Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 199: Continuous attack


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Before the ogres and kobolds who were rushed by the cavalry could react, the second round of attacks quickly followed, and it was the long-range troops who showed their power first.

The rapid volleys of hundreds of sharpshooters quickly cleared away a large area of ​​kobolds blocking the way of the army,

These cannon fodders who lacked armor had no ability to resist the salvos fired by sharpshooters. The arrows could easily penetrate their bodies, causing a cry of mourning.

Compared with the sharpshooters who focus on clearing out the kobolds, the great elf shooters direct their attacks on the ogre warriors who are still in chaos. The ability of human-evil warriors to resist arrows is not bad. The heavily-armored ogre warriors once made the bows and arrows of the Jingbei Army completely ineffective.

Even the attacks of the marksmen produced by the system are not ideal when faced with fully armored ogre warriors. It often takes five or six arrows to hit to cause greater damage.

But the attacks of the more than a hundred big elf archers in the team are definitely much more powerful. As the leader among the third-level soldiers of the barrier (elves), the attack power of the big elf archers is second to none. In Richard’s case, With the bonus of skills, as long as the angle is right, the sharp arrows shot by the strong bow of the great elf archer can even directly penetrate the thick iron armor of the ogre warrior.

Some arrows can even be shot directly through the seam of the nail from various tricky angles, allowing the arrow to sink into the tail end,

The ogres have never encountered such powerful arrows before, or those who have encountered them are now corpses. No one told them that human bows and arrows can achieve such power.

In a few seconds, at least thirty ogre warriors fell, causing some commotion in the front row of ogre warriors who were organized by the ogre warriors to resist the subsequent infantry.


“Make it up, make it up!”

“Hold on! Don’t retreat!”

Some ogre warriors who were lucky enough to survive Richard’s first round of charge tried to gather the somewhat confused ogre warriors, gathering them together to prepare to resist the upcoming human infantry.

The senior commanders of the ogres are basically half-assed, and the slightly stronger ones who followed Grugash were all defeated on the night of Richard’s night attack.

But the grassroots officers of the Ogres are definitely qualified or even excellent grassroots officers, because grassroots officers at this level actually do not need strong judgment and command abilities on the battlefield. For grassroots officers, what is more important is It is the courage to lead by example and the tenacious will to fight.

The Ogre’s junior officers have done quite well at this point. At this time, they are still organizing and preparing for battle, and have no intention of giving up the battle.

Nunut, as an ogre warrior, became the capital when Grugash was reorganized after the human military system. He commanded hundreds of ogre warriors under his command.

My own strength is good, and I am a direct descendant of the four major tribes. I have always led elite armored ogre warriors.

When Richard led the army to charge into the battle just now, he commanded his men to stop them with all their strength, but the cavalry led by Richard obviously could not stop them with their fighting will. Several hundred of his men were rushed to the ground in an instant. Nothing,

At this moment, they were actively organizing the surrounding ogre warriors who were in chaos due to the death of their commander. As soon as they organized three to four hundred people, they were hit hard by the big elf archer.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Another hail of arrows came quickly, and more than twenty ogre warriors were knocked down in the ogre array again.

An arrow also shot directly towards Nunut,


The arrow penetrated the armor of Nunut’s front body. The huge impact made Nunut almost stumble and fall to the ground. He took a step back to stabilize his body. However, although the arrow was accurate, But it did not cause any substantial damage to Nunut. The arrow lost its power just after it penetrated the iron armor. It only caused some skin trauma to Nunut. Only an ogre warrior with a stronger body and better iron armor can do it. Block the arrows shot by the great elf archer,

In order to maintain the morale of the ogre warriors, Nunut simply stood at the front of the team and kept gathering the team to boost morale, trying to gather enough strength before the human infantry rushed forward.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Another round of arrow rain came, and the rapid shots of the great elf archers kept falling on the ogres like a violent storm. Compared with ordinary human archers, the arrows they shot were not only more powerful but also more accurate. , the frequency is also ridiculously fast. The time it takes for an ordinary archer to fire a volley is enough for them to fire two or three rounds. If the arrows were not limited, they could still cause more damage.

A bunch of blood splashed again in the ogre formation. At this time, a sharp arrow went straight to Nunut’s face. Nunut subconsciously waved the mace in his hand, trying to block the arrow. ,

Originally, Nunut’s movement was fast enough, and he should have been able to miss the arrow. However, this arrow was different from the previous arrow. It flashed as fast as a rainbow light. His hand had just Lift,

The light-like sharp arrow had already hit his face armor. The face armor that could withstand a little damage had no effect at all. The iron pieces on the face armor exploded visibly to the naked eye, and then shattered the food. The hard skull of the human-demon warrior,

Nunut fell to the ground on his back, and his world was filled with dazzling white light for the last time,

If the attack of the big elf shooter is a rifle shot, then the attack of the phantom shooter is as terrifying as a heavy sniper rifle. After the phantom shooter’s blow hit Nunut’s head,

From the perspective of other ogres, after Nunut was hit by a white light, his whole head spattered with a pool of blood. The result was that the hundreds of ogres he finally gathered together were like this. After a while, I fell into wavering again,

And there was no time for them to reorganize themselves at this time. Ron had already rushed forward with more than a hundred Crusaders,

The Crusaders, with more than a hundred knights at their peak strength, could easily shake the ogres even when they were well-formed, let alone the ogres who were now completely in chaos.


Ron, who took the lead, killed an ogre warrior who dared to fight with one blow. The long sword with fighting spirit easily tore the opponent’s armor and directly shattered the opponent’s heart.

As a Crusader hero unit, Ron is naturally different from other Crusaders. He can practice the Beast Breathing Technique and Blue Qi Entrainment Technique taught by Richard. Unlike other Crusaders, he can only rely on Richard’s passive skills. Compared with skill enhancement, he has the ability to strengthen through practice.

As a heroic unit with good talents, Ron crossed the threshold of the peak knight level during the time that Richard left and entered the junior level of the great knight.

Not only did the fighting spirit turn green, but the strength was also greatly enhanced. With an all-out explosion regardless of consumption, an ogre warrior was killed with one blow.

As for other ordinary ogre warriors, they are even more vulnerable to the Crusaders behind Ron. These ogre warriors, who at most have only the peak combat power of quasi-knights, are like the Crusaders who have peak knight levels. Wheat is usually cut down easily,

In just a few minutes, dozens more ogres were killed, and the casualties were increasing rapidly, and the war dancers and halberdiers who followed them continued to increase the casualties.

Fear began to spread among the ogres…


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