Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 223: Battle of the Titans 1


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Hundreds of sharp arrows were thrown at the snow giant that was charging towards them for free. The quality of these system shooters is already good. Even second-level marksmen are capable of hitting the target with perfect accuracy in an ordinary army. In addition, the Snow Giant is tall and his target is ridiculously large, so there is basically no chance of these arrows missing.

However, the effect of this round of arrow rain is indeed not very good. In order to adapt to the climate of the snowfield, the snow giant has grown thick hair and a thick outer skin fat layer, and its defense ability against arrows is amazing.

The arrows of the second-level marksman can hardly break through their defenses, so they can only make them feel pain, which is better than being tickled. The arrows shot by the third-level great elf archer can barely break through the snow giant’s skin. , but that’s all. Not even a few drops of blood were shed, and there was no way to stop the snow giant’s actions.


A few white lights flashed, and the phantom shooters finally caused substantial damage to the snow giant after taking action. The attack power of these phantom shooters is almost as good as some fifth-level soldiers, and the damage shot by an arrow can reach the knight level. A full blow,

Although the arrow falling on the snow giant still cannot cause fatal damage, it can make the snow giant have some scruples.


One of the five white lights accurately hit one of the eyes of a snow giant. It was equivalent to a full-strength arrow of an ordinary knight, directly destroying one of the unlucky snow giant’s eyes. Blood flowed from the eye sockets,

The snow giant covered his bleeding eyes with a painful hand, but quickly and fiercely took his hand away and ran towards the charging champion knight at a faster speed.

These snow giant warriors, who live under difficult conditions and make a living by fishing and hunting, are fierce at critical moments. After all, when hunting, wild beasts will not show mercy just because you are injured.

Because of the tragic situation of this snow giant as a warning, the other snow giants consciously began to cover their eyes with their hands. The phantom shooters later failed to cause such direct damage, but under the concentrated fire of the five phantom shooters,

On the Snow Giant side, there was still a seven-meter-tall warrior who fell to his knees and lost the ability to fight before coming into contact with the champion knight.

“Buzz, buzz…”

The Rune Ballista also fired several giant arrows at the charging Snow Giants. The giant arrows fired by the Rune Ballista that could be used as short spears were much more lethal to the Snow Giants than the Phantom Shooter. A snow giant who was being cared for by a rune ballista was hit by three giant arrows in a row, two of which pierced his thigh directly.

The huge impact made it difficult to stabilize his body, and he fell to the ground before contacting the champion knight,

The rune ballista, a sharp weapon that can directly kill ogre warriors, is not so intuitive when dealing with snow giants, but concentrated attacks on one of them can still cause considerable damage, causing them to temporarily lose most of them. Combat ability.

But at this point, the attacks of the archers and ballistas also stopped, and the snow giant warriors and the charging champion knights collided.


Facing the seven-meter-tall snow giant, Elena, the leader, shouted angrily and used all her strength to activate the golden fighting spirit to directly wrap the war horse in the fighting spirit.

When the snow giant’s huge stone spear was photographed, Elena’s sword flashed from her waist, and the huge stone spear broke into two pieces, and some scattered fragments were completely blocked by the fighting spirit.

The Snow Giant’s reaction was not slow. When he discovered that the weapon in his hand was broken, he immediately clenched his hand into a fist and threw it at Elena.

However, the Red Flame Horse reacted very quickly and nimbly dodged the snow giant’s fist. Elena jumped up from the horse and stood on the arm that the snow giant smashed down.

The Snow Giant had already felt the danger at this time. Although the sharp sword light did not hit him directly, it easily split the hard stone spear in his hand. If it hit him, although he would The skin is rough and the flesh is thick, but it cannot be as hard as the stone spear just now.

The snow giant tried his best to retract his arm and wanted to throw Elena away, but the dazzling golden light instantly blocked his eyes.

Subsequently, a streak of blood-red color overflowed from the golden light, and the snow giant also felt a burst of blood.

“Whose blood is this?”

This was the last thought of the snow giant. The one-meter long sword was attached with fighting spirit and easily cut off half of his neck. Blood spurted out and stained the ground red.

Elena, who had caused this injury, quickly fell back on her horse, without a drop of blood on her body.

The situation of other snow giants was not much better. With the champion knight’s earth-level fighting spirit attached, the charging red flame horse was like a train running at full speed. Even if the champion knight did not dodge, the two sides collided fiercely and suffered a loss. It turned out to be a snow giant with a dominant size.

The reality is not a game. These champion knights with earth-level strength know better how to seize the opportunity to jump from their horses. In just a few moves, the snow giant in front of them is covered with **** wounds, and even slightly more serious ones will be covered in **** wounds. He fell to the ground and lost the ability to move. He didn’t know whether he was dead or alive.

Man Gu was stunned when he saw this scene. Man Gu is definitely a qualified tribal leader. No matter how he treats his younger brother Xiaoman, he is very responsible for the Bingyan Tribe and really takes the development of the Bingyan Tribe as a At this time, I saw that nearly half of the warriors in the tribe had fallen down, and a few others were seriously injured and obviously could not survive.

Looking at the scene, Mangu’s heart felt cramped. For this to develop normally, it would take at least ten years for just a few snow giant warriors to accumulate it.

As a qualified tribal leader, when encountering this situation, Barbarian Bones would have to surrender and take his people out of the hunting ground in despair to preserve the strength of the tribe. At least according to the tradition of the Snow Giant tribe, the party that surrenders and leaves will They won’t kill them all.

But now Barbarian Bones has a reason to fight. Those red stones are too important to him. They are the key to improving his strength. He must not be driven out of this place.


It was too late to care about the casualties of the tribal warriors. At this time, Barbarian Bones began to deal with the incomprehensible giants in front of him with all his strength.

As soon as the two sides approached, Mangu picked up the stone spear in his hand and struck it at the giant, hoping to take advantage of the length of the stone spear to strike first. The stone spear in Mangu’s hand was polished from the unique cold stone on the snowfield.

There was no iron civilization or smelting technology developed in the snowy plains, but relying on the unique cold stone, the technology of polishing stone weapons was developed to the extreme.

The stone spear in Mangu’s hand is thick overall, but the tip of the spear is extremely sharp. The sharpness is not inferior to iron weapons, and the strength of the cold stone is even higher than that of iron weapons.

Faced with Barbarian Bones’ prepared attack, the giant picked up the short thunder spear in his hand with one hand to block it.


Barbarian Bones held spears in both hands. He could strike with at least 10,000 kilograms of force in one angry blow, but he was pinned to death by the giant’s short thunder spear, unable to make any progress. There was an absolute gap in strength between the two sides.



Before Man Gu could react from this surprise, another giant with free hands came over and quickly attacked him. There was a large gap in front of Man Gu who was being attacked. He received a solid punch from the giant. ,

Not only did he fly backwards, but the giant also took the stone spear from his hand.


“Master Chief!”


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