Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 212: Heal and join


Elena held the red crystal thrown by Richard with one hand. The moment she took the crystal into her hands, she felt the magic power surging in it.

“Magic Crystal?”

“Well, with this you can use magic.”

Elena nodded without any delay and then held the magic crystal in her hand. Feeling the magic flow into her body from the crystal, Elena began to chant the spell softly.

“Holy light, healing…”

Then a magical scene happened. A light yellow light flowed down Elena’s palm and attached to the seriously injured officer.

“Cough cough cough!”

The other party’s reaction was quite violent, because it was his internal organs that were damaged before, and now he began to cough up blood crazily. This light seemed to be not healing but aggravating his injuries.

“Lord Richard, his sternum.”

Richard realized quickly and stepped forward.



Richard’s movements were quite rough. He broke his somewhat collapsed sternum cleanly and then reconnected it.

Although Richard is not an expert in orthopedics, as a senior martial artist who has been practicing martial arts for many years, he still has a good understanding of the body structure. He used very unprofessional and rough movements to accurately connect the collapsed part.

This low-level officer who was dying just now was so painful that he screamed out with sweat after being treated like this by Richard. I am afraid that the blow he was hit by the ogre was not so painful.

However, the effect was good. Under the influence of Elena’s healing magic, the officer stopped coughing up blood, and his face gradually regained some vitality. Although it was still pale, it was not the same as before. He looked like he was going to die at any moment.

“Take good care of yourself. You are not missing any arms or legs. Maybe you will have a chance to pick up weapons again.”

Elena retracted her palm and said calmly.

“Thank you.”

Richard also stepped forward, reached out and patted the other party’s shoulder. “Take a good rest. It seems that you will have to serve me for a long time.”

“I am willing to die for Lord Richard.”

After being pulled back from the edge of death, the other party was also a little excited. He was patted on the shoulder by Richard, and he wanted to get up excitedly. He saluted and was pushed back.

After a few words of encouragement, Richard turned around and asked softly:

“Is it enough?”

“It was very consumed just now. The magic power of this magic crystal was not full to begin with, but almost half of it has been consumed just now.”

Elena shook her head. She understood what Richard meant, but the injuries to internal organs like the one just now were not serious. It would take a lot of magic power to save the other person’s life.

“Save your life first. The whereabouts of the magic crystal should be found soon.”

Richard meant to give priority to the lives of some seriously injured people. Now there is nothing that can stop him in the wilderness. After he finds enough magic crystals, he can treat these wounded people. After that, Richard continued walking inside to explore and encourage some of the more seriously injured wounded.

Elena followed Richard and kept silently watching his back, and then nodded as if she had made some determination.

“Heroic unit Priestess Elena applies to join your team.”

Richard: “???”

This application to join the team came a little unexpectedly, leaving Richard a little confused. He turned back to look at Elena, and was greeted with a look of approval. As long as Richard was not stupid, he would not refuse, so he immediately agreed to Elena. Na’s application for joining the team.

Priestess Elena

Level: 8

Strength: 25

Agility: 22

Physique: 23

Spirit: 12

Magic: 0 (150)

Talent Skill: Angel’s Coming (Intermediate-Treasure Enhancement Effect)

You can summon an ordinary angel to come to you and gain all its combat power.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooling time: 1 day

Speciality: You can recruit one priest, one nun, and one fanatic each week. (After joining a force)

Skills: Monastery Breathing Technique (Master Level), Light Qi Entrainment Technique (Advanced Level), Reincarnation and Rebirth (can resurrect unnaturally dead creatures with intact corpses – cannot be upgraded), Holy Word Technique (Intermediate Level).


1: Light Magic Book (allows the hero to use any light magic when the magic power is sufficient)

2: Skill Pendant (forcibly upgrade the hero’s talent skills by one level)

Introduction: A follower of Elrath, the Dragon of Light, who advocates light and hates darkness. She is gentle, brave and kind. She has more chivalry than most knights.

Richard was able to check the opponent’s information after Elena joined the team. Before, he could only check it because he was in the tavern and took advantage of the convenience of the tavern. After coming out, he has been unable to see Elena’s status.

Look now, after these few days of fighting, Elena’s level has improved a lot, her attributes have also improved, and her air-entraining technique has also improved from intermediate to advanced. Originally, Elena was a master at the peak of the Great Knight. Now she is definitely on the Earth level, and as a Earth with a hero template, I am afraid that even Zebul and other champion knights are no match for her.

Richard originally thought that even if he got Elena’s approval, he would have to wait until the Dragon of Light’s temple was built before he could get Elena’s allegiance. He didn’t expect that happiness would come so quickly.

“I see your bravery and kindness, and Elena is willing to fight for you.”

After saying that, he knelt down on one knee towards Richard and raised his accessories with both hands.

Richard also reacted from his surprise, corrected himself, picked up the sword from Elena’s hand, and then put it on her shoulder.

“Fight for me, and honor you…”

After making a long declaration, this simple ceremony was over. Fortunately, the rituals in the two worlds were not very different. Richard did not get blinded and successfully completed this short and serious ceremony.

The reason why Elena chooses to take charge of Richard now is actually not complicated. She pays close attention to the management of Richard’s territory. According to current standards, it is not a benevolent government, but Ai Linna’s original continent has always been in a state of war. It would be good if the lords could make the people have food to eat. People like Richard who still consider making the people live a little better are almost extinct.

The look of hope on the faces of the civilians led by Hunter cannot be deceived,

Before, Richard showed his bravery on the battlefield. Elena’s standards are indeed not met. No matter how many masters protect Richard, a lord who can personally go into battle to kill the enemy can be linked to bravery. Although most of the nobles of the Golden Dragon Kingdom can meet this standard.

Now that Richard has used precious magic crystals to treat wounded soldiers, he has become the image of the perfect lord in Elena’s fantasy. He even made the decision before the temple of the Dragon of Light was repaired.

After Elena got up, Richard thought for a while and said:

“The Temple of the Dragon of Light can be built after this war is over, but it can only be built in the Stone Fortress.”

Although he didn’t know Elena’s thoughts clearly, Richard still had to explain the matter clearly. He didn’t know whether Elena had the idea of ​​preaching or not, and whether building the temple directly in the Stone Castle would dissatisfy her, but You still have to speak clearly,

This kind of thing is not a big deal in the Golden Dragon Kingdom. Although it is not as sensitive as the Rising Sun Sect, the impact is definitely not good, and Richard personally does not want a sect to appear in his territory. , if this thing is not used properly, the backlash will be very fatal.

“As long as there is a temple to serve the Dragon of Light, the Dragon of Light is a selfless god? It does not require faith and dedication. We, the priests, just admire its selfless and voluntary service.”

In Richard’s heart, these gods all need believers. Now he is relieved to hear that the Dragon of Light does not need faith. As for the other gods, Richard doesn’t want to ask too much, and then promises Elena the light to build the Stone Castle. The Dragon Temple can be built to be huge and luxurious, and it can be built according to Elena’s preferences to the greatest extent. Anyway, the Stone Castle is a system city, and it is quite empty now. As long as it is not preaching, Elena can build it whatever she likes.

“Thank you, Lord.”

Elena entered the state quickly and quickly assumed the role of her subordinate. Richard’s promise to build the Dragon of Light Temple for her was considered a gift.


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