Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 205: Defense 2


“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

The Flying Bear Army still maintains a certain number of ordinary archers. Although these arrows have little effect on ogres, they are not very effective when used to harvest kobolds.

As two rounds of thousands of arrows were thrown out, at least hundreds of kobolds were nailed to death on the ground,

The crossbowmen in the first row also stepped on the crossbow with both hands and put the crossbow on the iron plate in front of them to fix it.

These powerful crossbows were also specially built for this battle. Since Richard found that ordinary bows and arrows were not easy to use in the last battle with the ogres, he ordered the ordnance factory to build these crossbows that required the use of both hands and feet. Completely cocking the crossbow,

The mixed wheel groups on both sides have reduced the difficulty of stringing a lot, but it can still be seen that the crossbowmen have a little difficulty in stringing,

There is no way. In order to be able to shoot through the iron armor on the ogre at a certain distance and then continue to break through the ogre’s thick skin, the crossbow was designed to be nearly 7 stones, even if there is a pulley to lower the winding It’s so difficult that you have to use all your strength to complete winding once.

And there must be a fulcrum to rely on when launching, otherwise ordinary soldiers will not be able to withstand its force.

“Let it go!”

“Buzz buzz…”

The release of the crossbow made a unique dull sound, and more than a hundred powerful arrows were fired at the incoming kobolds. These arrows, which were slightly longer than ordinary arrows, had just entered the kobold formation. The toilet showed extraordinary effects,

Different from the feathered arrows that nailed a kobold with one arrow, these powerful arrows fired from the crossbow remained unabated after hitting the kobolds in the front row, and they had to shoot through several kobolds in succession. Lose power and fall to the ground, or be inserted into the body of the last unlucky guy,

There are even a few arrows that just happen to be stuck in a certain position and directly fly out the kobolds that are stuck on the arrows. Two or three kobolds are hung on the arrows to form a blood gourd effect.

This round of crossbow attacks is comparable to the casualties caused by thousands of feather arrows to the kobolds. This group of kobolds has already suffered nearly a thousand casualties before they came into contact with the car formation. The casualty rate It has reached an astonishing one-fifth, and only a magical species like the kobold can still press forward in this situation.

“Order the crossbowmen to pause shooting and rest in place, while the archers continue to attack!

Lancers get ready! ”

Quell immediately saw clearly the power of the crossbow just now, and after nodding with satisfaction, he immediately ordered the crossbowman to stop shooting. These are all precious things,

Strong crossbows are limited by use. The more they are used and the longer they are used, the more likely they are to be damaged. In order to be able to withstand powerful forces many times, many of the parts on these crossbows are made of fine iron. , the bowstring is also tanned with the best materials. You can just test its power with a kobold. If you really want to use it against a kobold all the time, Quill won’t be able to bear it.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

After enduring another round of arrow rain and leaving two to three hundred corpses behind, the kobolds finally arrived in front of the car formation, but embarrassing things also happened.

These chariots are about one meter above the ground. Counting the spiked baffles on the front, they are at least 1.7 or 8 meters tall. They are several taller than the kobolds. These kobolds in front of the vehicle formation They could only stand there staring at the chariot, and then they were shot to death by the spearmen on the chariot one by one in front of the chariot.

Throwing stones at the chariot with a little excitement, but most of them were blocked by the baffle, and could not cause too much damage to the Flying Bear Army soldiers behind the baffle,

Soon, the kobolds stopped in the front row were pushed forward by the crowded kobolds in the back row. The kobolds in the back row did not know what their companions in front were facing, and they just moved forward like inertia, causing The kobold in front was forced to hit the spikes of the chariot.

The quick-thinking kobolds came to the chariot and bowed down, trying to get under the chariot.

But how could Richard, who had a very sinister mind, let this go when designing the chariot? The kobolds who got into the bottom of the car were immediately faced with the blades hanging upside down from the bottom of the car, and many kobolds were rushed from behind. The companion squeezed onto the blade and ended his life as if committing suicide.

In the last part, the kobold who was lucky enough to find a way out between the blades and got out from under the car was about to face a strict gun formation again,

Most of these lucky kobolds completely lost their courage when they finally faced the forest of spears. They stood there and did not dare to attack as fiercely as before.

“Come in!”

“Tap, step…”

As Quill gave another order, the spearmen in the front line stepped forward neatly, holding their spears and taking a few steps forward before forcing the kobolds to retreat.

The spear formation and the car formation were only a few meters apart, making it easier for them to coordinate with each other. As the spear formation moved forward, the last bit of standing space for the kobolds was gone. They were either killed or forced back again. Under the car, go through the blade level,

The five thousand kobolds finally calmed down after suffering most of the casualties. A fifty percent casualty rate is a warning line that will collapse directly for almost all armies. People like the kobolds who have not experienced Any species that can withstand such a high level of casualties through formal training is truly extremely stubborn.

But this is the limit. As the spear array moves forward, the three-meter-long spear can directly attack the kobolds in the gaps between the car arrays. The kobolds can only be beaten passively. They are not even qualified to fight back. After a while, a large-scale rout began as the first kobold fled.

Quill had no intention of pursuing. After ordering the archers to fire two rounds at will, he let the army shrink again. In Quill’s view, defeating thousands of kobolds was not even an appetizer. It was a real battle. We still have to look at the follow-up ogre warriors.

“There is some trouble.”

It is normal for the kobolds to fail in front of the human army, but the defeat was so complete that the ogre chief frowned even without formal contact,

Just the things the kobolds tried out just now made the commanding ogre chief feel in trouble,

It doesn’t require a high level. Anyone with a little common sense can see that the car formation created by humans is difficult to deal with. How much will it cost to break it? The losses of the elite soldiers brought out this time have already been That’s enough. If he loses some of the more than 3,000 elites around him, what else can he do to annex other tribes?

“Sir, Chief Wuha is urging us to attack.”

While the ogre chief was hesitating, Wuha couldn’t stand it anymore and frantically signaled him to attack.

“Humph, is he teaching me how to do things?”

After instinctively speaking, the ogre chief still issued the order to attack to his headquarters. No matter how dissatisfied he was, at least everyone was still a grasshopper on a rope now.

As the ogre chief issued the order, more than 3,000 ogre warriors took action upon hearing the order. These ogre warriors, who looked like hills to ordinary humans, marched towards the flying bear army’s vehicle formation. The battle has actually just begun…

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