Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 188: Real hero unit


After Richard’s performance, although the expression of the woman opposite has calmed down, the terrifying knight in front of him does not seem to be calm. Richard can obviously observe that the red light in the opponent’s eyes is shaking a bit. If If it wasn’t limited by the rules of the tavern, maybe the terrifying knight had already drawn his sword.

In fact, Richard originally had some scruples about recruiting terror knights, but the elite terror knights who had a high probability of possessing the peak strength of the earth were really popular, and he was willing to take a little risk.

But just when he was about to make a decision, a more fragrant one came, and it was obviously a choice between two options. Richard was not stupid and naturally knew how to choose.

When the woman entered the door and was noticed by Richard, a prompt appeared.

Hero Priestess Elena

Level: 5

Strength: 20

Agility: 21

Physique: 19

Spirit: 10

Magic: 0 (100)

Talent Skill: Angel’s Coming (Intermediate-Treasure Enhancement Effect)

You can summon an ordinary angel to come to you and gain all its combat power.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooling time: 1 day

Speciality: You can recruit one priest, one nun, and one fanatic each week.

Skills: Monastery Breathing Technique (Master Level), Light Entrainment Technique (Intermediate Level), Reincarnation and Rebirth (can resurrect a creature that died unnaturally and with a complete body – cannot be upgraded), Holy Word Technique (Intermediate Level).


1: Light Magic Book (allows the hero to use any light magic when the magic power is sufficient)

2: Skill Pendant (forcibly upgrade the hero’s talent skills by one level)

Introduction: A follower of Elrath, the Dragon of Light, who advocates light and hates darkness. She is gentle, brave and kind. She has more chivalry than most knights.

If you only look at the basic panel, Elena probably only has the strength of the Great Knight level. This kind of strength would have made Richard jealous a few months ago, but now he can’t even rank in the first echelon. ,

But the various special skills and treasures that followed were simply dazzling for Richard. His special skill is the arrival of angels. This skill has a similar effect to Richard’s use of the angel necklace, but its endurance is much stronger than that of Richard.

With a duration of one hour and only one day’s cooling time, Elena’s combat power is already greater than or equal to that of an ordinary angel,

Coupled with the fact that it comes with two treasures with super powerful effects, it has completely killed the previous elite terror knight instantly,

Not to mention that Elena has obviously stronger growth potential, and her level should be improved, so there is no need to think about who to choose.

“Poor guy.”

Elina, who walked straight to the bar, glanced at the horror knight with her head buried in her eyes when passing by Richard and the horror knight, then shook her head and said,

She must have seen that this terrifying knight was not a controlled puppet, but a knight who had recovered some memories of his life.

Then he ignored the increasingly intense red light in his eyes and came to the bar.

“I’ll pay for this lady’s wine, along with a plate of beans and bacon.”

Just when Elena took out her wallet and prepared to pay first, Richard had quickly given up on the Terror Knight and came to the other side of the bar.

“Thank you.”

Elena didn’t refuse, and let Richard throw a gold on the bar, then turned around and walked to an empty table.

Li Cha, on the other hand, was waiting for the tavern owner to prepare the wine, drinks and snacks, and then brought them to Elena.

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

Elena was not too polite to Richard, and quickly drank half a glass of wine with the snack. When Richard saw that the time was almost up, he spoke:

“Beautiful lady, how did you get here?”

No woman does not like to be praised for her beauty. Even a Priestess is happy to hear others praise her. Although Priestess’s face remained serious, she immediately answered Richard’s question.

“I have been wandering around in order to build Lord Elrath’s temple. I came here under the guidance of Lord Elrath. I think this magical place must have a chance to achieve my goal.”

“If you are willing to serve me, I can build you a temple to Elrath in my territory.”

Richard simply stopped beating around the bush. After learning about Elena’s purpose, he went straight to the point to clarify his own purpose.

Exchanging a temple for the combat power of the earth or even the sky is not a loss no matter how you calculate it.

“Are you a lord?”

After hearing what Richard said, Elena raised her head and glanced at Richard with some confusion.

“Of course, I rule several cities and hundreds of villages, with nearly two million people in my territory. I am the most powerful lord nearby.”

When Richard said that he was the most powerful lord in the area, he did not even mention one of them. The Lanster family, the original overlord of the North, was obviously no longer as good as the Hunter family.

“But I have never seen a lord as weak as you.”


As a peak knight, I am not weak at all. Where do you have such a high standard for a lord?

“The fact is the fact. I am indeed the lord of this land. If you follow me out, you will understand that my castle and soldiers are outside.”

“I hope that the monarch I serve is a just, just and benevolent monarch.”

Elena put forward another condition, but this did not trouble Richard.

“Obviously, that’s the kind of lord I am.”

Richard said this without any hesitation, and facing the other party’s clear eyes, there was no problem of blushing or heartbeat.

Elena pouted uncomfortably, a little defeated by Richard’s shamelessness. Obviously, Richard’s performance just now was not very convincing to Elena, even though he is a believer in the Dragon of Light and a believer in order. Watcher, but after years of wandering, Elena has never seen anything, and she is not an innocent girl who is easily deceived.

“If you don’t believe it, you can stay and supervise me. You can see whether my people live and work in peace and contentment, and whether my rule is benevolent and just.”

Richard is actually quite confident on this point. Knights in this era actually have very low requirements for lords,

In the eyes of these fair knights, it can be said to be just and benevolent, and Richard’s rule can simply be regarded as fair and kind. Peerless Master, at least in Richard’s territory, no one who is not too lazy will be in danger of freezing or starving.

After hearing what Richard said, Elena was obviously entangled. Richard knew that she was just about to get the last chance.

“A sage once said that hearing is false and seeing is believing. If you don’t stay and take a look, how will you know whether I am a lord who meets your requirements?”

“Okay, you have convinced me, I will stay for now. I hope you are a kind and just lord.”

“Hero Elena has joined your team.”

“Please note that Priestess Elena has only temporarily joined your team. If your behavior during this period arouses Elena’s disgust, the other party may leave at any time.”

“Welcome to join.”

At this time, Richard’s face was already full of smiles. He raised the wine glass in his hand and gestured to Elena before drinking it down in one gulp.

As for the final prompt from the system? Sorry, Richard’s management of the territory is good. He can definitely be said to be fair and kind in this era. Even if there are some dark places, Richard can ensure that Elena will never see those dark corners.

When Elena agreed to stay and take a look, she had actually been successfully recruited by Richard, and it was only a matter of time before she became completely loyal.


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