Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 196: Race to be first


“Swish swish…”

The string moved, and a dozen sharp arrows shot at a group of fleeing kobolds,

Although the ogres have begun to look like an army under the leadership of Grugesh, they still have shortcomings and are still very weak in the area of ​​investigation.

Although the kobold scouts are flexible and can run fast, their speed is useless against the mounted northern scouts. As long as these scouts are determined to chase, how can the kobolds outrun the horses?

With the sound of several sharp arrows piercing flesh, several kobold scouts who were still running away howled and fell to the ground. Without much delay, more than a dozen scouts trampled past on horseback. The wailing kobold quickly lost its life after being trampled by the war horse.

“Hurry, Lord Richard ordered that no kobold scouts can be placed within ten miles.”

After eliminating this small team of kobold scouts, the scout cavalry began a new round of search,

According to Richard’s order, they wanted to kill all the snooping kobold scouts and make the ogre army completely blind and deaf.

After more than ten days of marching, the army has approached the central area of ​​the wilderness where the four major tribes are located. The four major tribes did not wait for Richard to come to the door, but took the initiative to greet him after completing the merger. Now the two sides The distance between the main forces was no more than thirty miles, and the bolder scouts had already circled the ogre camp.

Originally, the ogre tribe can be regarded as a nomadic civilization, or a relatively backward nomadic civilization,

After several years of hard work by Grugesh, as well as the guidance and help of the orcs and the robbery of a large number of craftsmen from the North, the level of civilization of the ogres has been greatly improved.

The four major tribes have even reclaimed some arable land on their respective territories. Although they have not yet built cities, they still have some stone houses and semi-fixed craftsman workshops.

It can be said that it has progressed from a nomadic civilization to a semi-agricultural and semi-nomadic civilization. The land in the middle of the wilderness may be crude in the eyes of humans, but it is no longer easy to abandon in the eyes of ogres,

Even afraid of being destroyed by humans, he has taken the initiative to welcome him,

Of course there is another big reason. They don’t think tens of thousands of human troops are a threat at all. If you don’t count the loss of Grugesh, their current strength is much stronger than when they fought against the Jingbei Army. Double.

Ogre Camp

The four ogre chiefs sat together on high seats in the tent. The tables and chairs were no longer the casual stone blocks in the past, but were specially made by craftsmen according to the body proportions of the ogres.

The decorations in the big tent are also much more elaborate than before. They are all fine products used by human nobles, and they look very luxurious.

If it weren’t for the fact that the size of human jewelry is not suitable for ogres to wear, it is estimated that several ogre chiefs and ogre warriors can wear several large gold rings with gemstones by now.

Due to the death of Grugesh, no one among the ogres has absolute prestige to serve as leader. Only four ogre chiefs can decide some things together.

On the high platform of the large tent that originally had only one stool, there are now four chairs side by side. The positions are also standard. No one can sit in front or behind.

“Let me take the lead this time, and I must avenge Lord Grugesh!”

“Don’t argue with me, I will personally take off the head of the murderer of Grugesh.”

“Let me take the lead…”

Several ogre chiefs competed to take the lead, seemingly eager to fight regardless of gains and losses,

Perhaps they could do this when Grugesh was alive. After all, when Grugesh was around, whichever tribe suffered too much in the war would naturally be replenished with smaller tribes.

But now each family is clearing the way for itself. They want to take the lead now. They just want to defeat this human army to avenge Grugash and gain greater prestige and become wilderness ogres. Just a new leader.

Now they feel that tens of thousands of human troops are not a big threat. There is no problem for a tribe of more than 5,000 warriors to win the first battle. If the losses really reach a level that is unacceptable to them, I am afraid no one will put in the effort. , everyone pulled him away and ran away.

“Okay, okay, each of our tribes will send out a thousand warriors, gather 4,000 fully armored elites, and then each will send out 10,000 kobold vassals to test the depth of the humans on the opposite side.”

“That’s fine.”

“Let’s all go make arrangements individually.”

The ogre chief Wuha proposed a plan acceptable to everyone, finally ending the dispute in the big tent,

Then the four people walked out of the tent almost simultaneously. Although the camps of the four tribes were camped together, the four chiefs had their own camps. The four camps were clearly separated.

The big tent in the middle that originally belonged to Grugesh now does not belong to anyone. Instead, it has become a symbol that can only be used when the four chiefs are discussing matters. What is even more funny is that the four chiefs wanted to There is no order of precedence, and the doors of the big tent are enlarged several times to facilitate the simultaneous entry and exit of the four chiefs.

This superficial balance can only be maintained when facing external threats from humans. Otherwise, after Grugesh’s death, the four major tribes may have fought over certain inheritances.

Not long after, more than 4,000 armored ogre warriors lined up. These ogre warriors had arms much thicker than human thighs and were extremely tall. Ordinary soldiers faced them as if they were nothing. A nightmare,

It can be seen from the outside that the ogres have made great progress. However, in the eyes of humans a few years ago, they were just a group of barbarians with simple minds and well-developed limbs who drank blood from their hair. Now, these barbarians have learned to line up and wear clothes. Iron armor and the use of standardized weapons, I really want Grugesh to continue to lead the ogres to develop.

When he completes the integration of hundreds of thousands of ogres in the wilderness, I am afraid that the entire northern land of mankind will be in danger,

Fortunately, Richard’s punch caused the ogres to lose their most important leader. Now that the four major tribes have been eliminated, the hidden danger of the ogres has basically been eliminated.

“Lord Richard, more than four thousand elite ogres are out, as well as a large number of kobolds.”

It is easy for spies to distinguish between ordinary ogre warriors and elites. A team with almost 100% armor coverage is nothing if not elite.

“Order the Tiger and Leopard Army and the Flying Bear Army to spread out on both wings and gradually push towards the ogre camp.”


After receiving the order, Quill and Kerry were actually a little confused. According to Richard’s order, it was not an action of direct combat, but an action of encirclement.

Except for the two legions, there are only a few thousand people left in the front, including attendants with heavy cavalry.

Although they vaguely knew that this army, like Richard’s personal army, was small in number but extremely elite, and there were hundreds of equally elite heavy cavalry, but with this small number of people, it seemed that they were going to directly fight against the ogre army. A little too confident?

However, the military orders were overwhelming. After Richard gave the order, the two of them spread out to the two wings in accordance with Richard’s order no matter how doubtful they were.

“Wear armor!”

After the two legions spread out to the two wings, Richard raised the Vulcan Sword in his hand and shouted an order. The attendants who had been guarding the Red Flame Knights and the heavy cavalry skillfully put heavy weights on it. ’s battle armor,

After a while, the knights and heavy cavalry behind Richard turned into moving iron mountains.

“Get up!”

“Da, da, da…”

As the order was issued again, hundreds of heavy cavalry approached the ogres in slow and orderly steps, accompanied by hundreds of elite centaurs also wearing armor…

This team that Richard spent a lot of money to build is about to be tested in actual combat…


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