Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 239: Trends and Upgrades


Forest City

At this moment, Richard did not know that the elite orcs had entered the Ironwood Forest. Although he had taken precautions in the Ironwood Forest and even sent some war dancers and great elf archers as scouts to patrol and investigate, the Ironwood Forest was really It’s too big.

A normal person might not be able to reach the end of this forest that connects the snowfields to the north and the northland to the south even after walking in it for ten days and a half. The orcs might not discover the forest city even if they go from the Ironwood Forest to the northland. small town.

On the other hand, if the orcs entered the Northland from the Ironwood Forest, as long as the number of people was slightly larger, they would definitely be discovered by Richard. Without the cover of tall trees, the actions of thousands of people in the Northland would not be able to escape the eyes of the griffins.

But at this moment, Richard’s mind is temporarily elsewhere. Taking advantage of these two days of free time, Richard is ready to practice hard…

“Congratulations on gaining 300,000 experience points.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade.”

The effect of the God-given potion is particularly obvious after taking it. This potion has two effects. One is to give experience, and it is to increase the practice efficiency. It is considered to be restricted and can only be used by Richard himself or by recruiting heroes.

Originally, Richard had considered using Elena, who was not at a high level but had excellent growth potential, but now for the sake of Dragon Cliff, Richard urgently needed to improve his own strength, so he could only use it on himself. The effect of the bottle of potion is quite strong. I haven’t felt the improvement in cultivation efficiency yet, but it is really good to directly increase the experience by 300,000. It is equivalent to the experience of a medium-sized battle. It is very cost-effective, and Richard has also accumulated it before. With the experience there, one drink of this god-given potion actually made Richard rise to another level.

Without any further delay, after taking the god-given potion, Richard had no intention of wasting it. He quickly activated the Yang Dou Qi in his body and quickly entered a state of cultivation.

It wasn’t until early the next morning that Richard slowly opened his eyes.

“The effect is not bad.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”


Level: 16

Strength: 33.5

Physique: 30.3

Agility: 31.3

Spirit: 12.1

Talent: Dominance

Skills: Beast’s Breathing Technique (Grandmaster – cannot be upgraded), Sun Air Entrainment Technique (intermediate), Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defense Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Elementary).

Available skill points: 1

Richard’s talent itself is excellent. If he practices step by step, he may be able to enter the ranks of earth knights in a few years based on his own practice.

It’s just that due to systematic reasons, Richard entered this ranks faster, and with the help of the system, his strength improvement could not stop at all. It took him ten or even decades to accumulate in just a few months. The strength that comes out,

Because of the existence of the system, even Richard’s own impressive talent has been covered up. The so-called first genius in the North was not just a joke. How could he enter before he was twenty years old? A knight-level genius.

After that, he has been busy with expeditions in the east and west, and territorial management has greatly reduced Richard’s training time, which has made Richard’s own training even more inconspicuous.

This time, with the help of the potion, Richard spent a day to advance the progress of the Lieyang Qi Art. Richard, who was still at the middle level of the earth level, is now worthy of the earth level. At the level of a high-level person, with the addition of treasures and powerful basic attributes, Richard, a high-level earth person, even felt that he could compete with the sky level person.

The red dragon and the giant should be no match for Richard now, think about Mi Xiu again,

Forget it, it seems that I still can’t beat him. Mi Xiu is almost as strong as the mid-level sky warrior, so the difference is not even a little bit.

After upgrading the experience of using the God-given potion, the upgrade increased some attribute points. After a day of practice, the progress of the Lieyang Qi Entrainment Technique also improved some attributes. Now, except for the spirit, Richard has made a breakthrough in all aspects of the panel. At thirty points, it has basically reached the attributes of an ordinary dragon, and is considered a monster in the earth stage.

A few more skill points can’t add anything. Even the logistics skills at the early stage are in a gray state, so I can only save them for the time being.

Richard stood up slowly, swung his limbs a little, took out the Vulcan Sword from his waist and waved it a few times before putting it back again. After getting used to the newly increased attributes, he walked out of the door of the residence.

Although he had practiced all night, Richard would not feel tired with his current mental strength. Instead, due to the improvement of his attributes and the strong natural energy of Lin Zhongcheng when he went out, he felt refreshed. Feeling good.

“Brother Richard, you finally woke up.”

As soon as I went out, I saw Xi Aier, a little money fan, riding a unicorn and playing. Her delicate face, good figure, and somewhat childish dress made Xi Aier very girly. The feeling, coupled with the intimate look of the unicorn, does have the flavor of a pure elf girl, but it is a pity that she is a little money obsessed, and her personality is a bit broken.

Richard still nodded with a smile, greeted Xi Air, and called Xi Air to his side.

“Brother Richard, what’s the matter?”

Siaire rode a unicorn and ran up to Richard, got off the back of the unicorn, and asked in a clear voice.

Compared with others who seriously call Richard “sir”, Xi Aier prefers to call Richard “eldest brother”. Hierarchy is not taken seriously by Xi Aier, although Xi Aier may be older than Richard. A lot.

Richard is not entangled in this issue. Xi Aier likes to call him this and it feels like he is involved in the relationship. Of course, the main reason is that Xi Aier is an elf girl with a beautiful face. If it were someone else, it might be a different story. , this **** face control.

“For the time being, Linzhong City will be in your charge. Enemies may come during this period. If the opponent is strong, don’t fight. Just defend Linzhong City and wait for my support.”

Of course, Richard cannot stay in Linzhong City forever, and he is not sure whether orcs will pass by such a large ironwood forest.

There are now dozens of Deadwood Guards guarding the Forest City. Because of their slow movement and the fact that they can only exert their maximum combat power in the woods, Richard has not taken them with him, but has stayed around the Forest City.

These Deadwood Guards are all fifth-level upgraded troops. They are generally four or five meters tall. They have the strength of a great knight. In this forest, they can even display the peak strength of a great knight.

With the help of a small group of war dancers, big elf archers, Siair and two sixth-level unicorns, even if they accidentally run into an orc, there will definitely be no problem until Richard comes to help.

“Don’t worry, Brother Richard, leave it to me.”

Si Air assured Richard with a very confident pat on his less obvious chest.

“But, Brother Richard, is there any reward for completing the mission?”


This was the first time that Richard encountered his subordinates bargaining with him when he was arranging things. However, seeing Si Air’s cute look, he didn’t have the heart to refuse directly, so he asked:

“What do you want?”

“Those gems that day…”

Richard was slightly relieved when he heard that he was asking for some gems that were not recognized by the system. Most of the square gems obtained from wars or gifts from other nobles were not worth much, and there were only a few dozen. Kinnaur is the norm, and the more expensive ones will be dealt with specially,

Siair doesn’t think it’s worth anything, just shiny gold will do. This silly child, if in Richard’s previous life in a society with advanced modern craftsmanship, Richard could get her a cartload of dazzling crafts and gems.

“No problem, show me Linzhongcheng and I will give you a gem next time.”


“It’s only two if it’s good. Please be more vigilant. Except for the mistakes, not only will there be no gems, but you will also have to pay a fine.”

Looking at Xi Aier’s cheerful look, Richard warned with some worry.

“Don’t worry, Brother Richard, no one in the forest can sneak attack a real elf.”


After Richard explained a few more words, he took the Flying Dragon King and rushed back to Ironwood City. The target there was so big that he needed to be in charge…


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