Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 192: The stagnant forest city and return


Aragorn didn’t make much noise after returning to the ring, and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep again. It should be that the magic power to maintain his state was not sufficient. At this time, Richard did not have enough magic crystals in his hand. We can only feel wronged by Aragorn first.

According to Aragorn, both the magic power and the fighting spirit practiced by the knights are essentially the same energy, but the magic power is purer and the qi introduced by the Qi-Inducing Art is somewhat mixed.

The current situation seems to be even more serious than Aragorn’s time. The magic power between heaven and earth is so thin that it is close to nothing. Even Dou Qi cultivation, which is a rougher mode than magic cultivation, is difficult to enter the advanced realm.

Aragorn appeared outside the ring, and the energy that maintained his soul continued to be consumed without any replenishment, and he was soon forced to fall into a deep sleep.

This also explains why in Aragorn’s time there were still as many sky knights as there were hands in the sky, and even one or two strong men at the holy realm level, but now it is difficult to even have a strong man at the sky level. Yes,

In this kind of environment where it is difficult for the strong to escape, races with innate physical strength will have an even greater advantage, not to mention existences like the giant dragons that can defeat big knights and earth knights with their bodies, even if they are generally higher than humans One or two orcs are becoming more and more troublesome. The disparity in basic strength between the two sides is already huge, and now the gap in strength above the knight level cannot be widened. It is almost certain that when the golden dragon leaves, humans will immediately Was attacked in retaliation by the orc kingdom.

Of course, this is not something that Richard should worry about yet. Although he roughly knows from various fragmentary information and Aragorn’s mouth that the golden dragon clan is not reliable, there will only be one last dragon knight in the country. The news of the year is still top secret in the kingdom, and even Richard is not qualified to know it at the moment.

What really gives Richard a headache now is the Linzhong City, which is currently stagnant in development. The high-end Archway that produces Deadwood Warriors and the high-end Magic Spring that produces Silver Pegasus were both built by Richard with gritted teeth, but the production barriers ( Elf) Sixth-level soldier unicorn’s forest holy land left Richard without a clue.

Architecture: Holy Land in the Forest

Only a beautiful and pure elf girl can win the favor of the holy unicorn when she serves as the city lord.

This condition simply made Richard a little confused. Where can he find an elf hero to serve as the city lord? I also want a beautiful and pure girl.

Unicorns have become synonymous with pretentiousness in Richard’s eyes, but regardless of whether they are pretentious or not, they are still level six soldiers,

The key is the holy land in the forest or the prerequisite for building Dragon Cliff. If this thing doesn’t come, when will Richard’s dream of owning a giant dragon be realized?

Complaining and complaining are of little use. After temporarily thinking of no way to deal with it, Richard could only count his troops and lead his people on the road back to Demon Suppression City.

After more than a month of accumulation, Richard now has a strong army and a strong army.

Centaur Elite (375), Halberdier (351), War Dancer (275), Marksman (320), Great Elf Archer (132), Royal Griffin (168), Silver Pegasus Warrior (40) , Crusader (113), Phantom Archer (5), Senior Monk (30), Deadwood Warrior (30), Diamond Man (2), Champion Knight (5), Manticore (1).

After leaving the dead wood warriors in Linzhong City, Richard led all his troops back towards the Demon Suppressing City. The time was ripe for a second expedition into the wilderness. The last time, due to lack of strength, Richard failed in that battle. He is more like a chicken thief,

This time, Richard is planning to completely eliminate the large tribe left by Grugesh, eliminate the hidden dangers of ogres in the wilderness, control the magic crystal mine, and complete the pending mission.

This elite force of more than a thousand people, and Elena, who looked curious and observing on the side, gave him the confidence to go on the expedition.

“Ms. Elena, what do you think of my army?”

Richard, who showed off his muscles in front of Elena, couldn’t help but wince. At first, Elena might have doubted the strength of his territory.

“A powerful army.”

Elena has a temperament. Even in her continent, if she can have an army of this strength, she can be regarded as a powerful lord,

Not to mention anything else, just the four champion knights, Elena has no chance of defeating them without summoning the angels to come, and the group of crusaders walking with clanking sounds, they are nothing at first glance A relatable character.

“It’s just that with your strength, it does surprise me that you can command such powerful subordinates.”

The more powerful the world is, the more powerful the ruler must be. In Elena’s world, lords are usually responsible for the military force in their territories. You can probably judge a lord by looking at his strength. The strength of the territory.

In fact, the lords of the North also conform to this rule, but Richard was an accident.

After listening to Elena’s words, Richard didn’t take it seriously, and shamelessly pointed at his own head and said:

“A powerful lord, in addition to force, also needs a smart and flexible mind and a compassionate heart.”

Actually, in this kind of world, the strength of the lord is of course important. Even if he is not the strongest, he still has to be able to tolerate it. Richard understands the truth, but I must maintain my face.

“A kind heart?”

Richard’s reasoning made Elena fall into thinking.

“Maybe I’m too obsessed with power.”

After marching for a day and night, when the sun rose the next day, Richard could already see the outline of the Demon City.

After more than two months of work, the outer city wall of Zhenmo City has begun to take shape, and the internal layout of streets and houses has also been completed. This progress is not unpleasant in this era,

This is of course thanks to Lint’s good scheduling during this period, and of course the hard work of the Kobold 007 mode.

Soon Richard led the army to approach the city wall. After confirming his identity, the guarding Flying Bear Army immediately lifted their guard and saluted Richard,

The surrounding workers also stopped to salute Richard. Richard even saw some distinctive kobolds who also stopped to salute him.

To say that these kobolds are different is literally true. They look much stronger than the group of kobolds working on the ground. They also wear blue and white uniforms and carry a small whip in their hands. It is very conspicuous among the kobolds. After all, the kobolds in the past did not wear clothes.

After a moment’s thought, Richard roughly figured out what this group of kobolds was about. He set up examples and gave rewards, used kobolds to supervise the work of the kobolds, and gave them a little hope to make them work harder. It is probably this trick to let Richard take care of the matter. A smart man like Lin Te would not have thought of it.

But looking at the funny looks of these kobolds, Richard couldn’t help but smile, and a word came to his mind for no apparent reason – dog management.

When passing by this group of kobold slave workers, Richard paid special attention to Elena’s expression. Elena’s expression seemed very natural, without any hesitation. It was obvious that her justice was only for humans. , he was not the kind of guy with a moral obsession, which made Richard feel relieved.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

Not long after entering the city, the sound of army training came from the school grounds. It was now the time for the army’s morning exercises. The training of the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army had obviously not been left behind, and everything was proceeding step by step.

Lines of spearmen and sword players are rehearsing their formations. Their formation changes are quite skillful and their formations are neat. It can be seen at a glance that they are well-trained elites.

There are also some tall soldiers holding warhammers and other special weapons mixed in the formation. These special teams are specially designed to deal with some difficult opponents. Even if the knight-level masters break into the formation, they must be led by the captain. Attack with the heavy hammer.

“These armies are worse, and their individual strength is greatly lacking.”

“Yeah, but there are more of them.”

Elina, who was following Richard, was not intimidated by the momentum of these armies and directly pointed out the shortcomings of the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army.

This is correct. After all, it depends on who you compare with. In Elena’s eyes, elite soldiers are at least soldiers of the level of halberdier. With Richard’s bonus, those halberdier can Already barely possessing the combat power of a quasi-knight, it is naturally beyond the reach of these ordinary soldiers.

However, Richard is quite satisfied. The Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army have only been established for a short period of time, but being able to reach this level in two or three months can definitely be said to be well-trained.

He does not lack individual powerful mid-to-high-end combat power. As long as his ordinary army can reach the level of the royal capital’s forbidden army in the future, he will be satisfied.

In this expedition to the wilderness, both legions will participate in the battle. Through training and actual combat, the two armies will soon grow up.

“Let’s go back to the castle.”


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