Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 200: Bloody battle


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

Even though the two sides have engaged in battle, the attacks of the great elf archers have not stopped. Their arrows can perfectly avoid their own soldiers and land on the ogres accurately, continuing to cause casualties to the ogres.

The destructive power caused by the five phantom shooters was even more terrifying. All the ogre officers who dared to stand up and organize the resistance of the ogre warriors were taken care of by the phantom shooters, and they were eliminated at the slightest sign. Two or three consecutive After an ogre warrior who was trying to organize order was shot in the head by a phantom shooter, no ogre officer dared to step forward anymore. This also caused the ogres to always be in chaos.

Not only can the closely coordinated halberdiers work together in twos and twos to easily harvest the lives of the ogre warriors, but even the war dancers, who were not favored by Richard at first, also demonstrated their powerful attack power and agility in this chaos. Combining his skills with superb knife skills, the war dancers can find opportunities to break their necks while avoiding the ogre maces.

Joining the battle with the halberdiers and war dancers were two diamond men and thirty senior monks in blue robes. What is more outrageous is that in this era of declining magic power, these senior monks have lost their use. The ability of blue missiles, or turning them back into ranged units actually requires the consumption of mana crystals,

Richard, who has been in short supply of magic crystals these days, has no extra magic crystals for the monks to consume. As a fifth-level monk, this long-range ability is indeed too useless and not powerful enough for Richard to bite. Ya asked them to consume the magic crystal,

Fortunately, although Richard is stingy, the monks have a good advantage, that is, as a long-range unit, their melee capabilities are actually not weak,

There are no weapons in his hands, but he can easily knock down these heavily armored ogres with one punch and one palm. His close combat ability is not weaker than that of the Crusaders, and he even appears to be more flexible.

Although the number of the ogre strikers is twice that of the Heroes and Invincible system army, their quality is much worse. In addition, the collapse of their command system has completely unable to resist, and a small-scale rout began. This kind of collapse is often extremely contagious, and it won’t be long before this ogre vanguard completely collapses.

On the other side, the expressions of several ogre chiefs in Wuha were quite exciting at the moment, including anger, surprise, and even a trace of fear.

Although they were far away and could not see the specific details of the battle, the light of fighting spirit belonging to the knights was still very conspicuous. Hundreds of rays of fighting spirit burst out together, and anyone who was not blind could see it.

The ogre chiefs originally thought that all the human knights were concentrated in the cavalry, but they did not expect that there would be so many knights in the subsequent infantry.

Looking at the two legions on the two wings that I didn’t pay much attention to at the beginning, maybe they can still come up with so many knights. No matter how brave this ogre warrior is, he can’t carry so many knights,

It’s no wonder that the ogre chief thinks so much. Now that so many knights have appeared on Richard’s side, it is completely beyond their understanding. Facing such an army with an excessive proportion of strong men, they have no idea now. The bottom is over,

“Should we call back the reinforcements first?”

“No, it’s too late!”

“Continue to send reinforcements!”

“No, the human armies on both sides are approaching. If we send reinforcements, how can we resist their attack?”

“Let’s just ignore the two wings and concentrate on getting rid of the humans on the front.”

“What if we can’t solve it? The humans on both wings can press up and surround us, and we won’t be able to evacuate.”

Richard’s strong frontal force caused a lot of psychological pressure on the ogre chief. Originally, against two human legions of 40,000 people, the ogres were confident that they could defeat them with only 2,000 men each, but now they only have to send 2,000 men each to defeat them. I feel that the more than 10,000 soldiers left around me are not enough.

“If it doesn’t work, let’s retreat first?”

“Retreat, if you withdraw, don’t you stop fighting? Or do you want to take people to go nomadic again?”

This is also one of the troubles with the progress of civilization. Although agricultural civilization is more stable and can make life more comfortable, it also loses the flexibility of nomadism.

If several major tribes are willing to return to the nomadic state and go back and lead their tribes away now, although Richard will not be able to find them, he will really have to be blind for a while. At least the plan to solve the battle and complete the mission in the short term will have to be Failed,

However, the ogre tribe that has already put on one shoe is not willing to go back to barefoot. As long as it is not a last resort, it will be difficult for them to give up the cultivated land that has become a large-scale, and the workshop is still There is a stone house.

“Let them continue to support, I don’t believe that the humans on the other side are made of iron.”

At this moment, in addition to the issue of the top command of the Ogres, the four people had various different opinions. Some wanted to continue fighting, some wanted to withdraw, and there were also differences in fighting styles. Some wanted to Those who break the two wings first, and those who want to concentrate their efforts on dealing with Richard,

Originally, the war had already dropped from normal to the ogre level of a stinky chess basket when the war left Grugesh’s war command level. Now it is really worse than a stinky chess basket.

While several ogre chiefs were arguing, the four thousand reinforcements who came out of the ogre camp had already walked more than half the way. It was impossible to retreat any further. The cavalry led by Richard had already broken through at a speed of It exceeded expectations. To retreat now would be to expose your back directly for the cavalry to charge, so you could only carry it forward.

“Drive, drive!”

“Keep rushing, don’t stop!”

Richard, who has led his army to completely penetrate the ogre vanguard army, has no intention of stopping to reorganize at this moment,

According to normal operation, he should have turned his horse’s head on the spot at this time, made some adjustments and then launched a back charge towards the ogre vanguard behind him, but Richard did not do so,

At this time, the army he led mainly consisted of dozens of members of the Red Flame Knights, 300 heavy cavalry, and more than 300 elite armored centaurs. In terms of high-end strength, there were five champion knights and heroic priestesses. Elena,

Among these people, except for the three hundred heavy cavalry who were panting after charging into the formation, the rest of them could only be considered to have just warmed up and had the ability to continue charging into the formation.

In the eyes of Richard, the defeat of the group of ogre vanguards who have been broken through is already a matter of time. Only he knows how strong the invincible army of heroes behind him is,

What he has to do now is to take advantage of the ogre’s unresponsiveness and continue to break through the support soldiers, completely changing the balance of power.

Although the Tiger Leopard Army and the Flying Bear Army frightened the ogre a little, he still knew how much they really weighed. Although they are definitely elites in the human army, their fighting will is super first-rate. But if the Ogre is really determined to deal with the two wings first, the Tiger and Leopard Army and the Flying Bear Army may not be able to withstand it.



Richard raised the Vulcan Sword in his hand and shouted for kill, and the knights behind him all shouted in response,

Because Richard doesn’t care about expending all his strength to display fighting energy, the Vulcan Sword like a large torch is easier to use than a big flag at this moment,

Everyone behind him could see the general in front, and their morale was at its peak.


Amidst the fierce shouts of killing, Richard once again took the lead and rushed into the ogre formation. The bursting sun fighting energy was strengthened by the Vulcan Sword and directly opened a small gap, causing great damage. Not to mention more concessions than the Earth Knight.


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