Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 214: Easy


As several kobolds were being taken away from the camp one after another, and when Coren was ordered to leave the commander’s tent, Richard spoke up to keep them here.

“Do you have any other instructions, Your Majesty the Marquis?”

“There are no outsiders now. Cousin Column just calls me by my name.”

Richard tried his best to speak to Column in gentle words. His cousin was originally bright and cheerful, but since he was trained by him as an intelligence chief and took over Yusidu, his whole temperament has gradually become gloomy.

After all, this kind of department that deals with private matters cannot be done without cruelty, and the temperament will always be slowly and unconsciously affected. In addition, Lin Te’s recent defection has brought about a person who is bigger than Yusi. The small intelligence organization Nightingale has doubled Column’s pressure. Recently, his actions have become more cruel and even a bit eager for quick success, which made Richard realize that something is wrong.

However, Column has not yet reached the realm. Now he can only be considered qualified as an intelligence chief. Some people who have been engaged in this kind of work for many years will gradually wash away this gloomy temperament and reach the realm of returning to nature.

The representative of this kind of person is Harris, the person in charge of the Black Prison of the Royal Capital. He looks kind and friendly to everyone, just like an ordinary wealthy businessman. It is difficult for people who don’t know him to imagine that he is actually the king of the capital. One of the most notorious people is Boss Dai with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Richard’s expectations for Column are still high, and he also knows the reason for Column’s recent change in status, so naturally he wants to keep him here to give him a few words of encouragement and comfort.

“Your Majesty, Marquis, etiquette cannot be discarded.”

The Golden Dragon Kingdom also pays more attention to the rules of the monarch and the ministers. Although Colen is also a member of the Hunter family and is Richard’s cousin, he adheres to this rule very strictly, or the Hunter family. The younger generation had long been convinced by Richard. Only Richard’s parents and two uncles could be more natural in front of Richard.

Richard knew that it would be difficult to persuade Colon by what he said. This time, he did not want to be polite, but really wanted to have a good talk with Colon, so he simply walked down from the main seat and took Colon directly. Sit down opposite each other so that the two of you can look at each other and talk.

“Cousin Colen still remembers us when we were young…”

The two of them were talking about military affairs at the last moment, but now they suddenly brought their parents together and recalled their childhood. The beating was so loud that Kelun was a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, it was Richard who was talking to him. , so that he can listen according to his temper.

“We grew up together, and the rain is in your hands. I am most at ease. Take it step by step and don’t destroy yourself.”

Colen just listened patiently to Richard’s memories at first, but when Richard reached the end he was a little moved. In fact, what Richard meant in his words was that he believed him.

“Rain and silk are the foundation, don’t be impatient.”

After a few more words of encouragement, Colon left the commander’s tent and went to arrange things. Although Richard didn’t make it clear, Colon could probably understand what Richard meant as long as he wasn’t stupid. Compared to Nightingale, Richard was still more He can trust Yusidu, which was completely established by the Hunter family, and he can trust him even more, who has the same surname as Hunter.

It seemed that he was a little distracted during this period. Kelen left the commander’s tent with a little relief and hurried to complete some things arranged by Richard.

Only Richard is left in the handsome tent,

It is certain that Richard trusts Yusidu more. There is a difference between closeness and distance between people. With this kind of old foundation and the sudden arrival of subordinates from the outside, Richard naturally trusts Yusidu more.

But for Lin Te personally, Richard quite trusts him. He came to Lin Te with his family background, and Richard is not an overly suspicious person.

I hinted at Column, but it was also a way for the superiors to let Column figure it out on his own. He could figure out much more than what Richard could tell by opening his mouth.

It was late at night, and the candlelight in the camp was extinguished. The discipline of the entire camp was very good. Except for the bright bonfire and the footsteps of patrolling soldiers, there was no unnecessary movement. Everyone fell asleep as soon as possible and was well-rested. Spiritually, the battle is actually not over yet.

On the second day, as the sun was about to set, a large number of cavalry spread out from the horizon where the setting sun was about to set, starting the last nightmare of the four ogre tribes…

“Kill! Kill!…”

The flat land in the middle of the wilderness was originally the core place chosen by Grugesh to radiate the entire wilderness. Later, it was the station of the four major tribes and the only place with a shadow of civilization in the wilderness. Now the shouts of killing were loud.

A very rare scene appeared in this core land of ogres, where the originally powerful ogre actually became the one being hunted.

In one day, the ogre warriors who were defeated on the front line had fled back to the tribe, bringing news of their defeat. With all four chiefs dead, the remaining tribesmen in the wilderness were almost like headless flies. A person with enough authority to lead,

Although the four chiefs took away most of the elites, there were still some people left for defense. When combined, there were at least several thousand young and strong warriors. It was impossible to kick Richard’s attack, but it caused some damage to Richard. Much more trouble and more casualties are possible.

But the current situation is that after a whole day, the remnants of the four major tribes have not come out with a unified opinion. Some are fleeing, some want to resist, and some are reluctant to part with some things and want to move away, which seriously delays their departure. schedule.

Now they are still wandering around in the middle of the wilderness until Richard arrives with the vanguard.


Because the ogres were not in any formation, and most of them offered sporadic resistance, Richard led the vanguard to easily harvest these originally powerful ogre warriors.


The flame wave of more than two meters swept away several ogre warriors who tried to stop him. After entering the earth, Richard’s strength obviously increased to a big level. Even the ogre chief could not block his swords. .

This evacuating ogre tribe lost the ability to resist after a slight charge by the cavalry led by Richard. After an ogre warrior and dozens of ogre warriors who came out to resist were killed, The entire migrating tribe fell into chaos.


More than a thousand riders rushed directly into the chaotic ogres with an indomitable momentum, as easily as a hammer smashing open a piece of cake. The ogres who were originally huddled in a heap fled in all directions. Dispersed towards the surroundings.

Many ogre warriors are still trying to resist, and they are easily crushed if they gather together. Counting Richard, there are already seven earth knights at the head of this cavalry. Even if these ogres stop to form a formation, they will be crushed. It would be easily torn apart, let alone being overtaken while on the move. The ogre would be even more unable to withstand such a powerful cavalry force.

“Spread out!”

As soon as Richard made a gesture, the cavalry behind him instantly divided into several groups and circled out. They were not charging into the formation at this time. Although the migrating ogre tribe had a large number of people, they had almost lost all their elites. Thousands of ogres were missing. The large tribe of demons is now just old and weak.

What Richard wants now is to increase his killing efficiency,

“Pass my command, take no prisoners, leave no one behind!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”


There are Royal Griffins and Silver Pegasus knights in the air also cooperating with Richard’s killing. In the chaos, these air units can easily kill those ogres that have escaped the large army, and better implement Richard’s plan. Order.

Richard didn’t set any standards that were higher than a wheel. If he were both human beings, Richard might not do things so absolutely, but for the ogres, they must be completely eliminated. This kind of Exotic species are cruel and fierce, difficult to tame, and cannot be assimilated, so you must kill them with a stick when you find an opportunity to avoid trouble in the future…


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