Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 235: Decoration and the new month


The junction of wilderness and snowfield

After experiencing the initial panic, the old and weak of the Ice Flame Tribe gradually began to live normally under Elena’s management. Although the young and strong people in the tribe followed the leader Mangu out to explore, there was ice that humans provided food for. The life of the old and weak of the Yan tribe was obviously better than before. With sufficient food, the “hot” climate close to the wilderness became not so unacceptable.

When Richard left, he asked Elena to manage it, and Elena is indeed a good manager. No one can resist a kind and kind person from the bottom of his heart, especially in this kind and kind person. When the person still has great strength.

“Ms. Elena.”

“Thank you Ms. Elena.”

While patrolling along the way, the snow giants of the Ice Flame Tribe were all taking the initiative to greet Elena. Elena’s gentle and holy temperament has a natural affinity. Compared with the fear of the champion knights, Ice The snow giants of the Flame Tribe have a sincere impression of Elena.

As for Elena, although the Snow Giant is powerful, it can actually be regarded as a creature of the lawful camp. After all, the Snow Giant does not have a habit of killing because of its power. All killings are basically for survival. , the character is not violent, and is still different from the inherently evil races such as undead demons, so after the battle, Elena will not be stingy with her kindness to the snow giant,

This is probably the charm of the “Madonna”. Of course, this “Madonna” effect is based on the sword.

Elena also nodded in response to the overtures of the Snow Giants of the Ice Flame Tribe. During this period, due to the sufficient supply of magic crystals, Elena has recovered a certain amount of spellcasting ability.

Not only did she treat the injuries of the human soldiers, but she also treated some ailing snow giants. Treating them with dignity and a little kindness could indeed achieve twice the result with half the effort.

“Ms. Elena!”

“Huh? What’s wrong with Ron?”

Then Elena frowned again and said:

“I told you Ron, you don’t have to salute me.”

Although Elena said this, Ron still saluted Elena before speaking. In Ron’s view, Elena is the person in charge designated by Richard and has jurisdiction over him. Since his strength is superior to his own, he should naturally salute.

“There is a new order from Lord Richard from Yusidu. I want to take most of the troops back to Ironwood City. You continue to stay here to stabilize the Bingyan tribe and wait for the return of Mangu and others. You see what you need How many people? ”

Richard’s order did not directly state how many troops he wanted Ron to bring back, but gave Elena full right to make a decision. Although Ironwood City Forest needs more strength, the Ice Flame Tribe and the Snowfield Exploration is still a top priority, and it is impossible to let it go. Everything must be kept within a certain degree.

Generally speaking, when faced with such an order, most generals outside will exaggerate the difficulty of the task and try their best to make their hands more powerful. However, neither Elena nor Ron have similar thoughts. Their only idea was to be loyal to Richard and share his worries.

Elena thought about it for a while and then said:

“Just leave me the giant and a champion knight and some halberdiers. You can bring the rest of the army back to Ironwood City.”

“Would it be too little, after all…”

“It’s okay, I have a sense of discretion. Mr. Richard needs stronger power.”

Elena has this confidence. In terms of high-end strength, Elena plus a giant and a champion knight are enough to crush the soldiers of the Ice Flame Tribe who are currently exploring outside, leaving some halberdiers to do odd jobs. Controlling the Ice Flame Tribe is a piece of cake.

“Well, I’ll leave you with another hundred halberdiers for dispatch, and I’ll take the rest back to Ironwood City first.”

“Well, let’s leave as soon as possible. Sir Richard may need help.”

Richard had no information at all about the God of the Rising Sun briefly waking up and sending out his divine attendants,

However, the cautious Richard strengthened the forces around him. After careful consideration, Richard decided to divide his troops. After all, Richard now had the confidence to divide his troops. His confidence lay in his super-fast marching speed. First of all, Richard still had to ensure The team around him is the strongest. No matter which direction there is an abnormality and he needs support, Richard can rush there as quickly as a fire brigade.

Concerning the approaching situation of the orcs, Richard has his own analysis. The possibility of the orcs walking into the wilderness is very low. That place is not conducive to hiding the army. The orcs will not be so stupid when they know that humans have aerial reconnaissance power. Come to the wilderness,

It is the best choice for a small group of troops to infiltrate through Ironwood Forest. Richard would do the same thing, so it is an inevitable choice to concentrate the main force on Ironwood City, and to prevent the other party from discovering the people in Ironwood Forest. Linzhongcheng, the defense of Linzhongcheng must also be strengthened.

What Richard needs to do now is to strengthen the strength around him as much as possible. In addition to letting Ron bring the army that was still in the wilderness, Richard now has to rush to the Stone Castle,

After all, the new month is here and it’s time to shop again.

After suddenly taking away tens of thousands of gold, Richard came to Stone Castle full of expectations. The people who managed the Hunter family’s treasury were already used to it. No one would pry into Richard’s secret. After confirming After Richard had a fixed amount of consumption every month, Lint had even reserved the money in advance to avoid being in a hurry if Richard suddenly withdrew the funds.

“Dear Ambassador of God, thank you for coming. Grandet is willing to serve you.”

Richard came to the Stone Castle at dusk and entered the market hall without any hesitation. Grandet still greeted Richard’s arrival very attentively, and his attitude was as respectful as possible.

But Richard is now completely immune to this kind of respect from profiteers. He doesn’t show any politeness at all. After a slight nod of his head as a response, he very directly asked Grandet to show off this month’s new goods, with a strong sense of crisis. Richard now needs to seize all resources to strengthen his strength.

Soon, the products on this month’s market appeared in front of Richard

Treasure category: Ring of Life.

Effect: The wearer and all troops under his command have +1 physical fitness.

Price: 5000 Kinnar

Poison category: God-given potion (enhanced version)

Effect: After use, the training effect will be strengthened for one day and a lot of experience will be gained.

Price: 3000 Kinnar

Soldier Type: Red Dragon

Introduction: The seventh-level entry-level soldier in the dungeon is an apex predator with pure dragon blood. Its hard dragon scales can not only effectively resist physical damage, but are also immune to most magic damage, and have extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Price: 8000 Kinnar

Resource type: Mercury X5

Introduction: A rare resource.

Price: 200 Jinnar


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