Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 225: Complete


“Behave yourself and stand still.”

“Don’t move!”

“Here, give him some medicine!”

In the Bingyan tribe, a group of old and weak people were trembling and standing together in compliance with the orders of a group of humans.

It is said that they are old and weak, but except for the snow giants who are really too old to walk or are still in their childhood, most of the snow giants who have not come out to fight are actually quite dangerous. Their strength varies according to their physical condition. Most of them are between quasi-knights and great knights, and some can even display the peak strength of knights, so they must be guarded with extra caution.

It stands to reason that judging from the common sense of snow giants to judge their strength based on their size, these old and weak people should not be so honest when they see the group of “little dwarfs” that Richard brought with him. At most, they are just a strange-looking giant. It made them feel a lot of pressure.

But in front of them, Mangu was being carried back, Xiaoman was covered in **** wounds, and several members of his race were lying on the ground with no idea of ​​their life or death, making their minds very clear at the moment.

This group of dwarfs is not simple. The tribe has been defeated. In order to survive, it is better to obey the leader’s orders and cooperate with this group of humans.

“Sir, there are still fifty-three people in the entire Snow Giant tribe, including seven weak old men and children who have no fighting ability.”

A soldier reported to Richard after completing the count.


Richard nodded and didn’t ask any more questions. These snow giants might be a big trouble to others. After all, there are still many knight-level combat powers inside.

But Richard is not worried at all. Anyway, if they dare to act recklessly, nearly ten earth-level combatants and hundreds of knight-level combatants here can easily suppress them.

“Sir Richard, the mana crystal vein has been found.”

A spy came to report to Richard.

“Let’s go, take me to see it.”

Richard has not forgotten his main purpose of coming here this time. He came to this place with biting cold wind just for these magic crystals.

After telling Elena and Ron to keep an eye on this place, Richard led a few people to the foot of a hill,

There were several kobolds standing there at the entrance of the cave. Haba, who was wearing a blue cotton coat, was talking to several kobolds.

“Great Lord Marquis!”

The sharp-eyed Haba saw Richard and others coming, and immediately abandoned several kobolds, rushed to Richard and knelt on the ground on all fours.

In fact, Haba’s exaggerated respect made Richard a little bit disgusted, and even made Richard feel that it was a little detrimental to his own character. However, Haba, as a smart person among kobolds, is also established among kobold slaves. As a benchmark, Richard’s attitude towards Haba is still good,

Nasty and disgust are two different things. Richard nodded towards Haba, and then asked him to stand up and speak, otherwise Haba would have to kneel on the ground for how long with his licking temper.

“Have you asked what happened to these kobolds?”

“The great Lord Marquis…”

“Just say it.”

“Yes, sir.”

Haba finally became obedient and explained the situation clearly to Richard without any more unnecessary flattery.

The kobolds in these mines were originally sent by Grugesh to collect magic crystals. After the snow giant came, some of them escaped, and some were used as snacks by the snow giant.

But Grugesh doesn’t care about this, he still keeps sending kobolds here to mine magic crystals, as long as he can bring back enough magic crystals for his use. Anyway, the kobolds are eaten as snacks by the snow giants. He seemed to have nothing to do with it. It was simply impossible to fight the snow giant for the safety of the kobolds.

Until Mangu accidentally discovered the function of the magic crystal, these kobolds finally escaped the fate of snacks. Mangu directly intercepted these kobolds to mine for himself. Now there are hundreds of kobolds in the mines. at work.

Originally, when Grugesh found out that he couldn’t even get a single magic crystal, he would definitely attract attention, and the ogres would have to fight the Ice Flame Tribe.

But before Grugesh noticed the problem here, Richard had already sent him back to the arms of the ancestral god, so Barbarian Bones had safely occupied the magic crystal for more than a month. Until now, The mine changed hands again.

Although there are hundreds of kobolds inside, the output is not high. Mining of mana crystal mines is difficult, and the kobolds lack tools. Mining relies entirely on racial talent. Richard estimated that based on the current Production, this mine can only provide two or three units of magic crystals every day,

For Grugesh or Mangu, these outputs are more than enough, but for Richard it is just a drop in the bucket,

Buildings are needed, recruiting some troops is needed, magic troops are needed to use spells, and even indigenous mages like Gandorf are also used. Expanding production is imperative.

Fortunately, Richard was prepared. This time, Richard brought not only the army, but also thousands of kobold prisoners to speed up the collection of magic crystals.


“The great Marquis.”

As soon as he heard Richard calling his name, Haba subconsciously knelt down in front of Richard.

“From now on, the kobolds in the mine will be under your control. You will be responsible for collecting the red crystals for me.”

“Thank you, Sir Richard, thank you, Sir Richard! I will definitely complete the task!”

Hearing Richard ordering him to take charge of thousands of kobolds, Haba was a little excited and kowtowed repeatedly. A tribe of several thousand kobolds was a huge tribe in the wilderness.

He Haba has now become the leader of a large kobold tribe! Thinking of this, Haba’s tail almost went up to the sky.

“Don’t be too happy too early. You have to guarantee me the output, at least five times the original output.”

“Don’t worry, Lord Richard, I promise to complete it!”

Haba assured Richard while patting his chest.

Haba’s confidence is not unreasonable. Originally there were only a few hundred frightened kobolds here, but now the number has increased tenfold, so the amount of extraction will increase a lot,

At that time, it will divide the kobolds who go to the mine into groups, reward the group with more harvest, and then reduce the food for the group with less harvest, strengthen the work enthusiasm of its own kind, and then divide it into several groups day and night to meet the needs of the people. Load excavation, shouldn’t the output be so long?

Haba is a very clever kobold. He understands everything about managing kobolds in Demon City, and he can learn and use it to deal with his own kind immediately.

“You discovered the rare resource crystal X3”

After Richard took away the mana crystals he had previously dug outside the mine, he turned around and left with the others. He just needed to arrange some things without having to do it himself,

Although Haba was asked to temporarily take charge of this group of kobolds, Yusidu still left many people to supervise him. When doing things, Richard will do his best to supervise before giving trust. After all, some things are too costly to test. .

Doing things one by one, after dealing with the important matters in the mine, Richard was ready to see Man Gu, who was still recovering from his injuries, and ask questions. After all, he wanted to find out why the snow giant went south. It is also one of the tasks.

“Master Richard, Master Richard…”

Several guards thought about Richard and saluted. Several Crusaders were guarding the place where Barbarian Bone was recovering from his injuries. Not far away was the place where Zebul and other champion knights were resting. Even though Barbarian Bone was recovering quickly, there was nothing he could do.


Mangu, who was lying down recovering from his injuries, greeted Richard in a very respectful tone when he saw him coming in. This is the tradition of Snow Giants. Respecting the strong and resisting to the death in the face of powerful opponents is definitely not the tradition of Snow Giants. , The only way to survive for a snow giant is to accept cowardice and survive.

This tradition is slightly inconsistent with their size.

“I ask, you tell.”

“Yes, sir.”

Richard was not polite when he came in and started asking questions directly. Mangu also said everything he knew. Anyway, after giving up the resistance, Mangu didn’t have so many ideas. Everything was focused on the survival of the tribe, and the survival of the tribe was at stake. Celebrity people’s thoughts.

“Quest: The Mystery of the Snow Giant (Completed)”

Thanks to Mangu’s cooperation, Richard quickly figured out the ins and outs of the matter. From being driven here by a medium-sized tribe to discovering the use of the magic crystal, the basic context was sorted out.

The system also immediately prompted the task completion message.

The completion process of this mission is relatively easy, but the difficulty is not low. Although it is just an investigation, if Barbarian Bones hadn’t been subdued, he wouldn’t have explained it so clearly like pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

The combat power of a dozen knight-level warriors plus the combat power of two earth-level warriors. Before that, let alone defeating them, they had to walk around when they saw them. In the final analysis, Richard’s strength was getting stronger and stronger. The earth steps are no longer an obstacle.


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