Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 221: Return and Forward


Richard took the men and horses brought out from the Stone Castle and walked around the forest city again, taking away all the soldiers and horses that could be taken away,

Compared to Stone Castle, the situation in Forest City is even more distressing for Richard. Not to mention Long Ya, where he can recruit green dragons and golden dragons, and now even the conditions of the Forest Holy Land for recruiting unicorns are not met for Richard. Find it out,

In order to select a female elf hero who could serve as the lord of the elf forest city, Richard even asked Al, the half-elf hero who had already taken refuge with him, to find a group of half-elf girls who met the basic conditions and let him choose. Now, Richard I can’t forget Al’s expression at that time. He was looking at Richard with the eyes of a lustful ghost. Fortunately, Richard spent a few minutes looking at these half-elf girls and found that none of them met the requirements, so he let them go. After going back, I kept my character intact.

Richard had a headache when he thought of this. Although the construction conditions of Yunzhong City were difficult, there were traces to follow. The most difficult thing was to unseat the king and change his own avatar on the kingdom’s Jinnar.

But this holy land in the forest wants a pure elf girl to be the city lord, which is very difficult for Richard. Richard wants to use half-elves to make up for it, but he can’t find anyone who has the right gender and is still a hero. Sometimes Richard They would all stare at Al with evil intentions, thinking how great it would be if this guy were a woman.

Can’t think of a solution for the time being, so Richard can only pull his troops and rush towards the wilderness again. He had to deal with the snow giant matter in order to obtain enough magic crystals, and now he has more systematic tasks, and Li Cha can’t help it. Don’t worry. Along the way, the human soldiers in the castle and the elf soldiers recruited by the forest city were fine. They were not eye-catching, and the citizens of the Hunter family had long been used to seeing them.

The nearly ten-meter giant still aroused fear among the people. Richard had no choice but to summon the Flying Dragon King and fly a short distance above the giant’s head, displaying himself in the most obvious place.

In this way, the people of the lords took a second look and found that the giant seemed to have been following their lords submissively. They finally realized that the giants were among their own people. At least they listened to their lords. They should not be very dangerous. As for why their lords There will be a giant under his command. It can only be said that his lord is wise and powerful. Isn’t it normal for any kind of creature to worship under his lord? But even if he understands that the giant should be the new subordinate of the Marquis, these people of the territory They don’t dare to look a little closer like before. Before they are familiar with it, most people still have an instinctive fear of such a huge creature.

By highlighting himself in the most conspicuous position, Richard managed to eliminate the fear of giants among the people along the way and prevent riots. However, Richard found that he seemed to form a strange scene with the giants. ,

Why does it feel a bit like Kuafu Zhuri?

Shaking his head, Richard shook this strange idea out of his mind and continued to speed up his march back to the wilderness.

Although this time is not as fast as riding the Flying Dragon King when we came here, we are carrying system soldiers, and we can perfectly enjoy the bonuses of treasures such as knight gloves and magic boots. In addition, this is just an elite small army. The detachment marched several times faster than when they first went there. After traveling day and night for less than three days, Richard returned to the wilderness central plain.

The arrival of the giants also caused a small commotion among the remaining troops. Human beings are aware of the existence of giants, but the places where giants live are completely isolated from humans. Most humans have never heard of or seen them. past state.

On the other hand, the ogres and kobolds in the wilderness occasionally encounter the snow giants who hunt on the edge of the wilderness, and they still have a little understanding of this species.

However, the performance of the soldiers made Richard quite satisfied. Seeing the huge giant approaching, the soldiers did not run away. The commotion was just for the action of wielding weapons. In just a few breaths, many were still resting just now. The pikemen have already picked up their three-meter-long spears and started trying to form a formation.

There are also soldiers operating the bear hunting crossbow who have taken off the shield on the crossbow and are preparing to push it out.

Fortunately, Richard flew to a conspicuous position on the Flying Dragon King in time. Worried that the soldiers would not be able to recognize him, Richard pulled out the Vulcan Sword, ignited his fighting spirit, and unleashed tongues of fire with very distinctive personal characteristics. .

“It’s Lord Richard!”

“Stop, stop, stop!”

“It’s Lord Richard!”

Looking at the appearance of the giant, even Quill and Kerry were sweating in the past few breaths. Only Ron and Elena looked indifferent. They recognized what it was and naturally knew it. It must have been something made by the lord. He was still sitting calmly by the stove, simmering the mutton.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

The giant arrived at the edge of the military camp with everyone watching. Richard rode the Flying Dragon King down to the middle of a group of senior officers. When he got down, he started to give orders.

“Ron, Zebul, and Hardman are all ready to go with me. Elena, you are coming too.”

“Colen prepares the spies who will lead the way, and then asks Haba to take thousands of strong kobolds and set off together.”

“It’s an adult!”

“What about us?”

Although Quill and Kerry didn’t know what Richard wanted to do at this moment, they clearly knew that this was a military operation and wanted to hear what their mission was.

“You two lead the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army to guard the plains in the middle of the wilderness, then count the harvest, and keep the loot safe so that other ogre tribes will not take advantage of it.”

Of course, Richard’s arrangement was well thought out. The Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army are still mainly ordinary soldiers. It cannot be said that it is useless to take them to conquer the Snow Giant. After all, there are too many ants and they can kill the elephant, but it is possible after all. We have to bear a lot of losses. The losses of both armies are not low now. There is no need to go again.

It is impossible to move all these seizures at once, and Richard is also interested in the Feng Shui treasure land chosen by Grugesh. He wants to realize his rule over the wilderness, and the central plain of the wilderness can be obtained. Damn it, he didn’t want to find out that as soon as he left, another ogre tribe came here to cause damage and rob him of his things. It was also necessary to leave someone to guard him.

This time, he only planned to bring elite forces such as the system army and the Red Flame Knights as combat power. The reason for bringing Haba and a large number of strong kobolds was to be able to dig out magic crystals immediately. The Flying Bear, Tiger and Leopard Army would serve as Stay behind and rest for a while.

“You stay where you are and be vigilant and keep our loot safe.”

“Yes, Lord Marquis!”

After Richard’s order was given, Quill and Kerry could only comply, but they were somewhat disappointed in their hearts and somewhat regretful when they answered. For this kind of power that is on the rise, everyone in the power Everyone is eager to make achievements.

“Be careful. Although Grugash and the four major tribes are gone, there are more than just these ogres in the wilderness. If there is a problem, military law will be engaged!”

“Yes, Lord Marquis!”

Although there are still hundreds of thousands of ogres in the wilderness, after the death of Grugesh, they were completely reduced to a piece of scattered sand. Except for the four major tribes, which are better, the other tribes have completely degenerated back to the state of primitive civilization. , Kongyou is physically powerful but cannot pose much threat to the two remaining armies, but Richard still wants to wake up Quill and Kerry.

When they heard the word “military law”, both of them came back to their senses, and their answers became louder.

Li Cha saw that it was almost done, and after giving a few instructions, he rode on the Red Flame Horse and left. Because there were not many people who needed to be dispatched, in just ten minutes, the people he ordered had been assembled. The Red Flame Knights The regiment and the attendant cavalry sat neatly on the horse under the leadership of Hardmen.

The system army was even more speedy. It was completed shortly after Richard gave the order. At this time, the system army under Richard was:

Centaur Elite (305), Halberdier (320), War Dancer (280), Marksman (350), Great Elf Archer (144), Royal Griffin (184), Silver Pegasus Warrior (48) , Crusader (120), Phantom Archer (5), High Monk (33), Deadwood Warrior (33), Diamond Man (2), Champion Knight (7), Manticore (1), Giant (1).

Although Richard replenished his army for two weeks, due to the previous war, the losses of halberdiers, centaurs and war dancers were relatively serious. After replenishment, the number was still a little less than before the war. Even the cross The army has suffered losses, let alone these low-level arms. However, the number of long-range armies that are relatively well protected has increased steadily.

Most of the troops were brought with him by Richard. Only the Deadwood Guards were left in the forest city because they were more suitable for jungle warfare and had difficulty moving. After arriving at the Demon-Suppressing City, as an earth-level force, he stayed behind to prevent any accidents when the entire army of the Demon-Suppressing City came out.

Looking at the small but powerful army in front of him, Richard was full of confidence. What snow giants and strange changes could still stop my giants and the charge of my champion knight? You can still stop me…


With his sword drawn and pointed at an angle, Richard shouted:

“Let’s go!”

The army followed Richard in order and began to march. Only the thousands of kobolds hanging at the end of the team still looked a little timid, which was slightly inconsistent with the temperament of this army…


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