Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 197: Step into formation


“Boom, boom…”

As the two sides approached, the speed of the heavy horse became faster and faster, and the rumbling sound of the horse’s hooves was like thunder, as if it was beating the ogre’s heart.

The heavy sound of horse hooves made the ogres realize something was wrong. The ogres who had never seen heavy cavalry did not realize how terrifying these guys covered in armor were at first.

The strong ogres dared to confront the Jingbei Army’s cavalry, which only had men in armor and horses naked, and was mainly composed of dwarf horses from the north. This time they didn’t pay much attention to the opponent’s cavalry at first.

It’s just that when this group of heavy cavalry really got close, their biological instincts made them a little afraid. It seemed that this thing couldn’t be cut off forcefully.

It’s just that it was too late to say anything at this time. Richard and the Red Flame Knights who were rushing at the front were already only two or three hundred steps away from the ogre forward, followed by armored heavy cavalry and semi-soldiers. Elite men and horses,

At this moment, even if the commander of the ogre forward discovered a problem, he had no way to adjust it and could only bite the bullet.


The first thing that caused casualties to the ogres was not the cavalry that was already close at hand, but dozens of giant arrows that were flying towards them.

After the low string sound, the bear hunting crossbows collectively showed their power, and dozens of arrows pierced into the ogre array,

The power of this giant crossbow cannot be stopped by a few layers of iron armor or rough skin. It instantly brought up more than ten blood flowers in the ogre array. Even if these orcs were hit by the giant arrow, Even if he doesn’t die, he immediately falls to the ground and loses the ability to fight.


The first people who came into contact with Richard were the kobolds who were placed at the front by the ogres. These little things holding wooden sticks and being as tall as the knees of the red flame horse could not act as a delay at all. The Red Flame Knights and the armored heavy cavalry led by Cha Cha didn’t even make any extra moves. They galloped all the way and carved a **** path among the kobolds.

If there are enough kobolds and they are placed densely enough, they may be able to delay Richard after paying huge casualties, but obviously this group of ogres can only learn about war. I got a fur,

After Grugesh’s death, their knowledge dropped a bit, and they became more divergent in the arrangement of battle formations. At least Grugesh would not be so careless when facing a soldier they had never seen before, and they would not be so careless. Will despise the human army,

And several chiefs just sent people to greet them carelessly, without even doing the most basic test of using kobold cannon fodder alone.

The cavalry led by Richard quickly passed through the long and thin front line of the kobolds. Those ridiculous pointed sticks in the hands of the kobolds could hardly even leave a trace on the war horse armor.

“Get ready!”

The ogres on the opposite side also stopped and reorganized their formation. From a human perspective, the formation was actually quite messy, but the ogres were quite good at doing this, and they still had a weak military sense. Coupled with a strong body, it is enough for the ogre to bully most human armies.

The ogre in the front row held up an iron spear more than three meters long and came out like a spear array. Although the height of the spear head was inconsistent, thanks to the ogre’s physique, the barrels of these spears They have to be stronger. Even though their formation is not strict compared to the human army, they still pose a huge threat to the charging heavy cavalry.

In fact, generally speaking, even heavy cavalry should not charge easily with a spear formation that maintains a formation like this. After all, the price of armored heavy cavalry is too high, and it is not worth it to rush in and exchange a few times. ,

Even though the ogre population is small, Richard is not willing to let the little treasure in his hand suffer too much loss,

Li Cha dared to use the roughest and fastest method to charge head-on, so he was naturally certain to control casualties within a certain range.


The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. Through the visors, the ferocious faces of the ogres in the front row can be seen clearly. It can even be seen that many of the ogres in the front row are sweating on their foreheads.

The pressure of the heavy cavalry is really too strong. The closer you get, the more you can feel this heavy pressure, especially the Red Flame Knights at the front, who are all red flame horses.

This kind of horse is taller than the horses of the Western Region, with a shoulder height of more than two meters. The ogre elites, who are generally about two meters tall, appear dwarfed in front of them,

In addition, these war horses are covered with heavy armor and carry human knights who are all heavy. Even a fool knows the weight of this collision.

The ogre can only dispel the fear in his heart by roaring. That is to say, the ogre is brave by nature and has a strong will to fight. Otherwise, with the ogre’s training level, he would not be able to face such a super-standard heavy cavalry charge. , instability should have appeared long ago.


Richard, who was charging ahead, ignited his fighting spirit with all his strength when he was about to approach the ogre spear formation. The burning sun fighting spirit in his body was indeed more suitable for activating the Vulcan Sword than the fighting spirit generated by Qing Qi Guiding Art.

The Vulcan Sword in his hand exploded directly under the stimulation of the fierce sun’s fighting spirit. The gorgeous flames quickly covered the sword body, and at least three feet of sword light was emitted from the tip of the sword.

The members of the Red Flame Knights following Richard also ignited their fighting spirit. Including five champion knights such as Elena and Zebul, nearly a hundred fighting spirits ignited at the same time, like a huge meteorite fireball. Crash into the ogre army.

“How is that possible!”

In the distance Wuha and several ogre chiefs are watching the collision between the forward and the human cavalry,

Seeing the large-scale fighting spirit igniting in front of this human cavalry, except for Wuha, the other ogre chiefs were stunned. Nearly a hundred knights charged together. The original Jingbei Army did not have this skill.

Compared with the confidence of the other three ogre chiefs at the beginning, Wuha has always been a little worried. After all, he can successfully sneak attack among several major tribes. What happened to the human who killed Master Grugesh? I definitely can’t think of me as a mediocre player, and I can’t just explain it by luck.

But now that he saw nearly a hundred knights appearing on the opponent’s side, he felt a little more relieved. If this was the opponent’s trump card, then even if the loss was larger, Wuha was confident that he could repel this army with the cooperation of the four major tribes. Human Army,

Now the ogres are not what they used to be. Although they are divided into four tribes, there are at least 20,000 young ogre warriors who can fight. There are dozens of ogre warriors who are more powerful than human knights. They are new to the chieftainship. There are several level ogres, and now when facing foreign enemies, they are still barely able to defend themselves against foreign enemies and unite as one. It is impossible for tens of thousands of human troops and hundreds of knights to defeat them.

“Be prepared to send four or four thousand troops to support, the vanguard army may not be able to withstand it.”


Wuha’s proposal was also supported by several other ogre chiefs. Among the four thousand vanguards, there were only a dozen ogre warriors and an ogre commander who had just stepped into the chief level.

Facing the charge of hundreds of human knights, followed by nearly a thousand cavalry and more infantry, it would be difficult for them to withstand it if reinforcements were not sent.


Just when several ogre chiefs were still planning to send reinforcements, the cavalry had already stepped into the formation…

(There is another chapter, today is a good day, no matter what, I have to double update to celebrate.)


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