Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 215: Thoughts and pursuit




The long sword attached to the sharp fighting spirit directly cut off half of the head of an escaping ogre warrior.

Hardman, who had just joined the Hunter family, was having a great time riding a red flame horse. The red flame horse was definitely the best war horse he had ever seen. There was no one. The shoulder height of more than two meters was higher than the original. The Westland Horse, recognized as the top war horse, is much taller. Its huge size, huge strength, not slow speed, and amazing endurance all make Hardman wonder whether the Red Flame Horse is a legendary monster or a horse. , fighting continuously from yesterday to today, if he had been replaced by an ordinary horse, I am afraid that he would not be able to run at this moment, but now the red flame horse under his crotch is itself wearing a vest, and it is still carrying him on top, and it can still run Flying up, he didn’t look tired at all.

He also didn’t expect that he would experience such a hearty battle so soon after joining the Hunter family.

Except for experiencing a battle at the beginning that was not considered difficult in his opinion, after all Hadmen had fought against the orcs at Dragon’s Breath Pass. Dragon’s Breath Pass was not just a gated city; Comprised of a large area of ​​fortress walls and terrain and mountains, the battle at Longxingguan is not just about defending the city. It is inevitable to have wild battles with elite orcs.

In Hardman’s view, these ogre warriors are even stronger than the orcs. Their individual capabilities are even higher than those of the orcs, but their organizational and command capabilities are terrible, completely incomparable to the perfect command of the orc army. , Orc commanders are no worse than humans. In theory, orcs are many times more dangerous than ogres.

However, the strength of the Hunter family also shocked him. The ordinary knights of the Red Flame Knights may only feel that the champion knights in front and Ms. Elena are very strong, but how strong are they? To what extent, on the contrary, because the strength gap is too large, it cannot be felt accurately.

But as a great knight with rich combat experience, Hardman already realized that these people were not as simple as great knights when he saw the champion knights and Elena in front of him. As for the combat power shown by Richard, , but in Hardmen’s eyes, it’s still normal, even a little weaker? After all, Richard now wears the title of the best master in the kingdom.

Not to mention these soldiers who are not weaker than the elite legions of Longxingguan, the combat power of the six earth-level soldiers alone made Hardman take a breath,

After the shock, Hardman quickly realized that with the strength of the Hunter family, the entire Northland may not necessarily be the end of the Hunter family. Later, he felt lucky for his decision and might be able to follow The Hunter family has reached a remarkable point.


Hadmen does not care about the consumption of fighting spirit at this moment, because the battle has become an almost meaningless chase. There is no need to be as cautious as in the battle around Dragon Breathing Pass. Now these The head of the ogre warrior was like giving away for free. He also had to accumulate more military merits to establish a foothold in the Hunter family as soon as possible.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Night has fallen, but this cavalry coming from the setting sun has no intention of stopping the killing. The scarlet eyes of the red flame horse flicker in the dark night, like a long will-o’-the-wisp

What Richard issued was not an order to defeat, but to kill as much as possible,

The ogres who originally fled thought that as long as it gets dark, the chance of escaping will be higher. At least in their understanding, most human armies are not good at night fighting, and even if they are good at night fighting The army, in order to ensure the order of the army at this time, will also gather the troops and will not spread out like this again.

Unfortunately, they encountered an army led by Richard. At Richard’s insistence, the Hunter family’s troops all consciously ate animal offal, and there was no problem of night blindness. Besides, those who came after them first They are cavalry, they are all considered elite and can withstand the test of night fighting.

Beyond the level of night blindness, the key to night fighting lies in the will to fight and the initiative in fighting. After all, there is no military formation, and there is no knife supervising the battle behind the back, and it is difficult for the officers to keep an eye on every soldier. Here, soldiers must have the spirit of active fighting.

Fighting will and fighting enthusiasm are also indispensable among the soldiers under Richard’s command. Needless to say, the soldiers and horses produced by the system are also well educated to the extreme in the soldiers and horses recruited and trained by Richard himself. The soldiers know why they are fighting. , The initiative is also quite high. Only the individual strength may be weaker than the elites of the Longxiguan defenders, but the fighting will is definitely among the best.

So even if night fell, the cavalry under Richard’s command still clung to the ogre tightly, giving it no chance to breathe.

And the Royal Griffins and Silver Pegasus Knights in the sky are not vegetarians. The Silver Pegasus Knights don’t need many. Even if their strength is only at the bottom of the knight class, they are still knights. At this time, they are basically among the ogres. There is no longer any combat power that can resist the knights alone. Coupled with the elves’ outstanding eyesight, their killing efficiency in the dark has not decreased at all.

As for the Royal Griffin, the vision is even better at night. During the day, those ogre warriors who still have the heart to resist may still be able to cause some damage to the Royal Griffin, but now Fanfan still has some resistance. They have all been cleared away in the previous rounds of one-sided massacres, and now there are only frightened guys left who have long lost the ferocity of the ogres.

The sounds of fighting, angry shouts, and screams, mixed with the golden cries of swords and swords, made a final noise that sounded like a beautiful piece of music to the ears of the winner…

Having been wielding the Vulcan Sword emitting two meters of tongue of fire, Richard was undoubtedly the most dazzling presence in this pursuit in the dark night. The Vulcan Sword spitting out tongues of flame was not only a weapon for killing, but also became a weapon at night. The huge torch illuminated at least a dozen meters nearby.


As Richard killed the last ogre warrior who tried to resist in despair, it seemed that there was no target left to stand on, and the cavalry units regrouped towards Richard’s Vulcan Sword,

It was already dawn, and the smell of blood on the battlefield stimulated the bloodthirsty Chi Yan to raise their front hooves, as if they had turned into predators and were ready to feast.

The ogre’s corpses were spread for nearly ten miles along its escape route, and the entire tribe that was caught up was almost completely destroyed.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on gaining 120,000 experience points.”

Although this battle was won easily, the number of kills was quite large, and the natural reward experience was quite generous. However, Richard now needs more experience to upgrade, and the experience gained from such a battle is obviously not enough. He levels up.

We still need to make some efforts, at least to eradicate the four major tribes together…


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