Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 194: Seeking a fight


Flying Bear Army Camp

After a morning of training, the soldiers rushed back to the camp like a herd of beasts. It’s time to eat. Today is a double day, which happens to be a day when you can eat meat. If you go earlier, you can have a chance to catch some. A big fat piece of meat, but after playing around, all that’s left are those lean meaty lumps with no oil at all.

Originally, the Hunter family was not so heroic. Although they had enough food, it was impossible to provide food and meat to the army every other day. In the past, dozens of omnivorous griffons almost killed Richard. .

Now that the victory over the ogre tribe has robbed a lot of livestock, and with the arrival of Lint, the God of Wealth, we can barely supply some meat food on a daily basis. The army has meat, eggs and milk supplies and the army only eats dry food. Especially Even in the cold weapon stage, combat effectiveness and mental energy are still completely different.

Although the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army have only been in existence for a short time and have not experienced many battles, they are definitely two powerful armies in Richard’s eyes, perhaps even worse than the Forbidden Army of Golden Dragon City. A little, but it is definitely no weaker than the original Jingbei Army.

The more than 40,000 people in the two legions are all solid young and strong men. They have all been allocated land in the north. They are the so-called people with permanent property. Their ideological education has not been relaxed for a moment. They all know in their minds why they are fighting. ,

Eating has always been three meals a day, which keeps me full, and I can still eat meat every week. With a reasonable combination of vegetarian food and physical training, all my bodies have been strong and strong, and they are not as good as those inhuman beings. Race, but absolutely the most capable among humans.

However, compared to the scramble of the soldiers, Matt, as the captain, walked behind calmly. He is now more willing to eat a few lean meat than the fat meat, which is heavy with oil and gas.

If he had just joined the army a few years ago, he might have been the same as these soldiers. But after becoming a captain, his salary and treatment were much higher, and he was tired of eating fat. He occasionally looked at greasy meat. I still feel like I can’t eat anything that’s too heavy.

What he is thinking about now is not how many pieces of meat he can eat for lunch, but what achievements he can make in this war and whether there is any chance to go further.

Just during the morning training, the people from the Military Merit Office announced that the Iron Breathing Technique award had been added to the military merit exchange. The conditions were higher than the Basic Breathing Technique, but much lower than the redemption difficulty of the Beast Breathing Technique. Moreover, it was already Those who have redeemed the Basic Breathing Technique only need to make up the difference to obtain the Steel Breathing Technique, which gives low-level officers like Matt greater hope.

In Matt’s opinion, this is a breathing method that is absolutely suitable for him. It is easy to get started and has good results. It can help him reach the standard of a quasi-knight faster.

As long as you meet the standards of a quasi-knight and your salary can be improved, you will have more resources to pave the way to become a knight.

Once entering the military merit system designed by Richard, soldiers and officers will act as if they are superiors. They will work hard to kill the enemy, get rewards and benefits, use the rewards and benefits to improve their own strength, and then work hard to kill the enemy in exchange for Use more resources to continue to improve your strength,

So since the order for mobilization was issued from above, everyone from officers to ordinary soldiers have generally fallen into a state of excitement. After all, those who are killed will have the opportunity to be promoted and become stronger. As for being killed? It is normal to die on the way to becoming stronger. Anyway, everyone will only see the glory of those who succeed.

Cavalry camp

Richard is observing the training of the Red Flame Knights and the heavy cavalry,

Although there are less than 400 members of the Knights including their heavy equipment and heavy cavalry, there are at least a thousand people and thousands of horses in the camp now,

On average, each person is equipped with two attendants and several auxiliary Northland horses. They do nothing else but put on armor for knights and heavy cavalry before charging, and share part of the armor and weapons during the march. weight, it can also be used as a light cavalry in an emergency.


Hundreds of cavalrymen wearing heavy armor are lining up in neat lines for charge drills. The thick iron armor is wrapped from the knees of the horses to the heads of the cavalrymen, and their faces are exposed. The visor with the eyes coming out,

Although they have not been training for a long time, their formation is already in shape. After all, none of these people are weak in martial arts immediately. Many of them have been practicing for more than ten years, and now they are just lining up to familiarize themselves with the orders.

The group charge of heavy cavalry is much louder than that of ordinary cavalry. In addition to the sound of iron hoofs hitting the ground, the sound of metal collision made by the thick armor of the cavalry in the bumps is also extremely powerful music to Richard’s ears. ,

However, after two or three rounds of charges, the ordinary heavy cavalry, whether it was the Western Region war horse or the knight on the horse, was already showing fatigue. In this state on the battlefield, it is almost necessary to retreat and rest,

The composition of these cavalry is of high quality. The horses are all high-quality war horses purchased from the Western Region. If you do not count the bug-level horses produced by Richard, they are already the most comprehensive and high-quality horse breed. It is superior to all the excellent war horses that Richard knew in his previous life, and its load-bearing capacity and endurance are both superior.

The selection of cavalry is also from the best of the cavalry of the Hunter family and various attached nobles. Everyone has practiced the breathing method, and many are directly quasi-knights. If there is no comparison with the Red Flame Knights, this kind of The level of equipment and heavy riding may have made Richard frightened, but after having the Red Flame Knights, Richard is now thinking about how to expand the scale of the Knights.

After the same few rounds of charges, both the Red Flame Horses and the knights on the Red Flame Knights are still in good condition. Judging from this state, it will not be a problem to charge back and forth for several rounds.

You must know that the battle armor and horse armor of the Red Flame Knights are all custom-made, and they are nearly twice as heavy as the average heavy horse. The weight of the man plus the horse plus the armor is close to four tons. Even the Ogre Chief couldn’t catch such a knight head-on.

Unfortunately, the number is still too small. Even with the knights who have come to seek refuge from the North, the Red Flame Knights now only have more than 60 knights. They still need to be mixed with ordinary armored heavy knights to play a greater role.


Seeing that it was almost done, Richard rode his horse to the front of the people who were training with a stop sign,

All the knights took off their visors and saluted Richard on horseback to show their respect. Richard, who was riding an imposing figure with a gold helmet on his head and a gold-rimmed cloth mask, looked unusually majestic.

When everyone’s eyes were focused, Richard nodded to everyone in response to their salutes, and then began to show off his traditional skills and give pre-battle lectures,

Richard’s speech can only be said to be qualified. He is not even a little bit worse than a certain painter, but Richard has his own advantage, that is, in his speech, the realism of the pie is painted. In fact, it can be seen and touched

To sum up, do you want wealth? Want a woman? Want status? Use your weapons to chop off the heads of those ogres, and I can give you everything you want!

The Northland cavalry who originally worshiped Richard so much and wished to die fighting for him all excitedly shouted long live, wishing they could immediately set foot on the wilderness and trample those originally terrifying ogres under their iron hooves. Next,

Their excited cheers brought the originally calm knights of the Red Flame Knights into this atmosphere, and they became excited together.

When soldiers seek battle, their morale is available…


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