Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 190: The truth


“Hahahaha…that’s not right, why hasn’t the magic recovered yet? How did I wake up?”

After being frightened at first, Richard found that the other party did not seem to be a threat, so he relaxed and observed,

Although the other party is wearing golden armor, it is obvious that this is just a false image. The other party has no entity. What makes Richard care more is the other party’s face.

The standard male face of the Charlemagne family is really easy to recognize. Considering the origin of this ring, Richard can at least 80% determine the identity of the other person.

“Hey, kid, who are you? Did you wake me up?”

The soul body, which had been talking to itself for a while, finally noticed Richard in front of him and asked.

“When asking someone for their identity, shouldn’t you first introduce yourself as a courtesy?”

Although he had roughly guessed the other party’s identity, Richard chose to try a little harder.

Richard is not a native of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. He does not have the same admiration and admiration as ordinary people for this god-like figure of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. Instead, what he is thinking about now is the pros and cons, and how to maximize his own interests. That’s all.

Of course, if the other party still exists physically, the former top master of the human race and the founding monarch of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Richard will definitely start kneeling and licking mode immediately without saying a word,

But now that the other party was clearly at a disadvantage, Richard decided to put himself in an equal position to communicate with the other party.

“Introduce yourself, who am I?”

“I am the guardian of the entire human race, the lord of the golden dragon, the destroyer of orcs, and the terminator of gods, Aragorn Charlemagne!”

Huo, this name is quite big, full of overflowing feelings of sexual intercourse,

However, from this string of explosive titles, Richard got two incredible pieces of information,

The title Lord of the Golden Dragon is obviously inconsistent with the current situation. In the current Golden Dragon Kingdom, the Golden Dragon is obviously the master of humans. Maybe the situation back then was the opposite?

The God Terminator at least shows that His Majesty Aragorn has really faced off against the gods. Seeing how proud he is, even if he suffered some losses, he must have made the other party pay the price.

“So, who are you?”

Aragorn also noticed that something was wrong. Richard’s performance was too calm. It was not that he was arrogant. Unless there were any major changes in the human race, with his reputation, even after a thousand years, humans who heard this name should be awe-inspiring. That’s right.

“I am the Prince of Hirano of the Kingdom, and I am currently the nominal number one expert in the Kingdom.”

“Pfft, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, but the strength of your great knight calling yourself the number one master in the kingdom is really funny.”

A knight will only show his strength when he takes action. It is usually difficult to see through a knight’s strength at a glance. Aragorn is the first person Richard has encountered who can tell his strength at a glance. .

“Hey, are you using the Lieyang Qi-inducing Art?”

“Strange, who are you? There shouldn’t be anyone else who can get started in the Lieyang Qi Art.”

Aragorn seemed to be astonished as if he had discovered a new world. Obviously, there is an internal reason why the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique, which has been the top Qi Drawing Technique for so many years, has never been practiced by anyone.

“The Fierce Sun Qi-Inducing Technique was a reward I obtained from the palace treasure house, so I practiced it accordingly.”

What Richard said was only half the truth. Of course, it was impossible to tell the other party about such things as getting started with the system.

“Hahahaha, I don’t care how you mastered the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Art. Once you get started with the Lieyang-Inducing Qi Jue, you will be on the same front as me.”

These words made Richard a little confused. Although the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique was created by you, once you practice it, you will be on the same front. There are so many techniques in the world, can’t they be divided according to the technique? Hundreds of camps came out.

“You’re confused, aren’t you? But the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Art is different from other techniques.”

“What’s the difference?”

“The practice of other Qi-Qing Jue is just the accumulation of quantity, but with my Lieyang Qi-Qiuing Jue, I can understand the true meaning of the rules to the depths.”

Speaking of this, Aragorn unconsciously showed a hint of pride, but this once the number one master of the human race did have the right to be proud.

“Then what does this have to do with me standing on the same front as you?”

Li Cha can admit that the other party can create exercises involving laws, but he does not agree that after practicing, he must be on a front with the other party.

“What do you think the law is?”

After discovering that Richard was practicing the Burning Sun Qi Art, Aragorn seemed to be willing to take the initiative to talk to Richard about things, as if he regarded Richard as one of his own.

“Laws? The laws governing the operation of all things between heaven and earth should be called laws.”

“Yes, originally the law should be an ownerless thing in the world, but some people want to use it as private property, and those who understand the law will be regarded as an infringement of their rights.”

Richard opened his mouth, as if he had thought of something, and finally one word came out.


“To be precise, it is the God of the Rising Sun.”

“Back then, I understood the Law of Fire by practicing the Lieyang Qi Jue to the depths, but this guy jumped out of nowhere, saying that I had stolen his authority, and ordered the church people to kill me. This blasphemer,

But this guy is obviously not very smart. Although the church is strong, I am the monarch of the kingdom. The church dared to hand me its claws under the so-called order of God. I simply refused to do anything and ordered the complete annihilation of Rising Sun. Religion. ”

“So it wasn’t you who broke your promise?”

“Who said I was the one who betrayed my faith? The Pope and I made a good deal at the beginning. Let the things of God be returned to God and the things of the world to the world. We would work together to completely defeat the orcs and lay the foundation of our race for all eternity.

Who knew that their **** who had never responded actually existed and made the church abandon the kingdom. I could only free my hands to deal with the church before thinking about attacking the orcs.

I didn’t expect that after beating the church, the God of the Rising Sun would come. After a big battle, he beat me until I continued to sleep, and I became like this. ”

Speaking of this, Aragorn also looked helpless. He was a typical example of unfulfilled ambition and dying before he left the army. Maybe he could live a little longer. The biggest threat to mankind now, the orc kingdom, still exists. Not necessarily anymore.

Richard can also understand this fucked-up mentality from Aragorn’s narration. Whether or not the true God exists in a church is an essential difference. A church without the true God can easily be used as long as the ruler has clever means. It will be turned into a tool of rule and an accessory to the royal power.

However, a church with the true God cannot be truly controlled by the kingdom anyway. This is the case with the Rising Sun God. The God of the Rising Sun, who had never appeared before, is already a symbolic existence. Maybe the church’s senior leaders and the people at that time Aragorn didn’t take it seriously.

But after the God of the Rising Sun issued the oracle, the impact on the entire church can be imagined. A war that jointly pursued the orcs suddenly turned into a civil war.

“When will he wake up?”

“Who knows, it may take many years, or it may wake up immediately.”

Richard is not in a good mood at the moment. Not only is he at loggerheads with the church, but he has also practiced the Fierce Sun Qi-Entraining Technique that can trigger the Law of Fire. This is considered to be completely on the opposite side of the God of the Rising Sun. Yes,

But he knows very well that it is impossible for him to fight against the God of the Rising Sun at present. He is as powerful as Aragorn. He even let the opponent destroy his body at the beginning, and the price the opponent paid was just a deep sleep.

If the other party comes suddenly now, Richard may not be able to resist at all. He hates this feeling that his fate is not in his control.

“What, are you scared?”

Aragorn looked at Richard deep in thought and asked teasingly.


Richard is very honest, and there is nothing shameful about being cowardly, especially when faced with a powerful being who claims to be a god.

“Hahahaha, you don’t have to worry for the time being. The Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique will at least trigger the Law of Fire when you enter the Holy Domain. He will not notice you before activating the Law.”

Aragorn’s words swept away a lot of the gloom in Richard’s heart. As long as he couldn’t face him immediately, he would still have a chance with the system. Now he couldn’t even reach the earth. By the time he reached the holy level, the system would I still don’t know how it will develop.

As soon as the haze in Richard’s heart disappeared, Richard’s curiosity emerged again. He still had many questions to ask this man from five hundred years ago.

“Well, I also want to ask you a question.”





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