Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 20: Confusion and reorganization


“Raise your hand a little higher.”

“Pay attention to your breathing, yes.”

“Let’s practice here for today, don’t worry.”

Richard is patiently teaching his intelligence chief Colen.

Colen was adopted by the Hunter family since he was a child, but he could only use ordinary breathing techniques. Although he was loyal and never dared to ask for anything, when Richard taught him the Hunter family’s beast breathing technique, he felt something in his heart. The excitement of being recognized.

One advantage of this world’s cultivation system is that it is easy to change the techniques. Whether you use a new breathing method or a qi-entraining technique, it will not conflict with the previous practice. It is just a matter of adaptation.

Although Richard was prepared to teach the Beast Breathing Technique to his subordinates, he never wanted the Beast Breathing Technique to spread on the street. After thinking about it, Richard only taught the Breathing Technique to Quil and Column. There are still a few quasi-knights, but they don’t have enough credit yet. Richard is not ready to teach them immediately. How can something easily obtained reflect his preciousness.

It turns out that talents like Richard and Ron that can be learned instantly are rare. Talents like Quill and Colum who are definitely outstanding among ordinary people look a bit stupid when compared with Richard. , according to their progress, it may take several days to get started with the Breathing Method of the Beast.

“Colen, how are things going?”

“It has started operations in Piaoxue City as you ordered.”

After hearing Richard’s question, Colen also stopped training and answered.

Piaoxue City is the largest city in the North, and it is also where the Marquis Mansion of the North is located. Yusi, commanded by Coren, has already placed spies and ears in Piaoxue City, and has a basic understanding of the various characters in Piaoxue City. learn.

Under Richard’s instructions, the Hunter Territory has sent a messenger to Piaoxue City to report that the Will Territory took the initiative to invade the Hunter family. They were defeated by the Hunter family on the battlefield, and both Viscount Will and his son died in the battle.

But the culprit who provoked this conflict was only Viscount Will’s family. After Viscount Will was executed, the remaining members of the Will family loved peace. At their request, Hunter Ron became Will’s family. The son-in-law of the family will obtain the inheritance rights of Weirland and Stone Castle as a knight.

This is the general content of the letter. After reading the letter, Viscount Sauter felt that the story was a bit jarring.

However, Richard still insisted on making up a story that seemed a bit lame to everyone and sent it to Piaoxue City.

Sometimes things have to be done in a certain name. You can find ways to take advantage of the rules, but you can’t violate them directly, especially if you don’t have the ability to overturn the table.

Of course, what Richard did was not as simple as making up a story. Then Richard asked Column to send people to send heavy gifts and some shining gold to the people in Piaoxue City who might be able to speak. The gifts were so heavy that Richard basically vomited out all the wealth he had scavenged from Will’s house. But in Richard’s opinion, as long as he can successfully muddle through, it will all be worth it.

If he fails to pass the test, Richard has prepared a second plan. The capital of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is thousands of miles away. As long as Piaoxue City accepts Richard’s statement, then the Royal House of Nobles will naturally not say anything, and Ron will successfully inherit the Will Territory.

But if Piaoxue City does not agree with Richard’s statement, it is just a vacancy in the territory, and Piaoxue City does not have the power to create a new lord. Richard would send people to bypass Piaoxue City and appeal directly to the Royal House of Nobles. The House of Nobles would then send people to investigate. Of course, Richard’s behavior could not withstand scrutiny, but with the slow administrative efficiency of this era, and the distance of several years, On a journey of thousands of miles, if there is a little stumbling block in the middle, it will drag on for at least a year or two.

By then, with the hundreds of thousands of people in the two territories and the invincible hero system, Richard will be able to recruit at least tens of thousands of elite troops and hundreds of knight-level combat forces, and he will have the confidence to fight with anyone. .

Anyway, it’s just a trick. If it doesn’t work, I’ll try to drag it out and give him the benefits that Richard has eaten. Three words: “Impossible!”


After handling the matter at hand, Richard summoned the city guards and the main members of the Hunter family to the meeting hall for discussion. Of course, according to Richard’s style,

The so-called going to the meeting hall to discuss matters means listening to Richard’s arrangements and being able to make suggestions. It is Richard’s business whether to adopt them or not. After all, Viscount Sauter, the only person in this territory who can challenge Richard’s authority, will not oppose Richard at all. Any decision, unless Richard loses his mind and wants to burn down Ironwood Fort.

Soon, the meeting hall was filled with the main military and political officials of the Hunter Territory. The old Viscount Sauter was sitting next to Richard and had no intention of speaking actively, but everyone was used to it being Richard. to give orders.

“I am planning to expand the army. I believe that after this battle everyone has seen the difference between the combat effectiveness of the city guards and the peasant soldiers.”

Everyone who participated in the war knew this, and no one disputed this.

“On the basis of our existing 400 city guards, we will expand it to 1,500 people and divide it into three capitals, each with 500 people. Quill, Kocha and Kerry will serve as capital commanders respectively.”

Kecha is Richard’s cousin. Although he did not participate in this war, he still took on the important task of guarding the family. Kerry is an old man in the city guard and a talent that Richard has discovered in recent years. Although Not as good as Quill, but still a quasi-knight enough to take on the role of unification.

“We now control two cities and govern hundreds of thousands of people. It is not appropriate to call the City Guards any more. I decided to change the City Guards to the Flying Bear Army.”

Changing the name is something that Richard has wanted to do for a long time. If he doesn’t change it now, he won’t be able to call him City Guards when there are tens of thousands of troops in the future.

“Set up a separate personal guard of 300 people to guard Ironwood Fort, and let my second uncle lead it.”

“Build another cavalry team of 300 people, and the third uncle will lead it.”

Richard finished all his arrangements in one breath, then stopped and looked at everyone. This was his habit. Anyone who had any objections could raise it with him.

“Do we have enough money, food and equipment?”

The person who asked the question was Richard’s second uncle. In fact, no one would object to the expansion of the army and the name change. They would only worry about the issue of support. After all, although the combat effectiveness of hundreds of city guards was obvious to all, the cost was extremely high.

Richard did not answer but looked at the chief steward, Egger.

“Cough” After meeting Richard’s eyes, Egg coughed and attracted everyone’s attention.

“The warehouse has sufficient inventory. This time we have obtained a large amount of food and grass supplies from Stone Castle. There will be no shortage of food and grass, but…” At this point, Egger paused.

“We don’t have enough equipment, especially armor.”

“It’s okay. Let’s set up the army and train first. The iron ore in the Iron Wood Forest has been mined. We will start building it as soon as it is in place. Now we have to wait for the equipment, not the equipment.”

“Then there will be no problem.”

“Okay, do you have any questions?”

After Richard finished asking, no one spoke again.

“Then arrange it, I will see enough recruits on the training ground before the end of next week.”

After that, everyone dispersed from the conference hall and started to get busy. There were many things to do and time was still a little tight.

Viscount Sauter also woke up from his sleep, seemingly awakened by the sound of people leaving.



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