Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 213: Determined to win


“Are you okay?”

In the wounded barracks, Richard slightly supported Elena, who was obviously too exhausted and weak. Although Elena’s magic power supply relied on magic crystals, using magic not only consumed magic power, but also had a negative impact on the spirit. It was a kind of consumption. Fortunately, Elena’s mental attributes were not low, so she was able to bear it.

The magic power contained in a magic crystal is naturally not enough to treat this battalion of wounded soldiers. Elena can only control the use to save the lives of some seriously wounded soldiers.

But even at this level, the doctors and soldiers in these wounded barracks regard it as a miracle. After magic has been extinct for hundreds of years, these ordinary people have no idea about magic. I have no idea, and even most of the nobles don’t actually know much about it. Only some big nobles with long inheritance or huge power will understand it half-heartedly. Some top nobles or royal families will have one or two magic items that can still be used as inheritance. Things are retained.

“Long live Lord Richard!”

“Long live Lord Richard!”

I don’t know who raised the head. When Richard helped Elena stand upright, the soldiers in the wounded barracks began to cheer, but the person they were shouting seemed to be wrong. Maybe in their opinion, Since Elena is Lord Richard’s subordinate, naturally everything should be attributed to Lord Richard.

However, Richard was not shy or impatient. After listening to the cheers of the soldiers around him, he held Elena’s hand and raised it. After raising it high, he pressed it with his other free hand to signal the soldiers. They stopped.

These soldiers of the Hunter family could almost understand what Richard was trying to express in his gestures, and their voices soon became quieter. When it was almost time, Richard’s leader shouted:

“Long live Ms. Elena!”

In fact, everyone saw the scene where Elena was treating the wounded soldiers just now, and they were also grateful and respectful to Elena. Now with Richard taking the lead, the cheers started again, even no less than just now shouts.

“Long live Ms. Elena!”

“Long live Ms. Elena!”

“Long live Ms. Elena!”


“The Dragon of Light…”

Elena, who was enjoying the cheers, felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. She subconsciously wanted to pray to the Dragon of Light but was interrupted by the shouts of the soldiers. She stopped mid-sentence, and in the end she could only smile at the soldiers. Nodding, her left hand held Richard tighter and tighter. Elena, who was as brave as a man on the battlefield, was actually a little nervous now…

“Lord Marquis, there is news about the magic crystal.”

“Are you sure?”

The main tent is brightly lit. Compared with the big tents of the ogre chiefs, except that Richard’s handsome tent is more spacious and can accommodate many people for discussion, it is not as good as the big tents of the ogre chiefs in other aspects. Even Richard’s handsome tent can be called crude.

After Richard came back from the wounded barracks, he flipped through these documents in the commander’s tent, preparing to take a few glances before taking a rest. Unexpectedly, he heard Colen come in to report an important news.

“What specific situation can you tell me?”

Richard put the scroll in his hand back on the table, looked up at Column and asked.

As the intelligence leader of Yusidu, Colon does have an important task to be brought along by Richard in the battle, because Colon has been handling the intelligence exploration of the wilderness in the early stage. Although Colon’s ability cannot be said to be excellent. , but after Richard’s guidance and practice, he has become a qualified intelligence leader, and the early work done satisfies Richard.

“Lord Marquis, this is the information we just obtained from interrogating the kobold prisoners,

There are several kobolds from the servant tribe that were directly affiliated with Grugash. They once dug similar red ore for Grugash. After several inquiries and comparisons, we can basically confirm that they dug it for us. The magic crystal I’ve been looking for. ”

“Interrogate the kobold?”

“Well, those kobolds are outside.”

“Let them in.”


“Bring those kobolds in.”

As soon as he finished speaking, several doggy heads appeared outside the handsome tent and looked inside.

“Hurry in, the adults are letting you in.”

Just when the kobold hesitated, a burst of very strange words came from outside. To describe this voice, it was like the kind that Richard encountered in his previous life. He could speak some Chinese, but he couldn’t use the tone and his pronunciation was not good. The foreigner’s speech was not standard, but his voice was a bit sharp, which actually made it a bit awkward to hear.

“Woof woof…, hurry up, what are you hesitating about!”

“Woof woof…don’t kick me, they can’t move.”

After being urged repeatedly, this group of kobolds came in one after another. A total of four kobolds came into the handsome tent. Three of them looked like ordinary kobolds, with no clothes and unkempt appearance. But the last kobold was , was actually wearing a blue uniform that fit well, and the hair on his body was cleanly washed. At first glance, it was not the same kind of dog.

“The great Marquis.”

As soon as he came in, the kobold in blue uniform knelt down and saluted Richard in an exaggerated manner, and patted Richard’s horse in broken human language.

Although the words were quite lame, they succeeded in attracting Richard’s attention. He looked at Colon with some confusion. After Colon understood, he began to explain the ins and outs of the matter to Richard.

“When we, Yusi, began to explore the wilderness, we began to try to communicate completely with the kobolds. Since the kobolds can understand the ogre’s instructions, there is no reason why they cannot understand human language.

We tried to select some smart ones from the kobold captives to deliberately teach them human language. The results so far are pretty good. Haba is the best among them. Although his tone is ridiculous, there is no problem with basic communication. ”

“Haba is willing to serve you.”

Hearing Column mention his name, Haba immediately straightened his chest and returned to Richard.

“Tell me about those red crystals.”

When it comes to magic crystals, the kobold’s little mind may not be able to understand it. It is better to describe it more intuitively.

“My lord, they have dug that red crystal for Grugash before, and they all survived the digging.”


“What’s going on?”

In Haba’s voice, he relayed Richard’s question to several kobolds. During their conversation, the three kobolds clearly thought of something terrible. They looked frightened as they spoke. Apparently, they thought of The incident left quite a shadow on them.

“Great Lord Marquis, the three of them were digging red crystals for Grugash before, but there were huge humans in the area where the crystals were dug. If they encountered those huge humans, they would be eaten as food. They were the only three unlucky ones left to participate in the excavation.”

“Giant humans?”

With a moment’s thought, Richard understood what the kobold was describing. It was a creature on the snowfield in the northernmost part of the wilderness. It was a snow giant that could have the strength of a great knight as an adult.

Although the kobolds fled fairly quickly, it was still impossible for them to outrun these snow giants, which were at least six to seven meters tall. Once targeted, they would naturally become prey.

It’s a bit tricky. Although the Snow Giants have weak fertility and a small population, that is still relative. According to the limited information that Richard has obtained so far, the Snow Giant tribe generally has its own hunting ground, close to the wilderness. The environment seems not comfortable for the snow giant,

The snowfield is not a desolate land with nothing left. There are large herds of cattle and mammoths living on the snowfield, which are the targets of hunting by snow giants. The tribe of snow giants who place their hunting grounds in areas bordering the wilderness should be relatively weak. However, there are probably dozens of members in the weak Snow Giant tribe. Excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled, at least a dozen young and strong warriors can be produced, which is the combat power of more than a dozen knight-level warriors.

It’s no wonder that Grugesh would rather force the kobolds to die and try their luck than to drive away the nearby snow giants. It is not easy to drive away the snow giants with more than ten powerful knights, and it is possible. Bear a certain loss. Anyway, Grugesh’s demand for magic crystals is not large, and there is no need to mine it on a large scale. It is the most cost-effective way to send some kobolds to try their luck. The lives of kobolds are not valuable anyway.

But things are different here with Richard. Richard’s demand is more than a little bit greater. From the consumption of his subordinates, to the construction of buildings, and even the later recruitment of troops, mana crystals are used. The scattered points that Grugesh collected before would definitely not satisfy Richard’s appetite.

He must drive away the snow giants entrenched nearby, and he must win the magic crystal mine.


“My subordinate is here.”

Send someone to figure out the route to the mine. I need detailed directions.

“Yes, sir.”



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