Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 217: Management and banquet


By the afternoon of the second day, after a day and night of pursuit, there were almost no traces of the ogres in the core area of ​​the wilderness plains. The old, weak, sick and disabled were piled up in large numbers, and in the end they were Richard provided a lot of experience, so that Richard was almost too far away from upgrading. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to wait until he went back and handed in the mission this time before he could level up again.

There are still many kobolds in the wilderness who have surrendered on the spot. Compared to the ogres, Richard is much more tolerant of these kobolds. After all, they eat less and work much more. They are high-quality labor and can be used well. Freeing up a large number of labor forces from places like mines and quarries.

The key point is that they are not that violent. Although they are tough, as long as they are subdued, their loyalty is okay and they are much easier to manage than the ogres. Therefore, under Richard’s order, as long as the kobolds do not take the initiative to attack the human army, There was no killing of kobolds here, which also resulted in the fact that in addition to the kobolds that escaped in all directions, there were still tens of thousands of kobolds taken as prisoners in the entire wilderness.

“Don’t move! Whoever runs will die!”

In a fence in the wilderness, a large group of kobolds are squatting in darkness. This was originally a fence used by ogres to keep livestock, but now it is used by Richard’s soldiers to temporarily imprison the kobolds. People are gone,

With the kobolds’ civil engineering abilities, of course these fences would not be able to stop them if they really wanted to run away. However, the kobolds were already frightened out of their wits and stood in the fence obediently, not daring to escape or escape. They bared their teeth at the humans again. After all, although they were tough-headed, they were not fools. Even their original masters, the powerful ogres, were about to be killed by these humans. How could they dare to resist?

In addition to some human soldiers guarding, there are also some kobolds helping to manage. Haba, wearing a blue uniform, is now standing proudly in front of the group of captured kobolds,

Compared to this group of dirty kobolds, the well-groomed Haba has an unparalleled sense of superiority in front of them. Even though Haba himself was just a slave digging the foundation not long ago, it does not affect his future. Show off in front of your fellow tribesmen.

“I am the kobold Qianhu officer appointed by the great Prince Richard of Pingye, and I will also be one of your officers in the future,

Being a dog for Lord Richard is ten times better than working for a vulgar ogre. No, at least a hundred times. As long as you work hard, you can be like me, with enough food and clothes every day. Good clothes, assigned to a separate room…”

Haba was on the side, using a language that the human soldiers could not understand, murmuring to comfort the kobolds in the fence. Facing the arrogant Haba of his own race, Haba often turned back, nodding and bowing to the soldiers who were staring at him. He looked like a slave, but he made the other kobolds in the fence envious.

The difference between Haba and them is not as simple as being clean and wearing some clothes. During this period of time, Haba ate well and slept well. He could also occasionally follow the soldiers to eat meat and fish, and he got a lot stronger. , the hair is also much shiny, and life is much better than that of these kobolds who follow the ogres.

Seeing that the training was almost over, Haba also stopped and left with a few soldiers. There was a celebration party tonight. Haba and several dog managers were eligible to participate under Richard’s notice. They almost had to prepare. .

It was naturally Richard’s idea to arrange for Haba to come to the kobold prisoner’s place and meet him several times a day.

Manage the kobold slaves, give them some hope, and set a few examples of how to live a good life. Richard will still do things like hanging carrots, which can not only kill their rebellious spirit, but also make them work harder than before. Pure violent oppression is much more effective.

As night falls, large bonfires are lit, and the atmosphere in the center of the wilderness becomes very warm. Even though the air is still filled with the smell of blood, many ogre corpses have not yet been buried, but who Do you care?

The soldiers happily slaughtered the cattle and sheep, set up the cauldron, and prepared a feast. Although they could eat well as soldiers under Richard and occasionally see meat and fish, but if they really wanted to eat meat, that would be too much. Impossible, but Richard, who had seized a large number of cattle, sheep and livestock today, was so brave that he told the soldiers to eat meat today, which was why there was such a lively scene in front of him.

This victory is of great significance. It can be said that in addition to the gains of seizing a large amount of materials, rescuing the population and improving Richard’s personal upgrade, it also has great strategic significance. The ogre threat in the western part of the territory has been basically completely eliminated, and the entire wilderness has been transformed. It is only a matter of time before it becomes the back garden of Richard’s power.

As long as it is managed well, the meat supply in Richard’s territory can at least increase several times in the future, not to mention the various possible mineral materials. Just a mana crystal mine is the lifeblood that is inseparable now.

After winning such a significant victory, it is appropriate to hold a grand celebration banquet.

In addition to the enthusiastic soldiers in the camp, Richard’s Chinese army tent was still very lively. In addition to Ron, Quill, Kerry and other senior senior officers who were qualified to sit, there were also Elena, Hard With all these new faces, there were almost a dozen people sitting in the tent.

Unlike the soldiers outside, these senior officers in the Chinese army’s tent naturally do not have to handle the food themselves. At this time, there is roasted mutton in front of them, which is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It is accompanied by rich seasonings and fragrant. It has already drifted into everyone’s nose, making people move their index fingers.

However, Richard on the main seat did not move, and no one below touched the food on the plate, they were all waiting for Richard to speak.

Li Cha, who was sitting on a high seat, picked up the wine bowl in front of him and gestured downwards. Everyone below, including Elena, raised the wine bowl at hand as if they had rehearsed.

“During this special period, we will let you drink tea instead of wine. Don’t dislike it.”

It is a rule set by Richard not to drink alcohol during the war. It is impossible for him to break it and slap himself in the face. The wine bowls at the celebration banquet were only filled with light tea.

Fortunately, none of the generals below are heavy drinkers, and they are not dissatisfied with the idea of ​​drinking tea instead of wine during the war. They all praise the Marquis for being wise and leading by example. Accompanying Richard, he drank all the tea in the bowl in one gulp, and then put the bowl aside very proudly, feeling like he was drinking wine.

Perhaps for most of the people sitting in the big tent, what they drink is not important, but who they drink with is the most important. If necessary, some of them can even drink with Richard through a few sips of tea. Feeling drunk.

“Everyone has made great contributions this time. According to the rules, the rewards you deserve will be much larger this time.”

“Thank you, Lord Marquis.”

Richard’s image in the Hunter Territory is that of a lord who keeps his word. Of course, no one doubts Richard’s promise. Some of the more impatient ones began to calculate how much land they could get in exchange for their merits. Or some better technique.

“Drink this cup again!”

Although no banquet and dance were arranged, the atmosphere of the banquet was still pushed to a climax by the reward promised by Richard. Especially Hardman, who had just joined the ranks, was excited to talk to many people at the table, trying hard to integrate into the whole group. among.

The banquet in the Chinese army’s tent lasted for nearly two hours. It was not until Richard was about to go out to inspect the entire camp that the atmosphere gradually cooled down…


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