Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 233: Leisurely


The wheat seedlings in the fields have turned green, and a green wave of wheat is rippled by the spring breeze. The peasants and soldiers with swords bowed at their waists unconsciously slowed down when passing by the waves of wheat, as if they were afraid of stepping on them. It’s like ruining crops,

When the peasants and soldiers saw the green wheat waves during their intense patrols, they unconsciously felt relieved. It seemed that this year was another good year.

Although the Northland was attacked by ogres during spring plowing, not every place was destroyed. At least places under the Hunter family and Nader Land, which was the first to fall under Richard’s command, were very damaged. Stability, production is almost unaffected.

“Please be more vigilant and don’t relax. Since the higher-ups have asked us to strengthen patrols, there is a reason. We must be ready to fight at any time!”


The sheriff who led the team was a young man, not yet twenty years old, and the dozens of peasant soldiers behind him were only fifteen or sixteen years old, and the older ones were already over thirty.

However, the peasants and soldiers in the village did not dare to underestimate this Sheriff. He came from the official school of Ironwood City and almost crossed the threshold of a quasi-knight.

Everyone has seen how strong one is. When pigs were being killed in the village, a big fat pig that could not be held down by four or five people was knocked down with just one kick. The heavy sword in his hand was not something ordinary people could handle. Everyone admired him a lot. Now that he heard what he said, Qing Qing put away the soothing and relaxed mentality just now and continued to tighten his spirits. When his eyes swept across the green waves of wheat again, he felt nothing but joy. I am also more vigilant, maybe there are enemies emerging from the waves of wheat?

Seeing that the peasants and soldiers were once again on alert, the young Sheriff Rosa nodded with satisfaction. Seeing that the peasants and soldiers brought out by himself were looking presentable now, he felt a little satisfied. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, they then continued to patrol along the designated route with the peasants and soldiers.

In fact, Rosa didn’t get any relevant information. He didn’t know whether there were enemies or not.

In order to avoid panic, Richard did not make the possibility of orc infiltration known to passers-by. The police officers in each village were only instructed to strengthen patrols and be vigilant.

It’s just that the police officers who came from the official school of Ironwood City have always followed Richard’s instructions to the letter. In addition, these days happened to be just after the busy farming season, and the peasants and soldiers did not have to do farm work, so Rosa will The farmers and soldiers were divided into three teams and patrolled continuously, even at night. They were as good as many professional soldiers.

“Go a little faster, don’t miss the alternation time with the second team.”


The peasants and soldiers followed the order and accelerated their pace…

Ironwood Castle

Compared with the tense situation in the territory, Richard, who is personally in charge of Ironwood City due to the infiltration of orcs, has become an idler like Viscount Sauter,

Now Lin Te has to worry about the matter of Demon Suppression City and the Wilderness. Richard is completely unsuspecting about employing people and putting all the burden on Lin Te.

Richard has also read the letter sent by Lin Te before. The above information about James’ participation in the assassination of himself by the Rising Sun Cult was also within Richard’s expectation. Richard did not do anything extra. Action, I just made a strong note in my heart,

Don’t say that there is no sufficient evidence for this kind of thing. Even if there is, Richard cannot move a noble of the Lanster family’s level, at least not now,

It is not difficult for him to attack Piaoxue City now. In front of Richard, Piaoxue City has changed from a behemoth to a little girl without the ability to resist. If he uses force directly, Richard is even confident that it will be defeated within a week. Snow city.

But we still have to consider the feelings of the kingdom. If Piaoxue City is directly annexed without following the rules, Richard’s family will truly become the sole leader in the North, no matter how much Renn liked him before. , a normal king would not sit idly by and ignore it. In short, this revenge must be avenged, but the time has not come yet.

As for another matter, Lin Te took the initiative to explain what Nightingale had concealed at the beginning. After seeing it, Richard just laughed it off without even feeling angry. Maybe from the beginning, Richard still trusted him more. There were a few raindrops, so he didn’t have high expectations, and naturally he wouldn’t be angry because of the gap. However, Lin Te’s attitude made him very satisfied. Maybe the whole nightingale was not as important as Lin Te’s loyalty in Richard’s eyes.

Of course, the matter is consistent, and the leader involved in the concealment was directly transferred from Nightingale and given corresponding punishments. However, due to Lin Te’s favor, things were done fairly decently.

Except for reading this letter in the past few days, Richard has basically nothing to deal with. He has even enjoyed afternoon tea in Ironwood Castle. The joy of leaving the shopkeeper alone is so simple.

In the garden in Ironwood Castle, the surrounding waiters left under Richard’s order. Richard himself sat on a stone bench and brewed a pot of black tea.

Carefully filter out some of the tea residue in the teapot, put the tea soup into another container, then dig out a small spoonful of honey from the small jar and add it to it. After a little stirring, the honey will melt into the tea soup. Then I poured some more milk into it and stirred it together.


Although Richard was born and raised in the Chinese dynasty in his previous life, when it came to drinking tea, he preferred the Western-style drinking method of black tea with milk and honey. There was no other reason than that he liked sweet taste, but Li Cha When you examine yourself, you always have to add some excuses to the name. What can nourish the stomach, detoxify and sleep well? There are a long list of reasons in it.

It’s just that Richard, who carefully prepared the afternoon tea, didn’t enjoy it himself first. Instead, he poured out a cup and handed it to the other side.

“Your Majesty Aragon, please!”

The person enjoying afternoon tea with Richard in the garden at this time was actually Aragorn,

Soon after obtaining the magic crystal mine, Richard provided the magic power for the ring as agreed, and Aragorn used some means to regain the light of day.

It is impossible to say how much Richard trusts Aragorn. In fact, no one wants to be surrounded by an old monster with unknown secrets and evil intentions, especially you. A secret situation,

But the alliance between the two is absolutely stable, because they both have the same powerful enemy, the God of the Rising Sun,

The hatred between Aragorn and the God of the Rising Sun was forged hundreds of years ago, and the two have an everlasting relationship.

At first, Richard just had trouble with the Rising Sun Cult, but since he muddleheadedly guided the Lieyang Qi through the door, he has naturally become a staunch ally of Aragorn, the kind of person who can’t even get rid of the relationship.

So in view of the stable alliance between the two, after careful consideration, Richard provided Aragorn with the magic crystal, released him from the ring, and even helped him find a temporary body.

“Well, the way you drink tea is a bit weird, but it’s more like the way those barbarians in Taixi used to drink it.”

Aragorn, who was wearing silk casual clothes, took the tea cup from Richard and commented.

“I also have some tribute tea sent from the south. I heard that it was the tribute tea that you personally granted me. It has been passed down for hundreds of years. Would you like to have a taste?”

“Forget it, let me just say this. My body only relies on the supply of magic power to keep moving. I can’t even taste it. Don’t waste a good thing.”


“Is there any news about the Rising Sun Cult these days?”

In the past few days after Aragorn woke up, except for asking about the affairs of the kingdom at the beginning, all his attention was still focused on the Rising Sun Cult. For him, it was up to him to solve the problem of the Rising Sun Cult and the God of the Rising Sun. The kingdom you create is much more important.

“Since the Rising Sun Cult in the royal capital was severely damaged last time, it has been very low-key recently, but there is something that may require His Majesty Aragorn’s help.”


“I have received reliable news here that some orcs are about to infiltrate into the North. If the enemy is too strong, I hope His Majesty Aragorn can take action.”

“Where did you get this news?”

“I have some special channels…”

There is no way to talk about this matter, so Richard can only deal with it.

“Hey, I am willing to help you deal with the orcs, but you also know my current situation. It’s good that I can move my body.”

“Look, how stiff this arm is.”

As he spoke, Aragorn raised his arm and waved it in front of Richard.

“If there were Echinacea in the South China Sea, this wouldn’t be the case…”

Mad, the old fox.

Richard secretly complained…


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