Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 216: Harvest


As Ron entered the field with the infantry, and Quill and Kerry respectively led the flying bears, tigers and leopards, the battle was actually coming to an end.

They just rushed in to make up for the damage. After all, there were only so many cavalry. They could defeat these migrating ogre tribes in groups, but they still couldn’t kill them all. Rely on the last group of infantry to complete the sorting.

The Tiger and Leopard Army and the Flying Bear Army actually do not have enough troops at the moment. In previous battles, the loss rate was between 20% and 30%, and it is impossible to replenish them in the wilderness.

It stands to reason that it would be difficult for an army to maintain morale and combat effectiveness without a period of rest and replenishment after experiencing a 20-30% loss. However, the morale and resilience of Richard’s army are already higher than this. There are many armies in this era. Although the losses this time are huge, they are an army that has won many victories. It has not experienced many defeats and its morale has been low, so it dares to use it like this.


The soldiers are very motivated and speed up the pace unconsciously without being urged by the officers. After all, enemies like ogres with very high military merit have basically no ability to resist at this time, and most of them have been dispersed. No matter how strong the sporadic ogres are, they can’t fight against the organized human army. This is simply a waste of military merit.

On the flat ground in the center of the wilderness, there are endless sounds of killing. The lighting fire almost illuminates half of the night sky. Relatively small and weak humans are chasing and killing ogres who are much stronger and bigger than them. The scene looks a bit funny. .

Compared with the shouting human warriors chasing the ogres on the plain, there are still a large group of humans huddled and trembling in the darkness in a dark stone house and shack, listening to the sound of fighting outside but not daring to make any move. .

“Uncle Tom, the ogres and kobolds outside seem to be gone?”

A young man seemed to notice something in the darkness, and he was a little bit ready to get up and explore something.

“Don’t go out! It’s dangerous outside.”

But before the young man could get up, he was pulled back by the middle-aged man on the side.

“But there should be no ogres guarding the outside, so we can probably take the opportunity to escape.”

“Where do you want to escape to in this wilderness?”

Compared to the impatient young man, Old Tom obviously has many more ideas, and he can hear clearly what is going on outside,

Originally, these captured craftsmen could not go out easily. According to the rules set by the ogres, they made weapons and armors for the ogres in this workshop composed of stone houses and shanties. Their safety was guaranteed. , once you leave this place, you will most likely be killed by the ogres and used as food reserves.

Now the ogre craftsmen and guards in the original workshop have disappeared. Coupled with the movement outside, it is obvious that something has happened. It sounds like an army is coming.

But in Old Tom’s opinion, it was not appropriate to move around at this moment. Even if he ran out during the chaos, would he still be able to escape hundreds of miles into the wilderness and return to the Northland?



Just when everyone was frightened, the simple and rough door of the stone house was pushed open hard, causing everyone who was already in fear to unconsciously scream in surprise.

But the next scene made everyone feel at ease. The person who opened the door held a torch in his hand. Through the torch, it could be seen that it was a human soldier wearing armor, not a vicious ogre.

“Tap, step, step…”

More human warriors filed in later, and some crossbowmen quickly seized key positions and were alert.

“Don’t move around, just squat on the ground!”

The human soldiers who came in were not very gentle. The smell of blood from the Flying Bear Army soldiers who had just fought had not dissipated. Many of them still had bright red blood stains on their blue and white cloth armors. It looked particularly ferocious.

These humans who were kidnapped by the ogres were already in a state of panic. Naturally, they were very obedient to the soldiers who suddenly came in. They squatted on the ground obediently and did not dare to move.

“Sir, no ogres have been found in this place. They seem to be all humans.”

“Damn it.”

The leader of the troops was a capital commander. He fully thought that there might be many ogres hiding in this area to enrich his military exploits, so he was fully prepared. Unexpectedly, when he came in, he found that they were all humans. He couldn’t help but explode. Made a swear word.

In fact, the significance of bringing these humans back is much greater than that of chopping off the heads of a few more ogres. But who calls him a pure martial artist? What he cares more about is how to obtain more military merit. .

But now that the matter was over, he couldn’t ignore these people. After confirming that there were no ogres, he simply called for personal questioning.

“Who are you?”

“Sir, we are all kidnapped by the ogres a few months ago. Please take us home.”

“Please take us home, sir!”

As soon as the person who was called out for questioning said the word “go home”, the people below who had been shrinking couldn’t help shouting, “Who doesn’t want to leave here and return to the human world.”

“Stop, stop, stop!”

“What are you doing here?”

After questioning, the governor probably understood the situation. After understanding it, he was not happy with these people. These people actually helped the ogres to build weapons, armors, siege equipment and other items. This In his opinion, it was simply collaboration with the enemy. Fortunately, he was not a brainless and violent person. Although he was angry, he was not enough to issue some irreversible orders. He only had people report the situation here.

The morning light first appeared, after a night of fighting, everyone should have been exhausted, but the Chinese army tent in Richard was quite lively.

“Sir Richard, we have gained a lot this time!”

“Yes, there are millions of livestock alone.”

“If all these livestock are sold to the royal capital, they can be exchanged for hundreds of thousands of gold.”

In Richard’s camp, many senior officers sat together, excitedly discussing the gains from this battle.

The central part of the wilderness was originally the fundamental place chosen by Grugesh. It is rich in water and grass. It is not surprising that it can raise so many livestock. Most of the livestock are cattle and sheep, which are used for slaughtering for meat. There are also some large beasts of burden.

It is a pity that although the ogres belong to a nomadic civilization, they rarely raise horses. They mainly rely on pack animals for migration. Most of the horses as mounts cannot bear the weight of the ogres and cannot be ridden. They are used as meat. They are not as good as cattle and sheep, so there are no horses available in the vast wilderness.

But even so, it is definitely a rich harvest. It cannot be sold for hundreds of thousands of gold. Let alone whether so many livestock can be transported to the central plain for sale. Just such a large volume of goods alone is enough. If you put it into the market, the price will probably plummet.

But the Hunter family itself has a need for these beef and mutton to improve the lives of soldiers, and the amount of meat consumed by Richard’s royal griffons is also huge. With this harvest, at least for a long time , Richard no longer has to worry about meat supplies, and saves a lot of money.

“Lord Richard, our army discovered a large number of humans abducted by ogres during the cleanup process.”

“How many people are there?”

“At least fifty or sixty thousand people.”

Just when everyone was excited about this harvest, Richard heard another good news,

Fifty or sixty thousand people are not a small number. Moreover, there are a large number of craftsmen among these living humans. No matter how bad they are, they are all young and strong people who can work. They directly supplement the territory’s population and make the Demon Suppression City a lot more lively. Not to mention the large number of craftsmen, to a certain extent, the significance of harvesting the tens of thousands of people captured by the ogres is far greater than that of the millions of livestock.

“Give them some food and take good care of them.”

“Yes, sir.”

Richard’s thoughts are not as superficial as those of ordinary officers. In his opinion, these craftsmen working for the ogres are a last resort. With the knife on their neck, there is no right or wrong. Now that these people are in his hands, they are valuable assets, so he must take good care of them.

What? You said these people were stolen from other lords in the North? Sorry, since it was me, Richard, who rescued him, he is now a member of the Hunter family. It is still impossible to pay him back. There is no possibility of spitting out the benefits in this life…


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