Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 234: Oracle


In the void, everything seems to be in chaos and silence. If a mortal can see this endless void, he will definitely be shocked by the vastness of the void.

It’s just that occasionally there are building fragments floating in the void where everything should be empty, as if something once existed in this void.

At this time, a majestic yet somewhat weak voice came from the void.

“Who is meddling with my authority again? Who is it!”

Ironwood Castle

Aragorn was still bargaining with Richard. After obtaining enough magic crystals, he was not satisfied with continuing to exist in the form of a soul. Instead, he asked Richard to collect some suitable lotus root nodes and supplemented them with other materials. I refined a body myself,

This familiar operation made Richard feel like an expert. He even suspected that Aragorn was the reincarnation of a certain great god. Until after many insinuations, he learned that this kind of refining alchemical body was created by some old mages in the Magic Age after their bodies grew old. After using common methods to extend his own life, he put aside his inner doubts.

The materials used in Aragorn’s new body cannot be said to be bad, at least they were carefully collected. It is definitely difficult for ordinary people to collect these materials, but they are not precious. At least it did not take much effort to collect the materials.

Richard understood Aragorn’s idea of ​​changing himself into a better body, but Hai Xinlian immediately chatted to death with this opening.

Compared with the Cold Spring Gem, the Sea Heart Lotus is definitely a more precious treasure. With a little medicine, this thing can help the peak knight level break through to the stage of the Great Knight,

It is even said that as long as the weight is sufficient, it can also play a certain role when the peak knight breaks through to the earth knight.

Every small piece of this kind of sea lotus is priced astronomically. It would take Richard to get as much as it takes to make a body, let alone whether there are so many products on the market. Even if he had Richard, he wouldn’t be able to buy it. If you dare to buy it, the Hunter family’s finances may explode on the spot, which is much scarier than when he goes to the market every month to scan for goods.

Faced with Aragorn’s unreasonable demands, Richard would of course refuse.

“Your Majesty, you know that I only have a small rural territory here and I can’t afford it. Since we are allies, why don’t we change the terms?”

Although Richard’s subordinates are now quite powerful, it can be said that as long as he does not attack the royal family, he is not afraid of any other forces. Even the strongest Duke of Ross in the West, Richard is confident Use high-end force to suppress it.

But according to Richard’s character, facing this kind of enemy with unknown strength, he naturally has to recruit all available combat power. Now Aragorn, whose strength is unfathomable, lives in his castle and does not try. Wouldn’t it be a waste to let him take action all at once?

“How about you transfer the control of the Elf King Ring to me, and I can help you at the expense of it.”

“Here, I don’t know how to transfer control.”

What Richard said was true. After being repaired by the blacksmith, the Elf King’s Ring was directly bound to Richard. Richard had no idea about the process. It was completely blind to allow Richard to transfer control.

Privately, Richard is not willing to transfer control of the Elf King’s ring. Not to mention that this ring is a treasure made by the most powerful Elf King in the past. It is very likely that there are some secrets hidden in it.

Even though this ring is currently able to convert magic power into soul power that Aragorn can use, Richard is unwilling to hand over control.

Richard does not have 100% trust in Aragorn.

“Then there’s nothing I can do. After all, the loss is too great, and I can’t bear it in my current state.”

Aragorn buried his head and took another sip of the tea soup that he couldn’t taste at all, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Richard was itching to see it, but there was nothing he could do about it. Although the two were allies, they were limited to dealing with the God of the Rising Sun. Aragorn was not too concerned about the orcs and the kingdom.

Although Richard can also try to force Aragorn to submit through the supply of magic crystals or the ability of the Elf King Ring, it would be too ugly to do so. Richard will not easily force a person to do so unless he has to. The former king, especially when the opponent is likely to have the ability to kill him instantly.

At the end of the chat, the topic of chatting came up with some secrets from the time when the kingdom was established. Richard picked out some things he wanted to know and asked, while Aragorn looked like an old **** was there, and he had something to say according to his mood. He answered Richard’s questions without any hesitation. Anyway, this ally is definitely an uncle-level ally.

In the river valley, a wealthy family’s garden.

Although there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor in the River Valley, and there are still a large number of extremely poor people who have no place to stand, it is undeniable that the wealth in the River Valley is higher than that in other parts of the kingdom,

At least the proportion of rich people here is relatively high, and they are strong. Unlike the north where there are few decent people except the nobles, some wealthy households in the river valley live no worse than the nobles.

This courtyard with a garden is the property of a wealthy businessman in the river valley,

The yard covers an area of ​​medium size, close to ten acres, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

There are many fountains, statues, and houses in the yard, and the interior decoration is also quite exquisite. The ornaments, carpets, and some paintings are all of high quality, and their level of luxury is not inferior to that of the nobles in Burai City. , the only shortcoming is that the location of this yard is a bit remote, there are not even many villages around it, and it is already at the edge of the river valley.

“Your Holiness, this place is a bit remote and I feel sorry for you.”

“It’s okay, it’s just better to be in a more remote place.”

After the failure of the plan in Golden Dragon City, the young Pope Mi Xiu led his people to hide in the river valley area. In order to avoid being discovered by spies from the kingdom, Mi Xiu took Hussein and other core members of the Rising Sun Cult in the river valley. Under the arrangement of the local archbishop, I moved into this relatively secluded courtyard.

There are two reasons why Mi Xiu chose to recuperate in the river valley.

First, after all, the River Valley is not a royal territory directly under the royal family. The Black Prison and other official forces still have a weak presence here. The River Valley garrison, which is the only official force representing the royal capital, can only be partially stationed at Zhenbeiguan. Some of them are directly stationed in the city of Burai. They are naturally beyond the reach of some remote villages outside the city. Even if they want to, they are unable to control them. It is normal for the nobles in the river valley to obey the kingdom’s orders and disobey them, even transporting supplies that can be quantified. The mission was all about cheating, not to mention the thankless task of searching for the remnants of the Rising Sun Cult. It was good to be able to do something decent.

Secondly, Mi Xiu felt a little unwilling. The river valley was close to the North. According to Mi Xiu’s idea, after recuperating, he would at least resolve the matter in the North and call the so-called number one in the kingdom. Master Richard’s bag.

“Prepare some simple food, don’t waste it, just enough to eat.”

“It’s His Majesty the Pope.”

Mi Xiu lives a simple life, and everyone around him is used to it. Anyway, it is impossible for the people around Ya Xiu to think of fine clothes and fine food. Even the manor where he lives is so luxurious that Ya Xiu can’t see it. It was also over the standard.


“Then, what is that?”

Just as everyone in the Rising Sun Cult gathered together to prepare for a meal, the sudden sight in front of them froze everyone in place.

A ball of golden and red light and shadow slowly condensed in front of everyone, and finally turned into a human shape. The facial features of the light and shadow were clearly visible in the end,

In this scene, let alone ordinary people, even Pope Mi Xiu squinted his eyes and stared closely at the light and shadow, obviously not at peace in his heart.

And Guangying’s next words directly made everyone fall into consternation and excitement.

“I am a divine servant of the Lord of the Rising Sun. There are despicable thieves in the world who try to usurp my Lord’s authority while my Lord is sleeping.

In the north, find him and destroy him! ”

After saying that, the human-shaped light and shadow that claimed to be the God’s Attendant turned into a stream of fire-colored light and penetrated into the scepter in Mi Xiu’s hand.

When the light and shadow penetrated the scepter in his hand, Mi Xiu’s expression moved slightly, but in the end he did not do anything more.

After the light and shadow penetrated into the black scepter, the originally inconspicuous scepter seemed to have suddenly been triggered by some mechanism,

Dark red sparkle patterns are all over the black scepter. The perfect combination of red and dark colors makes the originally rustic scepter become extremely luxurious.


“I remembered that face just now. He is Lord Rand, the Divine Attendant beside the Lord of the Rising Sun. I have seen it in the divine book. He is really the Divine Attendant.”

The speaker is also a bishop-level figure in the Rising Sun Cult. He has always been known within the sect for his proficiency in various classics. His confirmation should confirm the identity of Guangying.

“The great Lord of the Rising Sun! Honorable Attendant of Rand!”

Everyone who was still in a daze just now immediately knelt down towards Mi Xiu in excitement. Even Hussein, who had always been resolute, was no exception. He knelt down on the ground regardless of his armor.

Some people even burst into tears with excitement. The legendary oracle actually allowed them to witness with their own eyes that the God of the Rising Sun really exists. This kind of manifestation of a long-believed **** is really too inspiring. What? Before even doing it, the haze of previous consecutive failures was swept away, and morale was raised to the extreme.

Only Yaxiu looked expressionless and didn’t know what to think about, but Yaxiu still raised the dark red scepter in his hand after a pause.

“The rising sun is eternal!”

“The rising sun is eternal!”


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