Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 232: Orc


On the snowfield, night falls.

The orcs found a leeward **** and set up camp.

No one here except the Snow Giant dares to march at night. It is already cold enough during the day. At night, the temperature in the snowfield can drop another ten or twenty degrees. If we don’t set up camp in advance and light a bonfire, I’m afraid it will Even a knight-level expert might freeze to death in a night like this.

“Tal, Hypatia.”

“Legion Commander!”

Originally, Tal, Hypatia and others were sitting in front of a bonfire eating some food. When the tall orc army commander came over, they all stood up to greet them.

Tal reacted the fastest. As soon as he heard the sound, he immediately put down the food in his hand and stood up. Hypatia was not willing to put down the food in her hand. She had to wait for Tal to give her a hint before she reacted. Come and stand up.

“It doesn’t have to be like this. I’m just here to tell you about the next action plan.”

“Legion Commander, please speak.”

“Sit down, sit down.”

The tall orc first sat on the open space next to the bonfire, then asked Tal and the others to sit down, and then said to himself:

“We are going to the Ironwood Forest soon. We don’t know anything about the human territory outside the Ironwood Forest. We can’t just enter the human territory like headless flies. We will need you to lead Tal when the time comes. Let’s investigate.”

“This is how it should be.”

“Understand the strength of the surrounding human lords, and it is best to understand the location and defense of Zhenbeiguan.”

“The strongest lord in the human north should be the Lanster family. The Lanster family suffered heavy losses in our last trial. If Thor hadn’t come to help, Piaoxue City might have been captured. The Lanster family should not be able to recover in such a short period of time.”


The tall orc army leader nodded and motioned for Tal to continue.

“However, the Hunter family near Ironwood Forest is worth noting. This family united with many human lords. It also caused a lot of trouble to the ogres at that time, and it has some strength.”

Obviously Tarr’s understanding of the situation in the North was still at the time when Grugash returned to the wilderness. He knew nothing about Richard’s strong rise, and regarded the Lanster family as the strongest family in the North. Think of the Hunter family as just some powerful nobles.

“Well, after entering the Iron Wood Forest, I will lead most of the troops to find a place to hide in the forest. You and Hypatia will lead some people to cover up and go out to the forest for reconnaissance.”

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander.”

“Have a good rest, I will have to work hard for you then.”

“You have priority in enjoying the food sent by the snow giant these days, and keep your spirits up first.”

“Thank you, Legion Commander.”

The tall orc patted Tal’s shoulder, which looked a little narrow, and said nothing more. After some encouragement, he turned around and left, and went to inspect other places.

“Brother, if there is mammoth in the food delivered by the snow giant tomorrow, remember to leave a hind leg for me. It will be so fragrant when roasted.”

“You will get whatever you say you want, and no one else will pick it? Do you still want to finish eating so much?”

“Why can’t we choose? Didn’t the legion commander just tell us to give priority to selection? Anyway, I can finish it.”

Tal was a little helpless and lowered his voice slightly:

“After all, we are half-orcs, so be careful, otherwise some people will be dissatisfied.”

“Who dares to be dissatisfied if I don’t cut out his tongue.”

“Brother, we are both imperial samurai, do we need to do this?”

Looking at his sister’s indifferent expression, Tal smiled bitterly and shook his head,

Thinking that she was too protective, Hypatia had not yet felt the malice towards the orcs from all parties in the kingdom.

Because there is no reproductive isolation between humans and orcs, the two sides naturally produced some hybrid species during the long-term war, which are the so-called half-orcs.

It’s okay on the human side. Although they are also discriminated against, the physical fitness of half-orcs is inherently better than that of humans. Even if they don’t reach the level of quasi-knights when they reach adulthood, they are much stronger than ordinary humans, a little bit stronger. By investing resources, you can steadily step into the threshold of a quasi-knight. Without being targeted by the Golden Dragon Kingdom officials, it is easy to find a way to survive.

The orcs in the Golden Dragon Kingdom are basically concentrated in the Western Territory. The terrain in the Western Territory is complex, deserts, grasslands and mines are mixed together. The forces of all parties are intertwined. Many times, they all rely on the sword to speak, and who cares? Discriminating against orcs,

Moreover, strong orcs can do well in the Western Territory. Everyone is willing to raise a few orcs who can fight and fight. Take Ross, the Duke of the Western Territory, as an example. There is an army in the Western Territory army composed entirely of orcs. In the Desert Wolf Warriors, more than a thousand orcs all practice breathing techniques. All of them have the level of quasi-knights. After receiving strict military training and being fully armed, they became the sharpest blades in the hands of Duke Ross. one.

The half-orcs who were born in the orc kingdom have a hard time. Not only are they discriminated against by ordinary orcs, but they are relatively strong compared to humans, but they are completely thin in the orcs’ side. Orcs become young adults. Almost as strong as a quasi-knight, half-orcs are bullied in the orc kingdom and are born to be inferior.

Only half-orcs like Tarr and Hypatia, who have reached the earth level with their strength, automatically become royal warriors according to the rules of the orc kingdom and have such status.

But with his strength and status, Tarr is more cautious in front of the real orc nobles. He knows that as a half-orc, there are many people in the kingdom who can’t stand it when he reaches this status.

Even the commander of this operation, Legion Commander Wu Zi, just didn’t show this disgust clearly, but Tal could still feel a little bit of rejection, but now that Orcs are needed, he did it a little bit Just a little superficial effort.

“Forget it, there is still enough food for these two days. Let’s all eat well.”

Tal and Hypatia are not the only half-orcs in the team. The dozen or so people around the bonfire are all half-orc elites selected from the orc kingdom, at least with knight-level strength.

Compared with orcs, half-orcs at least have certain advantages in detection. Although they are tall, most of them are no more than two meters tall. They are still within the normal human range, and their facial features are not that obvious. Wear a hat or a face mask to cover it up. , except for being stronger, there is not much difference from humans. They are not as eye-catching as orcs. It is naturally much more convenient for them to conduct reconnaissance in the North than orcs.

“Brother, you don’t care too much. If anyone dares to say that word in front of me, I will remove his head on the spot.”

Although Hypatia has a beautiful face, she can be considered a beauty even by human evaluation standards if her height and skin color are not taken into consideration. She does not have the ferociousness of an orc at all, but her temper can be called violent and not at all. Lose to the orcs,

Others may think that Hypatia is just saying harsh words, but Tal knows very well that Hypatia is serious about her words and her actions are never ambiguous. If he hadn’t stopped her a little earlier, , Hypatia’s war blade has long been covered with more than just human blood.

“Okay, okay, calm down your temper, don’t just think about your own happiness.”

Hypatia still had an indifferent look on her face, looking at the sky and playing with the dagger in her hand, but she did not continue to talk back. She was just a little irritable, but she was not stupid. She still knew very well. Regarding his brother’s difficulties, the two brothers and sisters are the representative figures of the orcs in the orc kingdom, and they need to pay attention to every word and deed.

As for the surrounding circle of orcs, they didn’t even dare to pick up these mouths. They were squatting silently by the campfire roasting some food, and some even started to change this embarrassing topic.

“The prey sent by these snow giants is really good.”

“Yes, the meat of this mammoth is so chewy.”

“These meat-consuming meats are not bad. I don’t know where these snow giants found these prey in this vast white snow field.”

“If the snow giants hadn’t brought us some prey along the way, we probably wouldn’t have been able to get out of the snowfield with the dry food we had on us.”

Tal and Hypatia fell silent at this moment, as if all their energy was spent on destroying the food in front of them.

Hypatia flexibly turned the short knife in her hand, shaved a half-roasted beef leg, and sprinkled some salt on it.

“Brother, give it.”


Tal didn’t refuse. He opened his mouth and bit off a piece of beef shank from the short knife. There was a high degree of trust between the two.

“I don’t know what conditions His Majesty and the Snow Giant reached to allow the Snow Giant to be so helpful. I thought it would be good to let us pass, but I didn’t expect that they even provided food along the way.”

“Don’t think so much about things you shouldn’t know.”


“Eat well and rest well. Don’t be so willful when you enter human territory in a few days.”

“Okay, okay…”

Hypatia responded perfunctorily, and Tal had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

The night sky in the snowy field was pitch black. When Tal looked up, he saw only endless darkness. This dark, empty and terrifying night sky made Tal feel a little depressed. He has always been regarded as the hope of the orcs, and he is also the minority group of orcs. Representative in the orc kingdom,

However, his long-term efforts only made him more and more disappointed and even desperate. Half-orcs have always found it difficult to live a normal life in the orc kingdom. Instead, they always have to worry about being purged by radical orcs. This is why Tal has always been cautious,

I heard that there are also many orcs living on the human side. I wonder how the orcs are doing there…


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