Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 206: Black Man and the Little Stonemason


“Six hundred steps!”

“Five hundred steps!”

“Bear hunting crossbow, release!”

More than a dozen two-meter-long giant arrows flew towards the ogre army in the distance. The maximum range of the bear hunting crossbow can reach a thousand steps, but at a distance of a thousand steps, not only the power is greatly reduced, but the accuracy is also reduced. There is no guarantee that the most effective range is still within 500 steps.

Not only is the shot accurate at this distance, but it is also powerful. No matter how hard the ogre’s thick-skinned armor hits him, he will immediately fall to his knees.


The giant arrows pierced into the pile of ogres, and a sound of armor piercing the flesh was heard. Because the ogres were in a dense formation, the accuracy of the bear hunting crossbows was relatively high, and almost every giant arrow caused damage to the ogres. Casualties of human demons,

The luckier ones will have their heads, heart and other vital parts smashed directly, and they will immediately fall to the ground and die without suffering too much pain. The unlucky ones will have their arms, thighs, or lower body parts shattered. Although he cannot be saved under these conditions, the ogre can survive for a long time with his vitality. The longer he lives, the more pain he will suffer.

The deaths of more than a dozen companions could not shake the progress of the ogre army. On the contrary, more ogres were aroused by the smell of blood and screams.

The ogres are a semi-civilized race, and they still have some characteristics of beasts. This problem of becoming jealous when smelling blood has not completely subsided.

In the Flying Bear Army formation on the other side, more than a dozen bear-hunting crossbows are still being reloaded. Several soldiers around are moving very quickly. It is obvious that they have been trained for a long time and the reloading steps are quite skillful. They have to catch up with the food. When the human-demonic army approaches, fire another round.

On the front chariot, the crossbowman has completed the first loading, and the crossbow is standing in front of the baffle, waiting for the order to launch,

“Hey, little mason, are you nervous?”

“No, no!”

On a chariot, Heifu, the commander of the chariot, was holding a heavy weapon and observing the four men on the chariot.

The commanders of these chariots are basically veterans like Heifu who are armed with heavy weapons and ready to fight hand-to-hand with ogres at any time. They are all elites with the richest combat experience and have achieved success in breathing techniques.

It is most suitable for them to serve as the captain. The little stonemason Heifu calls is actually not small at all. He is also a strong man of 1.85 meters. He and Heifu are from the same village, because he is His father was a stonemason, so Hei Fu habitually called him the little stonemason.

The little mason looks tall and strong, but he is actually a new soldier. He just has some strength and can complete the winding of the strong crossbow independently, so he gloriously becomes a strong crossbowman.

Anyway, crossbows do not require much training. After a month or two of rigorous training, you will be a qualified crossbowman. At this time, you are also placed on a chariot and become a member of the Flying Bear Army. The first line of defense,

Obviously, the little mason who has never experienced fighting on the battlefield is a little nervous when facing the menacing ogre. No matter how well he usually trains, his hands and feet can’t help but feel weak now, but he still insists on speaking. Just don’t recognize it.

“Aren’t you nervous? Look how your hands are shaking. The ogres haven’t come up yet! If you hadn’t been marching in the wilderness these days, I would have thought you were going to some wandering house with your salary. I have been working hard all night.”

“When the ogre rushes up, I will be the one to attack you, so you are in a hurry!”

At this time, most of the people in the procession couldn’t make any sense, and they often used swear words and dirty jokes. But Hei Fu’s scolding actually made the little stonemason’s hands stop trembling, and he seemed to have relaxed a little.

“On weekdays, we eat from Lord Richard, drink from Lord Richard, and eat dry food every day. We have plenty of meat every week, and the rewards are never less. Even if we die in battle, Lord Richard will take care of our wives, children, and children at home. , Even if you risk your life today, you have to resist me!”

Heifu has a quick mind and has heard a lot of truths from the lecturer. Now he is studying and applying some of the truths he heard in daily life to mobilize his four soldiers before the war.

“But I haven’t married a wife yet, let alone a child. If I die, the pension given by Mr. Richard will be all at the expense of my brother.”

After hearing Hei Fu’s simple lecture, the others responded in a dignified manner. Only the little mason turned his head and stared at Hei Fu with a sad face.

Facing the disrespectful little mason, Heifu glared back fiercely. Just when he was about to curse a few more words, the loud military order sounded again, interrupting Heifu’s scolding.

The little mason quickly turned his head, holding the crossbow in his hand tightly and fixing it on the baffle, staring intently at the approaching ogre in front of him,

To be selected as a crossbowman, the little mason not only has a strong body, but also has good eyesight. From a long distance, he can roughly see the face of the ogre in the front row,

Now that he was staring at the ogre’s ugly face more and more clearly, the little mason was not so nervous. He held the crossbow steadily with both hands, and all he could think about was the ugly face of the ogre. Give him a slap on the face, it’s really ugly.

“Two hundred steps!”

“One hundred and fifty steps!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

When the firing order was given, hundreds of crossbow arrows were fired from dozens of tanks, making a low buzzing sound,

Because this time the target was the taller ogre warrior, the kobolds attacking at the same time were not hit.

On the contrary, dozens of ogre warriors were penetrated by crossbows and fell to the ground.

The power of these crossbows has exceeded the arrows fired by Richard’s sharpshooters,

If the rate of fire and accuracy are not considered, the power of these crossbows is much stronger than the arrows shot by the great elf archers,

Even if it is shot at the thickest chest of the ogre’s armor, it can directly break through the armor and penetrate into the heart.

“Quick, quick, quick! Reload!”

The little mason who entered the state immediately placed the empty crossbow vertically on the ground, raised his foot and stepped on a slot. After pressing the crossbow arrow into the slot, he pulled hard with both hands and completed the re-stringing perfectly. Then he immediately placed the crossbow on the baffle.

“Get ready!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

This time the distance was shorter. The ogres in the front row were only a few dozen steps away from the chariot formation. The blood splashed after the arrow penetrated the flesh seemed to have almost spilled onto the chariot. ,

The little mason finally got what he wanted. A crossbow bolt directly hit the ugly front face of an ogre that made him feel sick. He watched the arrow directly smash the ogre’s facial bones. , when a scene of red and white things came out of his mind, the little mason actually felt a little happy in his heart.


“Lancers prepare!”

“Heavy preparations!”




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