Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 218: Inspections and messages


“Master Richard, Master Richard!”

Everywhere Richard walked, the soldiers would stop and greet him excitedly, their sincere admiration not concealed at all,

Not to mention, in daily training, they have been instilled with the idea of ​​loyalty to Richard. The army is also a place where the strong is respected. They have never lost a battle with Richard, winning consecutive battles. Next, it is quite normal to form worship of the Lord General.

Li Cha couldn’t help waving to the soldiers, responding to their enthusiasm. Several accompanying officers followed behind in a low-key manner, silently watching Richard’s performance.

“This time, each person in our team can share half of the ogre’s contribution. If it were replaced by silvernar, there would be dozens of them, right?”

“Look at your little potential, why do you want to change to Yinner? You can use your previous military exploits in exchange for basic breathing techniques, and become a quasi-knight in the future. Isn’t being a knight better than a little Yinner?”

“What about you, captain?”

“Hey, this time my military achievements are enough, I will change my basic breathing method to the steel breathing method. I heard that it is easier to advance to the knight after practicing the steel breathing method.”

Speaking of this, the captain, who was still scolding his soldiers for their lack of success, unconsciously showed a longing smile. He had already accumulated military merits in exchange for basic breathing techniques, and his strength had greatly increased after a period of practice.

Now according to the new rules of the Hunter family, he only needs to pay the price difference to obtain the Steel Breathing Technique. The military merits he calculated this time are more than enough to exchange for the Steel Breathing Technique. That’s a big expense, and the military skills required are much higher than the breathing method, so you have to save up early.

As for exchanging military honors for money? The rewards from the Hunter family are very high, but after a long period of subtle influence, the soldiers of the Hunter family have lofty ambitions and ideals. Soldiers who don’t want to be knights are not good soldiers. They didn’t have the opportunity before, but now the opportunity is there. How can we exchange military merit for such vulgar things?

Anyway, there is no cost in the military. The most you can do is send monthly monthly routines to your family. Many families who can afford them will even take the initiative to exchange the monthly routines for slightly higher-quality meat to supplement nutrition and assist in cultivation. ,

In short, there are very few people who are willing to exchange military honors for money, and they have even formed a correct thinking. Anyone who does not save up and exchange them for money simply has a problem with their thinking.

This kind of trend is also what Richard wants to see. If Richard is willing to promote the basic breathing method, there will be no resistance. With the current strength of the Hunter family, he can do something a little out of the ordinary, let alone the surrounding nobles, the royal capital Those big nobles have nothing to do with him, unless Richard now raises the flag to rebel and usher in the kingdom’s army with dragon knights to encircle and suppress him, which may be a bit embarrassing.

But the breathing method has been a precious cultivation material for so many years. If it is so casually popularized for no reason, it will not be valued by everyone, which will be very detrimental to future management.

Richard just followed the army’s rules and lowered the threshold for obtaining the breathing method, and the popularity rate increased. Although it would also cause many nobles to criticize, with Richard’s current status and strength, this kind of The damage that dissatisfaction can cause to him is not even scratching, so he can completely ignore it.

Under the system formulated by Richard, the channels for promotion are broad and transparent. In the past, most soldiers obtained military merits, but they still had to consider whether to change the reward to become a rich man, or to gamble on the illusory promotion. Now there are successful cases They are all placed in front of them, and no one is willing to exchange them for gold. Military achievements are precious, so what?

In this way, Richard saved a lot of money. According to the reward offered by Richard, if the military merits were exchanged for gold, it would not be a small amount. After several battles, if all gold was used every time, The reward is an expenditure of tens of thousands of gold. Even if the Hunter family’s financial situation is now good, the expenditure of so many gold is still a big burden. After all, the Hunter family’s finances still have Richard, the biggest Vampires have to pay a huge amount of gold every month to buy goods in the market.

The Breathing Technique is actually a costless transaction. For soldiers, the Breathing Technique is a precious cultivation resource with a value no less than real money and silver. However, for Richard, it is actually a costless resource. It’s something that you can have as much as you want,

Because of the transparency and accessibility of the ascending channel, as well as Richard’s intentional or unintentional guidance, the soldiers of the Hunter family were more willing to exchange their general skills for breathing techniques and cultivation resources. On the contrary, they formed a disdain for Jinnar. ethos,

The formation of this kind of atmosphere not only helped to improve the combat effectiveness of the Hunter family’s army, but also saved Richard a lot of expenses. The soldiers were satisfied that their military achievements were valuable, and Richard was also satisfied and did not have to pay for it. It can also make the soldiers work hard and improve the combat effectiveness of the army. It can be said to be the best of both worlds. No matter how much the soldiers earn, Richard will definitely not lose. On the road of being a black-hearted lord, Richard has gone further and further.

“Hey, I’m just asking, how can I exchange my military merits for gold? If I save a little more, I can also change my breathing method like the captain. When my strength increases, I can earn more. Military merit.”

The captain nodded with satisfaction after hearing what the soldier said. He didn’t want to have a coward in his team who didn’t seek advancement but only wanted money.

As for what the soldier was thinking in his heart, it’s hard to say. Maybe for a moment, he wanted to exchange for some property. After all, money touches people’s hearts. This is an unchanging truth. He just followed the crowd in order not to be fooled. People look down upon it, and it is obvious that choosing one of the two can only become a single choice.

“Master Richard is here, Master Richard!”

The captain, who was smiling and patting the soldier next to him on the shoulder with a cowardly look on his face, suddenly stood up in excitement when he heard the sounds around him. When he turned around, he saw the Lord Richard whom he admired not far behind him. place, even walking towards him,

After being stunned for a few seconds, Richard had already walked up to him. Only then did the captain react from his excitement. He hurriedly saluted Richard and shouted in a trembling voice with excitement:

“Lord Richard!”

The group of soldiers who were originally sitting around the campfire also stood up and greeted Richard.

Richard waved towards them and said:

“Sit down, everyone. There won’t be so many rules to celebrate tonight.”

After that, Richard walked straight to the boiling pot on the campfire. Looking at the solid pieces of mutton tumbling inside, he simply picked up a large spoon on the side and stirred it a few times. He picked up a piece and smelled it. After hearing it, I turned around and asked:

“Do you mind if I grab a piece of meat from the pot?”

“I don’t mind, I don’t mind.”

On Richard’s order just now, the captain, who had sat a third of his **** on the wooden pier, immediately stood up again and waved to Richard repeatedly.

“Sit, sit, sit, don’t be nervous.”

After the meat in the spoon cooled down slightly, Richard brought the meat to his mouth and took a bite. There was no feed or industrialized farming in this era. They were all pure green food. Although the fishy smell was a bit stronger, But the flavor of this meat is much better than that of Richard’s time. Even a picky person like Richard can still eat it.

“Not bad, not bad, come on, come on, you guys should come and try it too!”

Under Richard’s affectionate behavior, the soldiers finally relaxed a little and came up to share a piece of meat to eat, and sat in front of the campfire to eat.

“From now on, when you go out, you can tell others that you are brothers who have fished meat out of the same pot as Hirano Hou.”


Richard made the atmosphere lively with just a few words, and the senior officers following him couldn’t help but smile.

“There is no limit to the amount of meat tonight, everyone is open to eating, eat more!”

“Sir Richard, this meat is enough, but it is a bit lacking in salt and the taste is a bit bland.”

The one who spoke was a young soldier. Because the atmosphere was in place, these soldiers dared to talk to Richard.

“In two days, when we take over the salt ponds in the wilderness, there will be no shortage of salt. If you want to eat something salty now, we also seized a lot of bacon from the ogres. Do you want it? Want some?”

“No, no, it’s fine now.”


No soldier would dare to eat the bacon made by the ogres, because many of the bacon hung by the ogres can clearly show the characteristics of human limbs. Who knows that those that cannot be seen are from livestock? Meat or human flesh, thinking about it makes me a little disgusting.

At this moment, one of Coren’s spies came over, staring at Richard as if he had some news to report.

Li Cha stood up and said:

“Okay, you guys eat more, get stronger, and kill two more enemies next time.”

“I am willing to die for Lord Richard!”

“I am willing to die for Lord Richard!”

Richard walked out of the crowd amidst cheers, came to the spy and asked:

“What’s going on?”

“Back to my lord, the location of the mineral vein has been completely determined, but there is currently a problem. The snow giants that were originally described by the kobolds as coming only once in a while seem to have completely occupied the mineral vein. We found that the entire snow giant tribe stayed in People rarely leave near the mineral vein except for hunting, treating the mineral vein as a camp.”


Richard nodded, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous intention emerged in his heart. The magic crystal was considered a necessary material for the development of Richard’s power. Even if the King of Heaven was guarding there, Richard would have to find a way. Tear it up for him.

“Let’s go back to the Chinese army’s tent to discuss matters.”

“Yes, sir”


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