Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 22: The kingdom is decaying


In the elegant room, a stream of green smoke rose along the gap in the cup lid, and the tea in the cup slowly overflowed with a burst of fragrance. Lin Te sat up and took the tea to the side, tapped the cup lid, and tried to sip it. He took a sip, but the tea seemed a little hot. Lint put the cup down again and sat back down.

Sander was still standing aside, thinking about the meaning of Lint’s words.

Most people think that the fourth young master of the Lanster family is a loser who cannot practice.

But Sander knows very well how skilled and talented his fourth young master is. Sander doesn’t know how smart people can be, but some so-called wise counselors may be more like a joke in front of Young Master Linte.

Being born with a weak body can only be said to be jealous of talents. He has a strategy but cannot practice it. He is destined to be ineligible to obtain a title.

Although I can’t understand why Lint is so interested in a small Hunter Territory, Lint definitely has a reason for saying this.

“Sander, do you think the kingdom is powerful?”

“Of course, the Dragon Knight of Zhenguo can defeat all enemies of the kingdom.”

The giant dragon is the overlord creature at the top of the world’s biological chain,

The adult dragon has a body of nearly thirty meters, and its hard dragon scales are almost immune to most damage. Only some heavy special crossbow arrows have a chance to cause a little damage,

The powerful physical strength, indestructible dragon breath and flying ability make the dragon powerful,

Legend has it that only the ice giants who live further north of the Snowy Mountains have the power to compete with the giant dragon. Although the giant is far away, the dragon is something that everyone in the entire kingdom can really feel.

The reason why the Golden Dragon Kingdom is called the Golden Dragon Kingdom is that the royal family, Charman, started its business on the basis of the Golden Dragon. The founder of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Charman I, was a strong man who almost stood at the top of the entire human race.

No one knows what happened. When Charman was young, he traveled around the mainland and forged friendship with the Golden Dragon clan. During the founding battle of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, several ancient golden dragons brought more than a dozen adult golden dragons and green dragon heads. came for reinforcements and drove the orcs who originally occupied the central plains to the east of Longxing Pass.

The territory of the human race has expanded unprecedentedly, which of course has also confirmed the supremacy of the Charman family among mankind.

Every fifty years thereafter, a strong man from the Charman family signed an equal contract with the golden dragon and became a dragon knight in the country.

This is also the basis for the confrontation between humans and orcs and other powerful fighting races.

When Sander mentioned the dragon knights of Zhenguo, he also had a longing expression on his face. Men, who doesn’t have the dream of riding a dragon?

“Yes, the invincible dragon knights of the country, it would be a good thing if they are really invincible.”

Lint’s tone seemed to be a little disdainful.

Sant was even more confused.

“What do you think of the Jingbei Army?”

“Well-equipped and well-trained.”

“Then what do you think of the army in the southern valley comparing with our Jingbei Army?”

“Chickens and dogs are vulnerable.”

The Jingbei Army would also fight against the ogre tribes and kobold tribes in the wilderness from time to time, and they had quite a lot of combat experience.

“But to the north of the river valley is our Piaoxue City, and to the south is the central plain of the kingdom’s direct territory. It doesn’t matter even if there is no army.”

“Yes, even you think so. If the Lanster family wants to take over the river valley one day, they may not even be able to put up a decent resistance.”

“Master, be careful what you say.”

Sander was a little panicked after hearing Lint’s words.

The Lanster family is domineering in this northern land, and there is no big problem if they act a little too much, but if they really dare to touch the rich land in the river valley, the kingdom will never tolerate it.

“Oh, of course we won’t go to the river valley. If the orcs come again one day, they won’t abide by the rules like us.”

“We also have Longxingguan and Zhenguo Dragon Knight.”

“Success is a dragon knight, failure is a dragon knight.”

“Also, I heard that the House of Lords wants to change the title succession law. Maybe in the future, people who are not knights can be nobles.”

Speaking of this, Lin Te had a sneer on his face.

“That’s a good thing. The young master will also be able to get a title in the future.”

Lint shook his head and said nothing more.

It becomes increasingly difficult for Sander to understand what Lint means. After all, everyone has a different structure. Most people are bound by the times, and few can break out.

“That’s it, go and do what I arranged.”

“Yes, Master.”

Looking at Xander’s leaving figure, Lin Te felt a sense of loneliness for a moment.

“Alas, so what if you see everything clearly and how to deal with yourself when you are stuck in a situation.”

After thinking about it, Jingji thought about going to Hunter to pick it up in person.


At this time, Richard, who was in Ironwood City, didn’t know that he had attracted people’s attention. After a week of waiting, Richard had established and recruited swordsmen camp, and recruited all the troops who were refreshed this week. come out.

Richard opened his own panel and it has become.

Level: 4 (560/8000)

Strength: 10

Physique: 10.2

Agility: 10.1

Spirit: 3.9

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster) has reached the highest level, General Air Entrainment Technique (Intermediate Level), and Offensive Technique (Intermediate Level).

Army: Lancers (50), Archers (30), Griffins 12, Royal Griffins (5), Swordsmen (6), Crusaders (1)

After a period of training, the basic air-entraining technique has changed from elementary to intermediate. The four-dimensional attributes except spirit have exceeded the ten-point mark. You must know that the three-dimensional attributes of the average peak knight are only at ten points. Nod.

Richard has just entered the knight level. With the addition of level and breathing skills, his three-dimensional attributes are already equivalent to those of peak knights. The only difference is his own fighting spirit reserves. Currently, Richard is not doing well with this issue. As for the solution, the good Qi-Entraining Techniques were all in the hands of the great nobles. For a while, he couldn’t access that level, so he could only use this basic Qi-Entraining Technique.


At this time, the school grounds in Ironwood City were crowded. Under Richard’s order, new soldiers were recruited very quickly. Everyone knew that being a soldier under Richard’s command would mean good food and good treatment, and there would be rewards for meritorious service. Hunter received this People are very enthusiastic about joining the army. The officials responsible for recruiting can be said to have picked carefully. The two thousand people in this school are all the strongest young people.

“Quiet, quiet!”

Discovering Richard’s arrival, the officers on the side tried their best to suppress the noise of the new recruits. After all, they had just been recruited, so it took a while for the school grounds to become quiet.

Richard walked up to the stage and said some inspiring words as usual, which made the recruits below all blush, as if they were the next quasi-knight or knight.

Li Cha then ordered people to distribute the first payment on the spot. These things did not necessarily require Richard to do it himself, but Richard had to appear at the beginning to leave a first impression on everyone and let them know Their food and drink belong to whom, and whose orders they should obey.

After everything was completed, the officers took the soldiers to assign residences and get familiar with the camp. Richard is also looking forward to the vigorous growth of this army. In Richard’s heart, the growth of the Flying Bear Army will make him feel more accomplished than a strong army directly recruited by the system.



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