Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 204: Defense



As Quill gave the order, the regular drumbeats stopped. The Flying Bear Army reacted immediately when they heard the drumbeats stopped, and they all stood still.

The movement in the ogre camp cannot be hidden from Quill’s eyes, and the ogre has no intention of hiding it.

Led by two ogre chiefs, nearly 6,000 ogres and tens of thousands of kobolds divided into two groups and attacked the Tiger and Leopard Army and the Flying Bear Army respectively.


“Dong dong dong, dong dong…”

As a burst of rapid drumbeats sounded, the soldiers who had been stationary quickly moved into action. With Quill’s center as an eye, they formed a defensive formation in the direction of the ogre’s attack.

Several rows of spearmen were in front, forming a neat and perfect spear formation. Some obviously stronger soldiers stood in front with tower shields, just leaving space for the spearmen to attack. There were also some wearing leather armor and other lightweight items. The equipped warriors are interspersed in the array with heavy armor-piercing weapons.

They almost completely gave up on defense, leaving all their strength to the heavy soldiers in their hands. They couldn’t bear any damage, but if they gave the ogres a chance, even if they were heavily armored ogres, , but also had to be beaten to pieces by these heavy soldiers weighing dozens of kilograms.

The army is basically divided into four parts, with a square formation on the front, a square formation on each wing, and finally Quill’s central army arrayed in the center to support them at any time.

If such well-trained soldiers, coupled with strict formations, are used to resist ordinary human armies, even if the opponent is twice the number, it will be difficult to attack the formation in a short time, but if they are used to resist the ogres The army formed was still somewhat reluctant.

Li Cha naturally knows that it is unreliable to let the current Flying Bear Army and Tiger Leopard Army directly fight against large groups of ogres without preparation. He has also made preparations early. The attack may be difficult, but the defense should be able to Support me more,

Just after the formation of the Flying Bear Army was completed, dozens of carriages following the rear army were pulled to the front of the formation. After arriving at the predetermined position, the soldiers led by the losers quickly untied the horses and took them out. The brackets fixed the carriage to the ground, and then the two fixed chariots were locked together with chains.

Then he twitched his hand, as if some mechanism had been turned on,

With a “clang” sound, the flatbed carriage flipped over toward an iron baffle on the ogre’s side. There were several spikes sticking out of the baffle on both sides, and the design was quite vicious.


After the chariots were arranged, Quill gave an order, and some soldiers who had practiced it several times came out of the formation and stood on top of the chariots, forming the first line of defense against the ogres.

The space on the chariot is limited. Each chariot can only stand two spearmen, two crossbowmen and one warrior who is ready for melee combat at any time.

With dozens of tanks connected in a line, and cooperating with the army behind them, these ordinary soldiers may be able to withstand the ogre’s attack.


On the other side, after Richard left and took the Flying Dragon King to heaven, Elena consciously took on the responsibility of the arrow,

The golden fighting spirit flashes from time to time. Although it is not dazzling and not as high-profile as Richard, it is used just right. Every flash of fighting spirit can always take away the life of an ogre warrior.

Slowly, Elena felt more and more relaxed. The density of the ogres in front of her began to decrease. Every time she took a step forward, she had to swing her sword several times to clear the way forward. Now she can only meet the ogres after advancing several meters. The devil’s obstruction,


Another ogre warrior was slashed by Elena’s sword, but when the sword was pulled at his neck, blood began to spurt out along the place where Elena’s sword had scratched. Modu dropped the mace in his hand, covered his neck tightly with both hands, struggled in vain, and fell to the ground unwillingly after a few seconds.

As the ogre fell to the ground, what appeared in front of Elena was no longer the ugly ogre, but the endless grass and blue sky, with the breeze blowing and carrying the The green grass tilted its head slightly. If it weren’t for the strong smell of blood around her and the constant shouts of killing, this scene would be one of the most beautiful sights Elena has seen in the past few years.

Elena and the five champion knights came out of the ogre formation almost at the same time. The Red Flame Knights followed closely behind, and the subsequent armored heavy cavalry and armored centaur elites also rushed in one after another. Come out,

Both the horses and the knights on the horses are in good condition, because they all have at least the strength of knights. Under this situation, there is no attrition in the Red Flame Knights, only a few seriously injured ones were killed by the Red Flame Knights. Yanma rushed out with the load on his back,

However, the attrition of the armored heavy cavalry and the loss of elite centaurs were relatively large. In this round of charge, the ogres did not completely lose command and fell into chaos, and their fighting will has always been relatively tenacious. In addition, the armored The elite heavy cavalry and centaurs were exhausted during the second formation, and the losses naturally increased exponentially.

Nearly a hundred heavy cavalry were lost this time, which was enough to make Richard bleed. The elite centaurs lost less, but there were also dozens of cavalry lost.

At this moment, it was quite clear from the air that the main force was still there, but the losses were still considerable.

But now is not the time to feel sorry for the loss. The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. We must seize the opportunity and completely defeat the opponent.

Li Cha rode the Flying Dragon King back to the front of the team and directed the team to turn. He wanted the cavalry under his command to charge again and completely defeat the ogre reinforcements.

“Sir, the human military formation looks difficult to attack.”

On the other side, the ogres who came out to attack the two wings have already approached the Tiger and Leopard Army and the Flying Bear Army respectively.

They all faced the human army that was huddled behind the tanks in a turtle formation at the same time. Although they had never seen this kind of fighting method, the iron plates behind the dozens of tanks connected in front of the army formation The spikes also tell them that this car formation is prickly.

“Let the kobolds go up and try it first.”

Although the Ogre Chief has a lot of actual combat experience, he is actually just a second-hand commander. If he goes through a few more battles under the guidance of Grugesh, he may be able to grow up a bit. A good future fighter, but now he is obviously still far behind.

At this moment, we can only use the traditional skills of the ogres. First, let’s put a wave of kobold cannon fodder up there to test the reality.

As the ogre chief gave an order, thousands of kobolds separated from the chaotic kobold crowd,

Most of them held some simple and primitive weapons in their hands, and even rushed towards the front of the Flying Bear Army with bare hands.

The Flying Bear Army finally faced its first battle without any threat since entering the wilderness…


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