Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 226: Surrender


“You said you can use magic crystals to recover from injuries and increase your strength?”

“Yes, I was injured when I was fighting with Monte, and I relied on these crystals to recover quickly.”

“What happened to those ice armors and ice spears you used before.”

“I’m not very clear about this, it seems like I can use it naturally.”

After listening to so much, Richard only had one word in his mind:

“Magical Creatures”

It’s okay to be able to rely on magic power to improve your strength, but it’s unusual to be able to rely on magic power to recover from injuries. When magic power appears in the body, you can quickly use magic. It sounds like a war weapon.

After thinking for a while, Richard took out a magic crystal larger than a fried egg and threw it twice in front of Man Gu and asked:

“Then you need this thing very much now, right?”

Man Gu stared at the magic crystal thrown up by Richard and nodded, his meaning obvious.

“What do you need me to do?”

Although Barbarian Bones does not understand the rules of the human world, there is no good thing in the snowfield that can be rewarded without effort. Now that the magic crystal has been completely controlled by the other party, it is impossible for the other party to be separated from him based on his size. His biological father for many years could not provide him with magic crystals unconditionally.

“The Ice Flame Tribe will work for me from now on. I will provide you with shelter and supply you with a certain amount of magic crystals every month. All soldiers of the Ice Flame Tribe from you on down must obey my orders.”

After hearing this, Barbarian Bones thought for a moment and then nodded and made a decision. Although the Snow Giant was huge, it had no backbone. Everything was for the survival and reproduction of the tribe. There was actually no other choice but to surrender to Barbarian Bones. .

“The Ice Flame Tribe is willing to serve you.”

Man Gu tried his best to stand up and salute to Richard, but Richard did not stop him. He paused for a few seconds and threw the magic crystal in his hand to him.

“Here! Recuperate well. You recover from your injuries first. I will let you know when I need you.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Richard didn’t wait long after throwing the magic crystal to the opponent. It was Richard’s decision after careful consideration to gather the Ice Flame Tribe.

Unlike the ogres, there is no essential conflict between Richard or humans and the snow giants,

Firstly, there is no human option in the snow giant’s diet, which is one of the reasons why Richard can accept him. The other is that the snow giant’s living environment is too different from the environment where humans live. Everyone Neither of them are interested in each other’s territory, there is no competition for living space, and there are no major conflicts between the two parties, so there is naturally a basis for cooperation.

There is no possibility of large-scale mobilization of troops in the snowfield. Just on the edge of the snowfield, Richard, wearing a thickened cloth mask, can feel some chill, let alone ordinary soldiers.

But the exploration of the snowfield must not be given up. According to the information provided by Gandolf, the only ruins of the mage tower that may still exist are in the snowfield. Richard must recruit a tribe of snow giants as agents. Explore the snowfields for him.

Small tribes like the Ice Flame Tribe are a good choice. Although the tribe is small, its leader Mangu is very strong and easy to control.

Furthermore, Barbarian Bone’s attitude towards the Ice Flame Tribe is also a guarantee. As long as he cares about the Ice Flame Tribe, the old and weak tribe members left on the edge of the wilderness can serve as a tie-up.

On weekdays, Richard can feed the old and weak of the Bingyan Department with good food and drink, but restricting some of their freedom of movement can be used as a bargaining chip at critical times. He does not have to worry about Man Gu and the few snows under him. The giant warrior left and never returned.

Two days later, Mangu’s injury has fully recovered. After obtaining the magic crystal, the injury recovered quickly. After using up the magic crystal given to him by Richard, Mangu’s strength has returned to its peak state.

Without the use of magic, he has the strength of a middle-level earth-level person. If combined with his magic ability, he can be evenly matched with a giant with a strength close to the sky-level level. This kind of strength will make him a top-notch powerhouse no matter where he is placed. .

According to Mangu, his strength has already surpassed that of small tribal leaders and is comparable to some medium-sized tribal leaders. After obtaining the magic crystal, he even has the confidence to challenge those ten-meter large tribes. The leader, the only one he thought was impossible to defeat was the fifteen-meter-level Snow Giant King.

But this is not the point. Richard does not need to overthrow the Snow Giant’s royal court. He is just doing some exploration tasks. With Mangu’s current strength, plus Xiaoman and a few Snow Giant warriors, it is more than enough. .

At this moment, Mangu, who had recovered from his injuries, summoned all the snow giant warriors and tribesmen together according to Richard’s order,

At this time, the Snow Giant tribe, including Mangu and Xiaoman, has a total of seven young and strong people who can fight, and dozens of old and weak people with average fighting power. The Snow Giant recovered quickly from his injuries, and these only suffered minor injuries. The snow giant warrior recovered in two days,

As for some snow giant warriors who may never come again, Elena and the champion knights have no habit of holding back on the battlefield, and they are still ruthless in this kind of battle with suppressed strength.

The fact that the Ice Flame Tribe can survive with so many good hands and feet is because Mangu surrendered quickly, otherwise they would have been wiped out if they had fought for a while.

The sun was very dazzling at this time, but I couldn’t feel the temperature of the sunlight at all. Instead, the whistling north made my face hurt.

Fortunately, neither Richard nor the snow giant here are afraid of the cold.

This time Richard did not specifically ride the Flying Dragon King to high places, but stood with Elena and several champion knights,

Man Gu and the Snow Giant warriors half-knelt on the ground respectfully to express their submission. Behind them were a large group of Bingyan tribe members lying on the ground. Although the half-kneeling Snow Giants were still taller than Richard and the others, this The attitude cannot be more obvious, and there is no need to strive for a higher physical height.

Although their strength has been restored, the educated Mangu and others are now quite sensible and are waiting for Richard to lecture them.

The way Richard lectured the snow giants was also inconsistent with that of human soldiers. Richard, who understood the traditions of the snow giants, did not do anything convoluted in his first lecture.

“You are all defeated!”

“Your leader has chosen to lead you to surrender to me!”

“My kindness is the reason why you live. You will fight for me in the future, gain my protection, and you will not go against my will from now on!”


Richard’s lecture was very tough, but the snow giants really liked it. When Richard spoke, the snow giants below already showed awe in their eyes,

Especially the snow giant warriors who participated in the battle before were even more docile when they saw the champion knight standing respectfully behind Richard and Elena recalling the previous battle.

Richard has always been accustomed to using kindness and power at the same time. Internally, he can be kind first and then force to convince others with virtue. However, externally, Richard is more accustomed to using force first and then occasionally kindness. Don’t lower the spring pressure too tightly. Yes,

The words of our ancestors still make sense. Barbarians fear power but not virtue. When dealing with snow giants, they should use dignity from the beginning and beat them at all times.

Looking like it was almost done, Richard ordered people to bring some cattle, sheep and livestock. In the past two days, the Bingyan tribe had almost completely lost its hunting ability. The few remaining prey lasted for a day. Many old and weak people had already begun to hunt. I’m hungry.

Now Richard ordered people to bring some food, which made many snow giants feel grateful.

“Thank you, Mr. Richard.”

Mangu, the leader, first expressed his gratitude to Richard. Words of thanks also came from the snow giants one after another, and Richard waved his hand.

“In the future, the soldiers of the Ice Flame Tribe no longer have to go hunting. All warriors are preparing to return to the snowfields to explore. The members of the Ice Flame Tribe will stay here, and I will be responsible for supplying their food.”

“The Bingyan Tribe is willing to fight for Lord Richard.”

“Okay, get ready. Mangu, you will set off with the soldiers early tomorrow morning. I will wait for your good news here.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”


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