Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 203: See through


“Is that a dragon?”

“Impossible. Ordinary soldiers can’t recognize them, so why don’t you recognize them?”

“I’ve never seen it before.”

“Lord Grugesh has emphasized to us the appearance of the giant dragon. The human golden dragon and green dragon should be much stronger than it. It should be the sub-dragon species mentioned by Lord Grugesh.”

“What’s the use of talking about this now? We can’t defeat either the sub-dragon or the giant dragon.”

“We have to find a way! Do we have to wait until both armies are defeated?”

“I think we should retreat immediately. There are still many tribes in the central wilderness. After we go back, our four major tribes will gather all the tribes together. Naturally, we will no longer be afraid of these humans.”

“Humans have cavalry, have you ever been able to outrun them?”

“Then just leave the person behind.”

“Okay, I will agree to retreat after you stop.”


The words of the four ogre chiefs are now full of gunpowder. When they were under the command of Grugesh, they had Grugesh in the middle, so the conflict was not big and they got along pretty well. But since the death of Grugesh, they have had many conflicts for their own interests.

That is to say, time has not passed very long, and there are still external dangers. Otherwise, according to the current situation of several major tribes, wars and even large-scale conflagrations will be the inevitable result over time.

The four chiefs who were not on good terms with each other originally, but now that the war situation is unfavorable, their tempers are naturally more irritable. In addition, there are differences in their own ideas, and they are even more rude in their speech. If this continues, Li If the police come over, the four chiefs will have to pull the lever and disperse.

“Stop arguing! Humans are coming!”

At this time Wuha couldn’t help but shout and shouted down the three ogre chiefs,

Before changing, if Wuha dared to speak to the other three ogre chiefs in this tone, he might have been pushed back, but when he mentioned humans later, he still let several ogres who were about to get on top of him get pushed back. The chief has sobered up a little. This is not the time for a quarrel.

As the only chief among the ogre chiefs who has a clear head and a normal temper, Wuha is very tired now. Only four people can lead at the same time without a command mechanism that distinguishes between priorities. Such a weird thing happened,

More than half of the military force outside was about to collapse. There was no talk of retreat or rescue. Instead, they started to quarrel and allowed the thousands of troops outside to collapse, which made Wuha, who had a relatively normal temper, a little tolerant. Can’t stop getting angry,

He has now secretly made up his mind. After passing the crisis this time, he must obtain the leadership of the ogres and avoid similar situations from happening again. Even if it requires several fights and the death and injury of some warriors, No matter what.

Of course, the focus now is not on seizing power, the first thing is to get through this. After Wuha stopped the quarrel between the three ogre chiefs, the three of them all focused on Wuha. They also wanted to listen. Wuha, do you have any good suggestions?

“It is absolutely impossible to retreat. The beasts in the wilderness all know not to expose their backs to the enemy,

If we retreat, it will be equivalent to exposing our backs to the human cavalry. Are you sure those cavalry can escape? ”

The several ogre chiefs thought about the terror of those cavalry just now, and they also knew that retreat was not a reliable option,

Everyone had a tacit understanding and did not bring up the idea of ​​leaving part of the troops to cut off the rear. Although the method of surviving by cutting off the tail is good, but who should be left behind is a problem.

If there is not a chieftain-level presence among the people left behind, then once the large army leaves, the remaining ogres will probably collapse on their own soon after finding out that they have been abandoned, but if I’m afraid no one would be willing to let any of their four chiefs stay.

“Are you waiting to be surrounded if you don’t retreat?”

The ogre chief was obviously a little frightened by Richard’s endless methods. He actually lost confidence in fighting the human army on the opposite side and jumped directly to the part about being surrounded.

“We will not be surrounded. The breakthrough is on both wings. Their wings will definitely not be that strong.”

“They have 20,000 people on both sides.”

The implication is that with two to three thousand people in front of them so fierce, it is really timid to confront an army of 20,000 people now.

“If their two wings are so strong, why should we fight? They should have accelerated their attack long ago. Do you see how cautious their two wings are, as if they are as strong as the human army in front?”

After coming out of the initial confusion, Wuha quickly discovered the crux of the problem. The two wings were not that scary and could be used as a breakthrough.

In fact, it is only a matter of time that this arrangement is discovered. If this is really a quick battle, I am afraid it will be exposed as soon as they go up to fight. With this steady and cautious look, as long as the ogre is not stupid, he can withdraw from the two wings after thinking carefully. Not a strong conclusion.

“This is just your guess. What if you guess wrong?”

The ogre chief who asked the question actually believed Wu Ha’s judgment. Although the ogre chief has a bad temper, his IQ is still normal. They are all people who have fought in wars. They will only react after such things are pointed out. However, it actually doesn’t make sense.

It’s just that he instinctively wants to question another ogre chief, and doesn’t want other chiefs to establish authority.

“There are not many human cavalry on the wings, and there are none like the human cavalry on the front.”

“Let’s do this. You and Chief Siga will take their own people to test the two wings immediately. If humans are not strong, you will defeat them.

Ade and I will lead the people of our tribe to guard the front, and wait for you to defeat the humans on both wings and attack the humans on the front together,

If the humans on the wings are as strong as the human army on the front, and they have no cavalry, you can withdraw directly. ”


With this arrangement, Wuha arranged himself in a more dangerous place. The danger of the two wings going out to test is not great. In fact, everyone has a rough guess about the strength of the humans on the two wings,

Excluding the thousands of people who can be counted as losses, each department still has at least 3,000 warriors. With 3,000 ogre warriors defeating 20,000 ordinary human warriors, these ogre chiefs are still confident. They can retreat even if there is an accident. The humans on the two wings have no cavalry to chase them. Once they retreat, Wuha who stays in the front will naturally become a rear-guard unit.

This arrangement can be said to be harmless to the ogre chiefs who went to the two wings, so naturally he readily agreed,

On the other hand, Chief Siga, who was arranged by Wuha to stay with him in the front, was a little hesitant and even complained about Wuha’s arrangement.

But after the three of them agreed and promised him some benefits, he had no choice but to hold his nose and admit it.

“Okay, take action immediately. After defeating the two wings of humans as soon as possible, turn around and surround the human cavalry on the opposite side.”



After all, there is no supreme leader, and even military orders cannot get an affirmative answer of “yes”…


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