Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 186: New buildings and soaring strength


“Brother Dane, there’s no need to give it away anymore, it’s going to be released soon.”

“Well, the Marquis doesn’t want to stay for a few more days, so I can show my kindness as a landlord.”

Under the tall gate city of Zhenbeiguan, Dane was escorting Richard to the gate with hundreds of cavalry. The soldiers guarding the gate were very sensible and moved the roadblocks in advance to wait aside.

Now Richard just wants to infiltrate the tentacles of his forces into Zhenbeiguan. If the situation changes one day, with the cooperation of Dane, Richard can seize this magnificent pass without any blood. , and then occupy the essence of the river valley,

This was also one of the reasons why Richard valued Dane. When he was in a hurry to return to the North, he also stopped in Burai City for a day and accepted Dane’s hospitality.

“I have been away from the Northland for too long. There are many things that I still have to deal with when I go back. I can’t stay in the River Valley for too long.”

“Then I will send it to the Marquis.”

Dane escorted Richard out for several miles with a look of farewell before leading his men to turn their horses around and go back.

Don’t care about anything else, Dane is quite capable and a good person, and his acumen in assessing situations is also good.

No matter what Richard calls him, Dane has taken the Marquis very seriously. He has no intention of climbing along the way. He has identified Richard’s strength and made a very decisive move to surrender. If Richard becomes a It’s done, no matter what, Richard would be embarrassed not to give some benefits to Dane.

On the contrary, the knights who followed Richard north had a new understanding of Richard’s power, and felt that they made the right choice to follow this upstart of the kingdom.

A dignified commander of the River Valley Guard Corps, the number one military figure on the River Valley table, and a powerful mid-level knight, he behaved as respectfully as a puppy in front of Richard,

This at least shows that the Hunter family has great ambitions and has reached out to the river valley. This ambition to expand power is definitely a good thing in the eyes of these knights,

Isn’t it possible to give up the prosperity of the royal capital and follow Richard to the northland, which is regarded as a dull place by the people of the royal capital, just so that he can have new opportunities and development under Richard? The more ambitious Richard is, the more opportunities they will naturally have.

Leaving Zhenbeiguan is the official arrival to the Northland. Spring in the Northland will come later. Although it has been spring for nearly two months, it is already very warm from the royal capital to the river valley. But as soon as we leave Zhenbei Even though he was off, he could still clearly feel a chill. The cloth armor he was wearing, which was a bit hot, now actually had the effect of keeping out the cold.

Different from the warm and graceful spring in the south, the spring in the north is a bit rough and heroic. The ice and snow have just melted, and the chill has not yet receded. When the spring breeze blows by, you can occasionally feel a bit of a bit of a chill, which will make you feel intoxicated by the spring breeze just now. The person inside suddenly became excited.

Li Cha, who was almost intoxicated with the gentle countryside of the capital, looked at the vast wilderness outside Zhenbei Pass, and instantly felt a sense of pride as a second grader,

“One day, the kingdom’s gold coins must be engraved with my face.”


“Lord Richard.”

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Richard ran wildly for a long time before returning to normal and turning back. As soon as he came, he named Zebul, who was actually the strongest person in the team.

“You take the team back to the Demon City and let Mr. Lint settle them down. I will come back the next day.”

“Master Richard, how is your safety?”

Zebul knew about the existence of Stone Castle, so he didn’t ask where Richard was going. It was just that he had been assuming the identity of Richard’s bodyguard during this period. His first reaction was naturally that of Richard. Safety.

“It’s okay. The Northland is no better than the Great Plains. It’s the safest if I go alone.”

Richard’s confidence is not unreasonable. Although Zebul is not with him, the Poisonous Manticore will still follow him. With the power of the Poisonous Manticore that he has added, no master within the earth level can easily obtain it. His life,

The church in the North is not very powerful. At least neither Nightingale nor Yusi has found any obvious traces of church activities so far, so he does not have to worry about being inexplicably surrounded by official armed forces similar to the garrison.

The only person who poses a fatal threat to him, Mi Xiu, is probably still recovering from his injuries at the moment, and he probably won’t take risks himself and come to the North to kill him.

Moreover, if he acts alone, he won’t have many opportunities to expose his whereabouts. Even if Mi Xiu is willing to risk his life to get rid of him, he is a scourge. In a vast and sparsely populated place like Northland, it will be difficult to target him. whereabouts,

So Richard is not worried about his own safety at the moment. He is more concerned about the newly unlocked buildings and trying out certain functions.

“Drive, drive…”

After explaining the matter to Zebul, Richard led two pioneer knights on horseback towards the Stone Castle.

Because there is no drag, Richard and the two vanguard knights can actually use the effects of the knight’s gloves and magic boots, and the speed is much faster.

So they quickly turned into several under the surprised gazes of many knights.

“This horse is so fast…”

Compared to Richard’s sudden departure from the team, the speed of the red flame horse is what makes many knights feel outrageous,

Everyone is knowledgeable. Although the horse looks amazing, its speed is indeed ridiculously fast.

“Ahem, okay, Sir Richard has to deal with some things. I will take you to the Demon Suppression City first.”

After Zebul spoke, everyone came back to their senses,

Zebul’s earth-level strength has been well known to everyone during this period of time. He still has prestige. There is no problem in leading this group of knights. After Zebul opened his mouth, he could only suppress the shock in his heart. Follow Zebul towards the Demon Town.


The moonlight was as white as gauze, as if draped over the earth. Richard actually took advantage of the moonlight and rushed to the foot of the huge stone castle when it was dark, waiting for the heavy city gate to open. The venomous manticore lion on the side could not help but He kept sticking out his tongue, obviously very tired,

Although the explosive speed of the Manticore Lion is much higher than that of the Red Flame Horse, its endurance is obviously far behind. Halfway through the journey, it became a little weak. Fortunately, the sixth level creature has a strong physique, and the Manticore Lion was also able to survive. Following Richard, he quickly ran to the foot of the boulder fortress.

As the door of the Stone Castle opened, Richard walked into the city with two pioneer knights and the Manticore.

At this time, there is a new military building in the Stone Fort.

Advanced Knight Training Camp

After the battle in the palace, Richard woke up and found that the knight training camp had been unlocked. More than two weeks had passed, and the knight training camps had been directly upgraded to advanced knight training camps.

Richard came with two vanguard knights in order to upgrade them to champion knights.



Four champion knights are newly released.

Including Zebul, Richard already has five strong men of the Earth Knight level,

Although the strength of these champion knights is only the basic level of earth knights, in battle, with Richard’s skill bonus and above, he can at least fight against the mid-level earth knights,

With such a strong force, if the kingdom’s reaction is not considered, Richard can conquer the entire Northland immediately,

Of course, after experiencing the trip to the royal capital and meeting old monsters like Mi Xiu and Qing, Richard’s arrogance has been suppressed a lot, and he will not easily do something that breaks the rules.

But another expedition into the wilderness can be put on the agenda…

After recruiting all the troops he had accumulated during this period, Richard entered the waiting process. He frequently paid attention to the time, as if he was waiting for an important moment…

Finally, twelve o’clock arrived, and it was a new week. Richard couldn’t wait to open the building interface again,

Tavern, build…


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