they must have a good discussion with him according to the rules. It is impossible to use force.

Now that the red dragon is displayed, it will be more conducive to uniting people’s hearts, promoting the development of the territory, and shocking some young people.


Ironwood Castle

After Richard arrived, most of the troops were arranged to move into barracks. There was a large barracks surrounding Ironwood Fort, and there would be no shortage of buildings like barracks.

The red dragon landed in the open space of Ironwood Castle with a “bang”, causing a panic at first. When Richard appeared, the red dragon’s tame appearance made everyone give up their fear and start to watch.

“Richard, what’s going on with this dragon?”

Viscount Sauter had not had time to retract the long sword he was carrying. He was holding the sword in one hand and looking at the red dragon. Viscount Sauter, who had been sitting in Ironwood Castle, his first reaction when he saw the red dragon was to pick up the sword. He took out his weapon and didn’t relax until Richard appeared.

“Don’t worry, you can absolutely trust it.”

Viscount Sauter: “…”

Richard’s words made Viscount Sauter stop asking about Chilong’s origins, because he knew that Richard meant he didn’t want to explain what he said. No matter how curious he was, he had no choice but to hold it back.

“Can I touch it?”

“Yes, but father had better not plan to ride it. It can’t control itself.”


Every man in the Golden Dragon Kingdom seems to have an indescribable yearning for the giant dragon. Not only Viscount Sauter, but also Richard’s two uncles and some younger cousins ​​came to look at the red dragon. Chilong sneezed impatiently,

Chilong’s character is not good at all, he can even be said to be irritable. If Richard hadn’t given the order, Chilong would probably have breathed his last breath by now.


Northland, outside Ironwood Forest

A team of about ten people emerged from the forest. Taking advantage of the patrol of the Hunter family’s cavalry, they quickly left the ironwood forest and burrowed into the Hunter family’s territory.

“Brother, I could kill all those cavalrymen in less than a minute. Why did you stay in the forest for a long time looking for an opening?”

“It’s easy to kill them all. If these cavalry can’t go back then, isn’t that clearly telling others that there is a problem?”


This team of more than ten people was the advance scout of the orcs led by Youtar. Because the appearance and size of the orcs were not suitable for inquiring, they found a suitable place to camp in the ironwood forest.

Tal and Hypatia took these half-orcs who could disguise themselves as humans and went out to investigate first.

Tal observed the frequency of cavalry patrols and successfully led his men to break through the first release line and get in without alerting the patrolling cavalry.

“These cavalry should only be patrolling around the Iron Wood Forest. After passing this group of cavalry, it should not be easy to encounter the human army again.”

“Everyone, remember, never take off your headscarf easily. If someone is exposed and the investigation fails, you should go and explain to the Legion Commander with your head in hand.”

“Yes, sir.”

“First find a human village to replenish supplies. Next, we will confirm the location of the surrounding Ironwood City and the direction of Zhenbeiguan. It is best to draw a more detailed map.”

“Yes, sir.”

It is difficult to obtain intelligence from both orcs and humans. For such an important operation, Tarr’s understanding of the North is only that of the last time the ogres marched eastward. It can be said that he only knows some superficial knowledge, and even a decent picture I don’t even have a map, I have to draw a new one.

“Stop and don’t move, Xiaoshi Village patrol team will check.”

However, just when Tarr and others started to explore, an oncoming human team stopped them. Tarr originally wanted to avoid it, but the northern plains had no more room to escape than the Ironwood Forest. , this flat terrain, the field of view is extremely good, wouldn’t it be exposed immediately as soon as they start running? Tarr and others can only stand there…


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