Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 201: Bloodbattle 2



Richard once again rode the red flame horse and crashed into the ogre formation, with five champion knights closely guarding him,

Li Chagou’s temperament has not changed at all, but the Vulcan Sword really wants him to be the focus of the battlefield. He does not want to give up the powerful effect of the Vulcan Sword, so he can only concentrate the strong ones around him. To ensure that everything is safe, if you are afraid of an accident even under the protection of five champion knights, then simply don’t go to the battlefield.

The ogres in the front row were directly knocked to pieces by Richard and the champion knights who rushed in. Richard was using his fighting spirit regardless of consumption, and his combat power was no less than that of a great earth warrior. Knight, plus Elena, whose real combat power is somewhat exceeded, this cone-shaped charge formation is equivalent to seven earth knights acting as cone heads.

Except for the founding of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, no one has been able to produce such a luxurious lineup for hundreds of years. It is only natural that we can easily break through the ogres’ front again.

The ogres who came for support actually responded in a hurry. Originally, their mission was to support, but as a result, the target they wanted to support collapsed on the way. They immediately changed from marching to fighting immediately. This kind of transformation is actually not difficult for human professional soldiers who are in the camp all year round, but it is a bit difficult for ogres.

Their team was not even as organized as the previous vanguard army, and they were immediately broken apart. Everything was like a repeat of the previous scene,

With Richard, Elena and the Champion Knight as the breakthrough point, they used their absolute strength to break open a gap and clear a path. The Red Flame Knights followed closely and tore the gap open. , and finally the cone-tailed heavy cavalry and centaur elites were used to expand the results.

The only difference is that the ogre who served as the commander this time did not block Richard’s path forward,

This time the ogre commander is just a guy at the peak of the ogre warriors. Although he is much more powerful than other ogre warriors, he still has not stepped into the realm of the chief, and he has not improved on his own bravery. One person was so confident that he did not take the initiative to block Richard’s charge, leaving a life behind.

Although Richard easily broke through the ogre’s front this time, the ogre’s command system still exists,

Not to mention the level of command, the fighting will of the ogres and kobolds is commendable. With command, they were able to rush forward one after another in the face of the collision of heavy cavalry.

The kobolds are reluctant to charge the cavalry, but the ogre warriors can definitely cause a lot of trouble,

They are vulnerable in front of Richard and the Champion Knights, and it is difficult to stop the Red Flame Knights, but after paying a certain price, they can stop the ordinary armored heavy cavalry and centaur elites.

After all, armored heavy cavalry and centaurs are not as good as the former in terms of strength and tonnage. It is starting to be a bit difficult to continuously collide with monster-level warriors like ogre warriors who weigh seven to eight hundred kilograms even when wearing iron armor.

As a cone-head, Richard and the others and the Red Flame Knights were lucky. They could still easily rush away the ogre warriors in front who tried to stop them. The Red Flame Horse, covered in iron armor, still had a lot of physical strength. Fuyu, the monster-level war horses trained by these systems did not show signs of fatigue after charging for two consecutive battles. Instead, their eyes were slightly red under the stimulation of the **** battlefield. Many war horses even took the initiative to stick out their tongues to lick the blood splattered near their mouths.

Comparedly speaking, the knights on horseback can also be said to be extraordinary. Maybe after two consecutive battles, a lot of fighting spirit has been consumed, but it is still very early to be exhausted.

But the armored heavy cavalry behind them were already showing signs of fatigue, both human and horse. Although the Western Horse was the best war horse among conventional horse breeds, it was just an ordinary war horse, not to mention wearing horse armor. He had to carry a cavalryman who was also wearing armor weighing nearly 300 kilograms. After charging for the second time in a row, he became exhausted and his speed slowed down because he couldn’t hold on.

In this environment surrounded by ogres, the loss of speed of ordinary armored heavy cavalry means falling behind. Those who fall behind will immediately fall into the siege of ogres, and those in front cannot stop and wait or return. Support, the heavy weapons such as maces in the hands of the ogres are no joke. As long as you lose your speed, no matter what full-body armor you are wearing, the defense of cloth face armor and chain mail cannot withstand heavy weapons.

As the charge deepened, more and more heavy cavalry fell behind. Compared with the previous situation when only a dozen cavalry were lost when the ogre vanguard was defeated, now the charge was only halfway through, and there were already forty or fifty cavalry. Both men and horses fell into the ogre formation,

However, compared to the loss of the armored heavy cavalry, the more serious situation at this time is that the consumption of Richard’s fighting spirit has almost reached the limit. Although the burning sun fighting spirit combined with the Vulcan Sword once raised Richard’s attack ability to par. The level of the Earth Knight,

But in the final analysis, Richard’s real level is at most a high-level knight. Before, he used to stimulate his fighting spirit regardless of consumption. The sight of the Vulcan Sword burning like a **** descending from heaven really boosted morale, but this will If the child shows a state of exhaustion, the impact on morale will be doubled.

At this time, Elena, who was struggling to kill the enemy, turned her head and glanced at Richard. Compared to Richard’s reckless consumption, Elena was only at the peak level of a great knight, but her shots were… I exercised some restraint and used every bit of fighting spirit just right. I still have a lot of energy left at this time.

This is also her habit as a wandering hero. For a long time, she has been facing an outnumbered enemy in battle. If she had been like Richard, she would have died in no corner of the mainland.

Keeping observation is also a necessary skill for a wandering hero. Although the flames on Richard’s Vulcan Sword are still there, Elena, who is not far away, has clearly noticed that the firelight has dimmed a bit. ,

In addition, Elena is aware of Richard’s strength. Richard consumed so much before. As a great knight, no matter how strong his strength is, he cannot withstand such consumption.

If Richard can no longer hold the position of the arrow, then she must step up. There is no reason. As the Priestess of the Dragon of Light, she always has a strong sense of responsibility.

Although she has not officially surrendered to Richard at this time, she has actually made a decision in her heart. Whether it is Richard’s management of the territory or his courage on the battlefield, they have passed her test. , now fighting side by side, she has regarded herself as a member of Richard’s command,

The last trump card must be used. Elena’s talent, Angel’s Arrival, can summon an ordinary angel to be there for an hour, which can just replace Richard and become the arrow of this team.

When Elena looked at Richard, Richard also turned his head sideways like a ghost. The two looked at each other for a second. Richard also understood what Elena meant, but Richard turned his head towards Elena. He shook his head and signaled her to calm down.

There is a reason why Richard dared to spend so much money. He still had trump cards that he could not use. He wanted to wait until the final battle to let Elena use her skills at full strength.


At this time, there was a huge roar in the sky, which shocked many people on the battlefield to look up.

“Then, what is that!”

“The dragon! It’s the human dragon!”


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