Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 202: Bloodbattle 3


Of course, the thing in the sky is not a giant dragon. It is the Flying Dragon King summoned by Richard. In a corner of the sky that no one noticed, the green Flying Dragon King, nearly ten meters long, came quickly toward Richard. ,

After reaching a position dozens of meters above the ground, a mouthful of acid sprayed out from its small and somewhat funny mouth.

“Ah, ah…”

Although this mouthful of acid was not as good as the authentic dragon’s breath, it still covered several ogre warriors. The strong corrosiveness of the acid directly burned through the iron armor of the ogre warriors, causing greenish patches to appear on their bodies. The smoke, the kind of damage that went directly into the bones, made the ogre warriors who were splashed couldn’t help but scream.

Even if these ogres who were injured by the acid splash did not lose their lives immediately, they would not have any fighting ability.

After taking a breath of dragon breath, the Flying Dragon King quickly descended to the air more than ten meters in front of Richard. His flapping wings also brought up some dust, which actually caused quite a stir.

Although the ogres lacked long-range attack methods, they still came within their attack range at a height of more than ten meters. Some bold ogres took out the weapons on their waists after reacting from the initial shock. The stone rope was drawn several times above the head and then thrown to the “dragon” in the air.

These stone ropes are not actually useful long-range weapons, and the stones thrown are basically not accurate, but the Flying Dragon King is big. Although it is not as big as a real dragon, it is still close to ten meters in length. How big will the target be?


The stone that was larger than a fist hit the Feilong King with some pain, but it was difficult to cause any substantial damage to the Feilong King. No matter how bad the scales on the Feilong King were, they were still somewhat dragon-like. Gene, it is still difficult to break its defense with just a few stones, unless a chief-level ogre throws heavier stones at him.

However, although the ogre’s attack did not cause any substantial damage to the Feilong King, it successfully attracted the Feilong King’s hatred.

The Flying Dragon King stopped in mid-air, twisted its long flexible neck, turned 180 degrees to find the direction where the most stones were thrown, and angrily spat out a mouthful of acid in that direction,


An ogre warrior who was spinning a stone rope in his hand and staring closely at the Flying Dragon King was sprayed all over his face with acid. Green smoke was rising. He covered his face with his hands and fell down in pain. The people around him The ogre didn’t even dare to go up and pull it. The acid would cause a big wound when it touched it, and no one would think of getting it.

The stone rope in his hand had also been loosened a long time ago, and the stone on it was thrown aimlessly, and no one knew which unlucky guy it hit on the head.

Li Cha summoned the Flying Dragon King naturally not to let him get smashed here. After adjusting his position, Richard stood directly on the horse,

To do this kind of action, the cooperation between strength and war horse is indispensable. Fortunately, Richard is not weak, and the red flame horse can almost communicate with him, allowing him to stand firmly on the horse’s back.

Then Richard sank slightly, bent his feet, and shot up like a cannonball. The red flame horse under his feet was obviously forced to sink for a moment,

The great knight did not have the ability to fly, but he could easily jump up to ten meters. With the help of the Flying Dragon King, Richard landed perfectly on the saddle on the Flying Dragon King’s back, and then with one hand he Pulling the reins, the Flying Dragon King took notice and began to accelerate and flap his wings, rising to a higher place and out of the attack range of the ogre stone.

In order to allow his subordinates to see him more clearly, Richard raised the Vulcan Sword with his right hand on the way up. He used his last bit of fighting spirit to push the Vulcan Sword to the extreme, showing a dazzling fire in mid-air. , soldiers who are familiar with his characteristics can recognize that it is their lord.

Just looking at this scene of holding the reins in one hand and holding the artifact high in the other hand, it almost qualifies as a world-famous painting. The only flaw is that the Flying Dragon King is still a little wet. If there is a chance, change to a better mount…

After pretending, it is also an excellent quality of a lord.

The fighting below continues. Without Richard’s arrow, it has not lost its sharpness at all. In a sense, when Richard flew to the sky on the Flying Dragon King, he actually liberated the five champions around him, including Zebul. Knight, before you had to pay more attention to prevent Richard from having any accidents, but now you can focus all your attention on killing the ogres in front of you.

It is definitely a bit too much to say that Richard was a mascot before, but his boosting morale by charging forward is indeed equivalent to his actual contribution to the battle.

At this moment, after the last bit of fighting spirit was used to show off, Richard’s fighting spirit has been exhausted, and the shining Vulcan Sword has been extinguished, but this is no longer important, everyone knows that the Lord is there. On top of the “dragon”, as long as the dragon is not knocked down, the morale-boosting effect will not decline.

Richard rode the Flying Dragon King and followed the charging cavalry forward simultaneously, even standing dozens of meters above Elena, Zebul and others. This position could not only show that he was with everyone, There is no danger of being hit by rocks.

From time to time, he also commanded the Feilong Dynasty to form a tenacious resistance or spit acid in the direction of the ogre warriors organizing a team, causing a lot of trouble to the ogres, and even attacking the ogres’ command to some extent. The system has made the current ogre commanders so timid that they dare not take the lead.

It’s a pity that the Feilong King’s acid is not enough compared to the fighting spirit. Richard has tested before that Feilongwang can spray up to ten mouthfuls of acid, and then he has to rest for at least a day or two to recover. He can only save some and keep it up at all times. Sense of presence.

“Lord Quill! Do we need to move faster?”

The officers of the Tiger and Leopard Army and the Flying Bear Army on both wings naturally noticed the fighting situation on the frontal battlefield.

The person who asked the question was one of Quill’s flag captains. This flag captain was also a graduate of the early Ironwood City official school. He only had the strength of a quasi-knight peak, but he was young, loyal and potential, and he was flying. The Xiong Army was promoted rapidly as it expanded,

Seeing the head-on battle in full swing now, especially the iconic flames when Richard led his army to charge, made his blood boil with excitement. He wished he could act as a flag-carrying **** behind Richard at this moment.

Now that the Marquis has defeated the ogre vanguard, it seems that it is only a matter of time before the reinforcements are defeated. As a detour force on both wings, they have not yet entered the battle, which makes him feel itchy and can’t help but ask. Legion War Thor proposed to speed up,

“Follow Sir Richard’s orders, fight steadily, maintain good formation, and do not move quickly.”

Quil decisively rejected the other party’s proposal. He knew very well how much the Flying Bear Army weighed. How could your morale make up for the gap between the Flying Bear Army and the Ogre Warriors? His officers were overwhelmed by Lord Richard’s victory. The rush made me feel a little hot, but Quill was still very conscious.

He has basically understood Lord Richard’s intention. The purpose of his team is to create pressure on the ogres and squeeze the ogres’ escape space. To attack the ogres, you must attack from the left, center and right. All three directions need to be moved together. The danger of standing out alone is extremely high, and it is very likely that the ogre will be directly defeated by the ogre who reacts.

“Master Richard is truly a being who can create miracles.”

Quell understood the gap between the human army and the ogres in his heart, and seeing how easily Richard broke through the formation as easily as torn paper, he unconsciously raised Richard’s image even higher…


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