Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 187: The Horrible Knight and the Priestess


A small, exquisite wooden house suddenly appeared on the street inside the Stone Castle. Blurred orange light came out through the door and windows. Richard could vaguely hear some movement in the tavern. There seemed to be more than one person inside.

Richard took a breath, pushed open the half-open wooden door of the tavern, and walked inside.

There were a few wooden tables scattered in the hall. Richard glanced at the situation in the tavern through the dim candlelight,

At this time, there were four humanoid creatures not counting Richard in the tavern. Standing on the bar was an old man with messy hair, a reddish face and an obvious nose, who should be a bartender. people,

The other three people were sitting alone on several wooden tables drinking. Except for the bartender on the bar who looked up at Richard, the other three people didn’t seem to care about the new guest.

“What does the guest need?”

“Bring me a glass of rye.”

“Okay, wait a minute.”

Richard walked across the hall to the bar and ordered a glass of rye wine. After the bartender brought the wine to the bar, Richard sat in the corner of the tavern alone with the drink and observed.

The people in the tavern did not treat him as a special envoy like other system characters. He actually became an ordinary customer here.

However, in the tavern, the system seems to be able to disclose everyone’s information to him,

When he carefully observed the bartender, a message naturally popped up in his mind

“This is just an ordinary bartender. If there is anything special about him, it is that he is also the owner of this pub.”

He is really just an ordinary person…

Richard turned his attention to the left side of the bar, a middle-aged man wearing shabby nailed leather armor. He stared at it for a few seconds, and then there was another message

“A mercenary who has been fighting for half his life has rich combat experience but average strength and is always in poverty. But he is also lucky. At least he did not lose his life. As long as you give him money, he can fight for you. Of course You and I both know the loyalty well.”

Richard lost interest in this person after reading the introduction. His loyalty is not enough and his strength is average. Why should I use him?

Then Richard looked at another person in the dark corner. This person seemed to be drunk. He was lying motionless on the table, with only an empty wine glass next to him.

“A drunken idle man may die in a deserted alley late at night in a winter.”

Damn, what about the heroes we agreed on? What are they?

Unwilling to be reconciled, Richard turned his attention to the last person, a guy who looked a little thin and his whole body was shrouded in a black robe.

“An elite terrifying knight who recovered part of his memory during his lifetime. Because of the recovery of his memory, he broke away from the army of the undead and wandered alone. However, although he recovered part of his memory as a human being,

But becoming undead has affected his character after all. He is very cruel by nature and has killed many innocent people for their souls. If you can meet his demands, maybe he can fight for you. ”

The word “Terror Knight” aroused Richard’s interest. This cemetery soldier is definitely the strongest existence in the sixth level, which largely makes up for the embarrassment of the ghost dragon.

Although I didn’t see a hero, it would be nice to recruit a terrifying knight?

It may be that the cemetery soldiers blending into the team will affect morale, but in Richard’s opinion, this problem is not big. Reality is not a game. He can order the Terror Knight to act alone.

While Richard was silently observing the other party, the terrifying knight who was completely hidden under the black robe suddenly turned around. He noticed Richard’s observation, and stared at Richard with his scarlet eyes.

The glowing red eyes were a bit frightening, but Richard was not afraid at all. Not to mention whether he could take action in this tavern, it was okay if he couldn’t take action. If he could take action, all the people outside were Richard’s. Who cares? Whether the Terror Knight is the sixth level master, the four champion knights can easily take care of him.

The confident Richard simply picked up the rye on the table and walked to the side of the terrifying knight after he was caught peeping.

“A drink? My treat.”

“No need to waste money. The wine in this tavern has no taste. The boss sells fake wine. If it weren’t for the rules, I should chop off the head of this black-hearted businessman and take away his soul.”

The voice coming from under the black robe was hoarse and cruel. Even if it was mixed with water, it would not be as bad as it was. Moreover, Richard also tasted the rye wine in the cup. Although it was not a good wine, it still tasted full of alcohol. It’s strong, and it may not even be mixed with water. How could it be fake wine, but Richard roughly understood it after thinking about it for a while.

Whether the Terror Knight has recovered his memory or not, he can no longer be considered a normal life. Perhaps because part of his memory has been recovered, it reminds him of wine, something he once remembered, but the undead unit may not have such a sense of taste at all. Having said that, I am afraid that whatever I eat or drink will not taste good.

Li Cha didn’t want to get too entangled in this issue, so he simply said straight to the point:

“Mr. Knight, I wonder if you are interested in serving a powerful lord?”

“Oh, you want to be my monarch?”

The Terror Knight seems to have some interest. The memory of his past makes him not opposed to serving a monarch, but he has some small conditions that he wants to be satisfied by Richard.

“I need the souls of a hundred intelligent creatures, help me fill them, and I will serve you.”

As he spoke, the horror knight took out a small black ball from his arms and threw it to Richard. Richard subconsciously caught the ball in his hand, and a cold breath quickly spread down his palm.

One hundred intelligent creatures do not refer to humans. Strictly speaking, ogres and kobolds can be said to be intelligent creatures. It is not difficult for Richard to collect the souls of one hundred intelligent creatures. The only difficulty is that That’s all in my heart.

Richard squeezed the small black ball in his hand and was frantically calculating the gains and losses in his mind,

If a hundred ogre heads are exchanged for the service of an earth-level person, then Richard will lead his people into the wilderness to find the head without saying a word,

But absorbing souls is a bit evil when you think about it. If you are found out, it will have a bad reputation. However, an elite terrifying knight is likely to be a high-level existence on the earth. It would be a pity to give up.

Perhaps we can keep things a little secret?


While Richard was calculating the gains and losses in his mind, the door of the tavern was pushed open again.

Then a soft female voice came:

“Bring me a glass of absinthe.”

Richard turned his head in surprise and found that the person who came was a woman wearing a light yellow war skirt and half a body of silver chain armor.

The woman has dark yellow hair and a graceful figure. Unfortunately, her face is a bit wide. Although her face has soft lines and she is very approachable at first glance, she is not a beauty in the traditional sense.

But the ordinary facial features cannot hide the divine feeling in her body.


The horror knight at the table snorted coldly. Richard could clearly feel that the horror knight had a sense of disgust for the woman who had just come in. There was also a little fear in this disgust.

While Richard was observing each other, the woman opposite seemed to notice Richard and the Terror Knight. When she saw the items in Richard’s hand, she frowned visibly.

However, after Richard saw the attributes of the woman who entered the door, he quickly made a decision in his heart.

“Well, Mr. Knight, I don’t think I can agree to your conditions. I am a benevolent prince with my own principles and bottom lines. There are some things I really can’t do.”

After saying that, Richard returned the small ball that always exuded a cold aura to the terrifying knight on the opposite side.

The brows of the woman who just entered the door also relaxed, only the terrifying knight was stunned for a moment by Richard…


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