Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 219: The ambition of the snow giant


The snow is falling heavily and the wind is as cold as a knife.

Although according to the season, it should have entered spring at this time, the northernmost part of the wilderness and the snowfield has never been called spring, only colder or colder.

Although most creatures in the cold wilderness here are unwilling to stay here, it is still a little hot for the Snow Giant family. Although it is not impossible to survive, the environment is indeed not very pleasant.

At this time, the snow giants of the Ice Flame Tribe were barely giving birth in this place where the temperature was a little too high for them,

The Ice Flame tribe is only one of the smallest tribes in the Snow Giant tribe. There are only a few dozen tribesmen, and there are only a dozen young and strong people who can fight. Naturally, they cannot occupy any good hunting grounds, but they will not come to such a southern place. ,

Not long ago, a medium-sized tribe went south. For the Ice Flame Tribe, it was a powerful tribe with hundreds of warriors. The other party arrogantly drove the Ice Flame Tribe away from the hunting grounds and injured those who were not convinced. The Ice Flame Tribe had no choice but to withdraw from the hunting grounds and continue to move south. They arrived at the border between the snowfield and the wilderness to survive. Although the environment was a bit harsh, they could still find some food and barely survive this period. Hard times.

Compared with large prey such as giant oxen and mammoth herds in the snowfields, the prey in the wilderness are much smaller. For the snow giants, which are seven meters tall on average, it may only be enough to hunt a cow. It’s only enough to last for one day. People like kobolds who don’t have any meat can only count it as a toothpaste after dinner. If kobolds don’t always come to give it to them, they may not be willing to eat it.

Simply speaking, the creatures in the wilderness are denser than those in the snowfields. As long as you can endure the harsh environment, it is easy to find some food. If the climate here is not too hot for the snow giants, it can be considered a barely viable hunting ground. .


Several snow giants who returned from hunting threw the bison they carried on their shoulders on the ground. The hunting snow giants strung the hunted bison together with ropes, as easily as skewering several pheasants. Carry it back.

“Huo, today’s harvest is not bad!”

In addition to the head Snow Giant with several bison hanging on his body, the other Snow Giants who went hunting together also gained something. The prey in one place finally allowed the old and weak of the Bingyan Tribe to stay half full. As for being hungry.

“Xiao Man has always brought back a lot of prey recently, and he is becoming more and more capable.”

“Yes, during the time when the clan leader was injured, it was all supported by Xiaoman. Without Xiaoman, people in the tribe would have starved to death.”

Looking at the harvest, the snow giants in the tribe finally showed a smile of relief in the harsh weather. Although they were driven out of their original hunting grounds, life still had to go on. They didn’t have to go hungry after all. A good thing.

The only person in the audience who was not laughing was Xiaoman, who was the core. As a powerful snow giant eight meters tall, being called Xiaoman was a big deal in itself, and the origin of the name made him even more dissatisfied. ,

Xiaoman is the younger brother of Mangu, the leader of the Bingyan tribe. His parents gave birth to Xiaoman many years after they gave birth to Mangu. The snow giants’ weak cultural level prevented them from coming up with too many names, so they simply chose Mangu’s name. A word is added, and a small word is added in front to show the difference between elder and younger.

When Xiaoman was young, he didn’t realize there was anything wrong with this name, but as he grew older and became a warrior, he became more and more dissatisfied with his name, and even more dissatisfied with the leader brother above him. Compared with his brother Mangu’s name, he felt that his name was too sloppily chosen, and it almost didn’t look like he was his biological child.

Originally, Mangu was the leader of the tribe and the most powerful snow giant warrior in the Ice Flame Tribe. He was nearly nine meters tall. Even the leaders of some medium-sized tribes may not be able to defeat Mangu. Xiaoman’s dissatisfaction could only be solved Bear with it,

But now Barbarian Bones was attacked by the strong men of the previous medium-sized tribe and suffered serious injuries. After arriving here, he was like a waste, huddled in the camp and unable to hunt. He could only rely on hunters like them to catch some prey.

He, Xiaoman, has become the veritable strongest man in the Ice Flame Tribe. Why should he endure it? The Snow Giant tribe has always respected the strong, and its leaders are all fools with big fists. Now Barbarian Bone has not been driven down yet. It’s just due to inertia. Everyone is still accustomed to obeying his orders. After a while, some people will react. Sooner or later, Mangu will be kicked off from the position of leader. Even as the previous leader, he may not be able to live well after losing his hunting ability. Ordinary old and weak people are good.

“Send this to the leader.”

A handsome snow giant warrior behind Xiaoman prepared two buffaloes for Mangu as a habit. Originally, Xiaoman was cold-eyed and silent, but this time he had made some kind of decision.


The snow giant was stunned when he was called out, stopped and looked back at Xiaoman with some confusion.

“You took too much. The leader of Barbarian Bones did not participate in the hunt. Logically speaking, he should be the same as the old and weak in the tribe, and could only get half a portion of food. What you gave was two portions, which is more than the warriors who participated in the hunt. Too many, inappropriate.”


The snow giant warrior who was originally about to deliver food to the injured Man Gu wanted to say, “That’s your brother,” but suddenly realized something and closed his mouth. No matter who it was, he was already injured and unable to move. The man in front of him is currently the strongest warrior of the tribe.

“What Xiaoman said makes sense. The leader did not participate in the hunt, so he should not get so much food. He should give more to the warriors who can participate in the hunt.”

“I feel that Man Gu’s current state is no longer enough to be the leader of our Bingyan Tribe. It’s better to let Xiao Man be the leader.”

“Yes, Xiaoman is now the strongest player in our tribe. He can bring back so many prey every time, so it is most suitable for Xiaoman to be the leader.”

“We support Xiaoman as the new leader of the Bingyan Tribe!”

With a few quick-response leaders, it soon became a consensus that Xiaoman should be the leader, especially those who are old and weak, cannibalistic and soft-mouthed, no matter how much favor they have received from Mangu in the past, their nearest food source can be Most of them rely on Xiaoman, and their current survival is much more important than past favors.



Dozens of snow giants in the camp began to chant, and everyone already recognized Xiaoman as the new leader.

The title Xiaoman originally sounded a bit harsh, but now I can barely accept it.

“Brother Mangu, don’t blame me. When I become the leader, I will at least have a mouthful of food for you. If I were not the leader and waited for others to drive you down first and become the leader, I would probably starve to death.” ”

Just when Xiaoman excused himself secretly, raised his head and prepared to step forward to accept the position of leader, an inappropriate voice came from outside the crowd.

“You’re the only one who still wants to be the leader?”

This was Man Gu’s voice. Hearing this familiar voice, Xiao Man shrank instinctively, and then straightened up again. Man Gu was seriously injured and was no longer the powerful Man Gu. Why should he be afraid of him?


“Head, leader.”

A few people in the crowd shouted the word “leader”, and then they immediately shut up and did not dare to speak.

Seeing Mangu’s tall body approaching slowly, Xiaoman felt a burst of pressure for no reason. Then he thought that the opponent was not as strong as him now, so he mustered up the courage to speak:

“Brother, this is what everyone wants. Now that you are injured, I am the number one warrior of the tribe, so I should be the leader of the Ice Flame Tribe.”

“Oh, you think you are my opponent?”

Man Gu, who walked closer, asked Xiao Man.

When Man Gu came closer, Xiao Man realized that something was wrong. Man Gu’s figure was too stable, and he didn’t seem to be injured at all.

However, in this situation, Xiaoman could only convince himself that the other party was just bluffing. He had seen the injury at that time. Not to mention that he recovered so quickly. Whether he could stand up or not was one thing. How could there be no injuries at all?

“Isn’t it? Brother, you are so seriously injured that you can’t even participate in the hunt, why are you still the leader?”

“Hmph, do you think I didn’t join the hunt because of my injury?”

“That’s all, how can you give up if you don’t try and fail.”

After saying that, Mangu hooked his hands towards Xiaoman, making a provocative look. The meaning couldn’t be more obvious.

Seeing Man Gu’s contemptuous and provocative look, Xiao Man couldn’t bear it any longer. Regardless of whether the opponent was injured or not, he raised his fist and went forward.


The surrounding snow giants have already retreated. On one side is Xiaoman, the newly promoted number one warrior, and on the other is Mangu, the leader who has still accumulated power. They don’t know how to make a decision for the moment, so they might as well watch the outcome of their fight.

In anger, Xiaoman didn’t hold back at all, and punched his brother Mangu with a fist as big as a sandbag, hitting Mangu in front of him with tons of force,

The Barbarian Bones in front of him did not dodge and seemed to be planning to take this blow forcefully. Xiaoman knew how powerful this move was. Even the Barbarian Bones in his prime could not take such a hard blow, let alone the Barbarian Bones who was seriously injured at this time. Maybe with this punch, Barbarian Bones will die,

Thinking of this, Xiaoman felt a little unbearable, but now he couldn’t hold back anymore. He hoped that Mangu wouldn’t be killed directly.


When Xiaoman’s fist came into contact with Mangu, nothing happened as he imagined. Mangu stood in front motionless, and a palm easily grabbed his fist. The huge force prevented him from moving even an inch, and even gave him a chill. From the fist, half of Xiaoman’s arm was frozen.

What is this? Facing this inexplicable layer of frost, Xiaoman’s mind was filled with doubts.

“Is this all you have? Do you still want to be the leader?”

Man Gu looked at Xiao Man with a look of hatred for steel. This expression once again angered Xiao Man. When Xiao Man was about to raise his left hand to hit Man Gu, a huge force came from his arm.

Then Xiaoman’s entire body lost his balance. Mangu directly grabbed Xiaoman’s hand and threw Xiaoman to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw.


The huge impact made Xiaoman’s whole body numb with pain, and he huddled on the ground unable to move. Just one blow to Man’s bones made Xiaoman lose his ability to move.

“First, my lord, the leader.”

“Chief of Barbarian Bones.”

“Long live the leader of Barbarian Bones!”

The Snow Giant tribe is a place where the strong are respected. They value their own clan, but they don’t care who is the leader. Now that Barbarian Bones has shown their strength, they will change their clans without hesitation. This is among the Snow Giants. It’s a very normal thing.

Ignoring Xiaoman on the ground and the cheering tribesmen around him, Mangu turned around and walked back to his tent, only replying from a distance:

“Starting tomorrow, I will join the hunt again.”

“Just wait, I will take back the lost hunting grounds, and I will even become the new king of snow giants…”

On the other side, Richard didn’t know that such a wonderful thing had happened to the snow giant occupying the magic crystal mine,

After the celebration banquet, Richard took the Flying Dragon King and rushed to the Stone Castle alone. The harvest time had come, and the entire series of ogre tasks had been completed. Richard was looking forward to what rewards he would get. The Flying Dragon King took his place, and with the help of Richard’s two treasures, he quickly arrived near the Stone Castle…


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