Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 210: Promote


The battle lasted until the sun was about to set before it ended completely,

The **** setting sun covered the battlefield full of blood and corpses, seeming to amplify the tragedy several times. The rich smell of blood even made Richard feel uncomfortable, and he couldn’t help but cover his hands a few times. nose.

This battle is the largest battle since Richard led the Hunter family to rise, and it is also the most brutal battle. Although the two ogre chiefs Wuha and Ade have died in the battle, there is sporadic resistance from the ogres. But it lasted for a long time,

Not only because the ogres are cruel in nature, but also because this is a battle between two clans, everyone naturally does not want to deal with it. The ogres only have two options: fighting to death or running away, and there is no option to surrender.

And unlike the kobolds, Richard does not accept ogre prisoners. These things are difficult to manage and can easily leave hidden dangers. Even if they are captured as coolies, ordinary people may not be able to tolerate them. Richard himself was a little disgusted, so he didn’t accept the surrender.

At least more than 15,000 ogres were eliminated in this battle. It can be said that the main force of the four major tribes left by Grugesh has been basically destroyed.

Of course, the losses on Richard’s side were not small. Almost all suffered losses from the senior monks down, especially the weaker low-level units such as centaur elites, halberdiers and war dancers suffered the greatest losses. The royal griffins that were well protected in the past also suffered dozens of battle losses this time.

The biggest losses were caused by the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army on both wings. The Flying Bear Army’s old foundation was not bad. Until the end of the battle, the ogres were not allowed to completely break through the vehicle formation. The losses were around four to five thousand.

The losses of the Tiger and Leopard Army were greater. Although the quality of these warriors adapted from the River Valley Legion was not bad and they were transformed according to the rules of the Hunter Territory, after all, the time was still short and they had not yet They have completely taken root under the rule of the Hunter family. Unlike the Flying Bear Army, which is generally a young man born and raised in the Hunter territory, some of them have received subtle education since childhood, and their loyalty and fighting will are still stronger.

The performance of the Tiger and Leopard Army’s wing was not much different from that of the Flying Bear Army when the Ogres just started their onslaught. However, once they got into a tug of war and struggled with the toughness of the troops, the gap between the two armies appeared.

When there is a gap in the vehicle formation, the old foundation of the Flying Bear Army can make up for it without hesitation, but the newly adapted Tiger and Leopard Army inevitably suffered from heavy casualties, which eventually led to the Ogre. Successfully broke through the car formation and triggered a small-scale collapse.

Fortunately, the battle on Richard’s side ended at just the right time. If it had been just a few moments at night, the Tiger and Leopard Army would have completely collapsed. Even if Richard’s support was timely, the Tiger and Leopard Army would have been on the verge of collapse. The battle losses were as high as seven to eight thousand.

However, compared with the gains from this battle, these losses were worth it. When the last fleeing ogre warrior disappeared from the edge of Richard’s sight, the beautiful prompt finally sounded.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on gaining 350,000 experience points.”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

The extremely generous combat experience rewards directly promoted Richard to two levels in a row. At this time, Richard’s attributes have changed a lot


Level: 12

Strength: 28.9

Physique: 25.1

Agility: 27.9

Spirit: 10.2

Available skill points: 2

The attributes have been improved a little. In addition, Richard has a good foundation and has taken potions produced by the system. Some attributes have exceeded the limits of even a great knight.

At this moment, it might not make sense to ask Richard to challenge an earth knight alone, but at this stage of the great knight, Richard is definitely the strongest being,

Richard looked at his several skills and thought about it a little. Strategic skills, advanced offensive skills, etc. cannot be added with two skill points, and now Richard wants to improve his personal strength as soon as possible,

At first, he felt good at being in the rank of Grand Knight, but after his trip to the royal capital, Richard understood something. There are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world. In front of the Pope, he is still a younger brother, let alone the one who can influence with just a hum. Lord Qing of the Pope’s Action,

This time in the battle with the ogre, there was a slight sign that his strength could not keep up. After weighing the balance, for the sake of his own life safety, Richard used two skill points on the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique.

As Richard made sure to use the two skill points in the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Art in his mind, the status column of the Lieyang-Inducing Qi Jue changed from elementary to intermediate,

A scorching power seemed to gather between Richard’s brows in the **** setting sun, then spread to his limbs, and finally gathered in his heart.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Everything around him seemed to be blocked, and Richard felt that only the dazzling sunshine and the heavy thumping of his heartbeat were left in the whole world.

Now it is obviously the time for the sun to set, but there is a light in Richard’s eyes that is more dazzling than the sun at noon,

In the thumping heartbeat, a stronger force fed back after entering the heart. Both fighting spirit and strength were being strengthened by this force. This feeling made Richard feel so comfortable that he couldn’t help but exclaim. croon.

“Master Richard, Master Richard?”

Listening to the shouts in his ears, Richard gradually woke up from this comfortable state,

Slowly raising his eyelids, Ron’s face showed some confusion and worry. Although time seemed to have only passed in Richard’s mind for a moment, in the eyes of Ron on the side, Richard was already standing there with his eyes closed like this. After standing for more than ten minutes, I couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

“Are you okay?”

“Well, it’s okay!”

Richard waved his hand to Ron casually, indicating not to worry. Not only was he fine now, but he felt very good.

Lieyang Qi Entrainment is definitely the top level Qi Entrainment Art that can come into contact with the law. From the elementary to the intermediate level, Richard’s fighting energy volume and intensity have been upgraded to the level of the earth’s intermediate level. If combined with Richard’s solid foundation With the Vulcan Sword, even Richard, the pinnacle of the earth, would be able to fight.

After advancing to the next level, Richard’s fighting energy, which had been almost consumed, returned to its full state. He tried to use his fighting energy to activate the Fire God Sword with all his strength. The flame wave surged out more than one meter away, and with the fire The length of the Divine Sword itself, the attack range of the Fire Divine Sword has reached more than two meters, which is comparable to a shorter spear.

And the lengthened part has no weight, no matter how much it is lengthened, it will not affect its weight,

Richard even wondered if, as his strength improved, the Vulcan Sword would have a chance to directly emit a wave of flames of more than ten meters.

When the time comes, you will be riding directly on the dragon, holding a ten-meter-long Vulcan Sword in your hand, which will be much more impressive than any dragon spear.

Of course, the gain this time is not just as simple as two levels of experience,

The system prompt sounded again,

“Congratulations on completing the task, please claim the reward as soon as possible…”


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