Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 231: Development and Intelligence


Suppress the Demon City

During the period when Richard was the boss, the changes in Demon City could be described as earth-shaking,

The Demon City, which was expanded from the original Helburg as the inner city, is a large city that can accommodate at least 300,000 people. The project is not small,

However, under Lin Te’s dispatch and a large number of kobolds who worked day and night for 997 and three shifts, the main part of the Demon City has actually become quite large, with residents already living in many areas. On the newly planned streets Popularity is already booming,

The outer wall of the Demon City has not been completed yet, but the residents living here do not lack a sense of security. After all, Lord Richard is a lord who has won consecutive battles and has the title of the strongest man in the kingdom on his head. The reputation gave these citizens enough confidence.

“Lord Lint, another batch of livestock has been sent to the wilderness to be processed. They also need some grain and dried tea.”

In the city lord’s palace, Lin Te felt a little sore in his head after listening to the reports from his subordinates. Richard was good at being the shopkeeper, but it made Lin Te extremely tired. A newly built city like Demon City had to rely on him in every aspect. Come to worry about it, you are in charge of urban construction and trade development.

As soon as Richard was preparing for war, he had to take care of logistics. Now it is even more outrageous. Richard led his troops to capture the flat area in the middle of the wilderness and planned to stay there permanently. Now the arrangements for the transportation of supplies in and out have changed. He has to be responsible. After the critical moment, he has to manage the wilderness. There are more and more territories.

However, although there are many things to do, the power in his hands is huge. As long as Richard doesn’t object, Lin Te’s words are still effective in this Demon City.

Only Richard has such a big heart, or is so strong and confident that he can delegate power without reservation.

“Grain and dried tea should be transported in as soon as possible. These things cannot be missing. The livestock should be properly handled and those that can be used as cattle should be kept first and sold as much as possible on the territory. The rest will be transported to the dock through the chamber of commerce and resold to Piaoxue. Go to the city and the valley,

The price must be tight, and the quantity should not be too large. If the price is lower than the amount we set before, don’t sell it yet. The extra part should be salted and stored. ”


With so many people stationed in the wilderness, the logistical pressure has always been considerable. Although the army captured many cattle and sheep on the spot, there was no shortage of meat for a long time.

But according to Richard’s instructions, food must be consumed every day. Even if it can be less, it cannot only be meat. Although the central wilderness is flat, the ogre also asked the captured people to reclaim some cultivated land. We have bought some food, but there is no harvest yet. We still need to transport it from the Demon City. Dried tea must be provided as daily necessities, and a batch must be delivered every once in a while.

“Lord Lint!”

Just as the administrative officer went down, another person came in. Lin Te recognized that this was a leader of Nightingale. It might not be simple for the leader to report in person.

“We have found some clues about Lord Richard’s assassination on the way to the royal capital.”


Lint was a little surprised that Nightingale was able to find some clues about this matter. It was not that Lint doubted the ability of Nightingale that he had established, but that Nightingale was just a local snake to put it bluntly. He had good intelligence capabilities in the North. But leaving the Northland is just better than nothing,

For things like Richard’s assassination after leaving the river valley, although Nightingale and Yusi were both investigating, they never found any valuable information. Apart from the Rising Sun Cult on the surface, there was only one Just some guesswork.

If the leader of Nightingale dares to come and report that something has come to light, it must be more than just speculation, but something important.

“It has something to do with Master James.”

“Oh, Master James is an inappropriate title.”

Lint didn’t seem too surprised that this matter was related to James. Instead, he corrected the names of his subordinates. These subordinates were loyal enough to Lint. However, it was not long before the change of court, and some of them had not made it. That’s all.

“What exactly happened?”

It is definitely related to James. Lint can understand why Nightingale can get the exact news so quickly. Northland was originally Nightingale’s base camp, and the Lanster family in the original Snow City was simply incomparable to Nightingale. The defenses are the same. Even if James did some cleaning up after taking the throne, it can only be regarded as superficial work. If he wants to completely eliminate Lint’s forces, especially the dark forces like Nightingale, with James’ ability, he can almost do it. Less than.

“The condition for cooperation between the Rising Sun Cult and Young Master James…James is that James believes in the Lord of the Rising Sun and provides convenience for the Rising Sun Cult to preach in the North.”

“James agreed?”

“Well, the condition that James proposed at that time was to let the Rising Sun Cult assassinate Lord Richard. However, the Rising Sun Cult fell silent after the assassination failed, and there is no new news for the time being.”

“Does Yusidu know the news?”

“The news from our line ensures that they will not hear any rumors.”

The leader of Nightingale spoke very confidently, but Lin Te suddenly felt angry.

“Oh? Are you proud?”

The leader was stunned. No matter how stupid he was, he could tell that something was wrong with Lin Te’s words. He hesitated a little and replied:

“This? Don’t dare, do it for Master Linte…”


“Idiot! Who do you think you are? Who do you think I am? Or the intelligence chief of the Lanster family? Or the fourth young master of the Lanster family?”

“Please punish Mr. Linte!”

The leader of the nightingale saw that Lin Te, who was usually almost never angry, suddenly got so angry. He felt guilty and quickly knelt down on the ground to apologize.


Lin Te took a breath after throwing a few cups. He was really fooled by his subordinates. Such a sensitive department dared to hide such sensitive matters from Yu Sidu. This was simply a shame.

Richard has absolute trust in Lin Te and fully accepts the power of Lin Te. However, there are many people under Richard who are dissatisfied with Lin Te’s excessive power. If Yusi finds out about this later, Li Cha will If Cha trusted him again, he would probably have a knot in his heart.

“Let Yu Sidu know about this immediately.”

“Yes, Lord Lint.”


The leader who just wanted to escape was stopped by Lin Te, but he could only stay where he was, looking at Lin Te uneasily.

“I will personally write a letter to Lord Richard, and you will let Fengniao take it to Ironwood City.”


Richard, who was far away in Ironwood City, was still attending some social events at the moment. He was going to stay in Ironwood City for a few days. Viscount Nader and other minor nobles who were the first to seek refuge got the news and came to Ironwood City.

Richard had to meet them specially, and the superiors also needed to entertain them. These small nobles who first took refuge in him, even if their role was now dispensable, they still had to act like they were buying horse bones for a thousand dollars.

Banquets, conversations, relaxation, guests and hosts enjoy themselves…


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