Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 23: School children and encounters on the road


Muqiao Village is one of the villages closer to Ironwood City. As soon as it gets light, the villagers start to get busy.

Spurred by Richard’s various policies, the villagers are now very motivated, fearing that they are too lazy to live a good life.

At this time, a vendor pushing goods was leading a tough-looking young man to Ironwood City.

“Little carpenter, you are busy.”

“Hey, good morning, old John.”

“Haha, Ironwood City School starts today. I have to send my son to school early.”


“Young shoemaker, you are still learning to make shoes from your father, why not go to school like my son.”

“I will send him there when I save some more money.”

“Send yourself to school early, and you will be successful in the future.”


Old John walked out of the village and kept saying hello to everyone he met along the way that his son was going to school in Ironwood City, making people envious and jealous.

Little John who was following him could not help but cover his face and blush.

Old John didn’t realize it, and still told everyone he met, for fear that someone in the village wouldn’t know that his son was going to Ironwood City to go to school.

Old John was originally a rich farmer in Muqiao Village. When Ironwood City was first built, he was smart enough to rent a small stall in the city. He did some business during the off-season, and in a few years he also saved a lot of money.

Although it is still the time of spring plowing, Old John left his farm work today and took his son to Ironwood City, because today is the day when Ironwood City’s official school starts.

Old John thought that he would never change much in his life. With a little cleverness, he could become a wealthy householder in Muqiao Village.

But people always have the ambition to make progress and change their lives. When it is difficult for them to have the opportunity to realize it, they transfer their expectations to their descendants.

Obviously, Old John placed all his expectations on his son. He almost regarded his son as more important than his own life when he got a son late.

While pushing the bicycle frame on the relatively spacious road, Old John would hum a little tune from time to time, obviously in a good mood. When he met some pedestrians on the road, Old John would say hello with a smile regardless of whether he recognized them or not.

This road used to be difficult to walk. It was not until the Richard period that the main roads were repaired as much as possible, making transportation a lot more convenient.

However, the journey was still long, and both father and son were sweating a little. Although they were slightly tired, Old John still asked:

“Son, come to the car and sit for a while. Dad will push you to school in Ironwood City.”

Little John looked up at his father, then shook his head.

“No, I can walk to Ironwood City on my own.”

“Hahaha, what a good boy, if you are ambitious, dad will have to rely on you for the rest of his life.”

The two of them were in a good mood, humming and singing all the way to Ironwood City.

“Brother, how far is Ironwood City?”

Old John was attracted by the sound coming from behind.

Looking back, I saw a simple donkey cart slowly coming up.

The driver was a middle-aged man with a grimace, and a young man lifted the door curtain and looked outside.

It seems that the young man should be the one asking the question.

“Hey, you two have asked the right person. Follow me. We will reach Ironwood City in four hours at most.”

Old John was even more enthusiastic. An ordinary farmer with no force or culture could save some money in a few years and become a relatively wealthy person in the village. There is always something extraordinary about it.

Old John is the kind of person who is observant and good at dealing with people.

At first glance, these two people look simple in appearance and dress, but looking at the young man’s delicate skin and calluses on his hands, it seems that he is not a working person. These days, it is not bad for a family that can support such a person.

Looking at the man driving the cart, the calluses on his hands are all over the tiger’s mouth. He looks like a warrior who has been holding weapons all year round. He looks like a guard. The two statuses are definitely noble to him.

The two of them just said something to each other, and Old John was able to crawl along the pole just in time.

The young master asked about the situation in Ironwood City, and Old John naturally told him everything he knew.

“I wonder why I am rushing to Ironwood City?”

“That is to send my son to Ironwood City Official School.”

The young master’s words really scratched Old John’s heart, and Old John started talking non-stop.

“Let me tell you, the official school in Ironwood City is amazing. As long as you get in, you can at least become a peace officer in the village.”

In Old John’s eyes, the Sheriff sent from Ironwood City was considered a big shot.

“If you study well, you can also learn the breathing method, join Lord Richard’s Flying Bear Army, and you may become a knight if you perform meritorious service in the future.”

“Oh? Will Hunter lead every child to go to school?”

“How can it be done? We only accept more than a hundred teenage children a year, and we have to pay for the children’s food to go to school. We also have to pay a few yen for tuition every semester.”

“It’s not expensive at all. Can Hunter’s children pay tuition and go to that official school?”

“How can that work? You can’t accept so many people. They have to pick it up again. Not only do you have to be able to pay the money, but you also have to be happy with your children.”

Speaking of this, Old John couldn’t help but feel proud again.

The young man looked at the tiger-headed child beside him. Then he bowed his hand to Old John:


“Hey, hey”

Old John just smiled happily.

The Ironwood City Official School was also a new thing created by Richard, who shamelessly appointed himself as the dean.

In this era, almost only children from aristocratic families had the opportunity to receive a complete education,

Perhaps some wealthy businessmen in big cities can afford to send their children there, but apart from Piaoxue City, it is hard to see them anywhere else in the North.

Li Cha’s establishment of an official school is equivalent to giving more people an opportunity to receive education, and can also cultivate some useful talents for Tiemucheng,

However, the cost of education was too high after all, so Richard did not pursue universal education out of touch with reality.

Instead, the Ironwood City government subsidized part of it, and the other part had to be paid for out of pocket. Such expenses were still unaffordable for many civilian families, but rich farmers like Old John, who got rich first, gritted their teeth and were still able to afford the tuition.

The official selection process only involves some simple tests, which only test physical conditions and simple intelligence tests.

The age limit is about ten years old, which was also set by Richard based on reality. In this world, more than ten years of comprehensive education is not worth the gain.

Ten-year-old boys are just in the stage of physical and intellectual growth. They learn things quickly. They can start to learn knight training such as breathing techniques, and they can also learn some cultural knowledge.

After a few years of study, you will be basically qualified, and you will be assigned to the military or administrative system according to your talents.

This group of children trained by government schools naturally have a greater sense of belonging to Ironwood City and the Hunter family, and are more at ease with them than those directly recruited from outside. It can be said that they serve multiple purposes with one stone.

With the continuous conversation, the young man almost got an overview of the entire Ironwood City Official School, and everything Old John knew was also revealed.

At this time, several people were approaching the gate of Ironwood City. After being inspected by the guards, they entered the city and prepared to go their separate ways.

“Brother, thank you for clarifying my doubts.”

Then the young man handed a color to the driver beside him.

A golden coin was thrown from the driver’s hand, and Old John quickly caught it with both hands.

When he opened it, he saw that it was a gold nugget. This gold nugget was enough for his annual income. Now it was just a waste of words, which made him feel a little unreal.

“Thank you, noble man. Thank you, noble man.” Old John responded and thanked him again and again.

The young man waved his hands silently and led the driver gradually away in the other direction.

Old John looked at the two people who were gradually disappearing, and carefully put Kinnar away.

Looking back at his son.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the official school to report.”

Little John followed his father slowly and said one last sentence.

“From now on, I will give my father a hundred gold nards, and I will never be able to spend them all.”

Old John was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

“Okay, daddy is waiting to enjoy the blessing.”

After saying that, he lifted Little John onto the cart and increased his speed.



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