Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 185: Return to the North


The sky is blue and the willow tops are fresh green.

On the official road outside Jinlong City, a team of nearly a hundred people was heading north. The leader of the team was the newly promoted Ping Yehou Richard,

At this time, Richard had already replaced his somewhat flashy gold-rimmed battle armor with a set of low-key and practical cloth-faced armor.

Compared to when they came, the entire team was much more vigilant. After all, they were facing a force of the same level as the Rising Sun Cult. Even on the central plains in the core area of ​​the kingdom, the Rising Sun Cult also launched attacks. ability,

Even if Mi Xiu is seriously injured and the church’s power has been hit hard, Richard doesn’t dare to blame him. The angel necklace is still cooling down. He, the Sky Knight, is just a parallel import. If the First Church really becomes ruthless and gathers its strength again, it will be able to show off his true and false qualities in one fell swoop.

What reassures Richard is that the overall strength of the team is now several times stronger than when it came. Although the number of people has only doubled, the additions are all real knight-level masters. These people are placed in the North, It is a middle-level backbone force that can support tens of thousands of troops. Now it is all concentrated in Richard’s small team returning from the north. With Mi Xiu injured, these people should not be afraid of the church’s attack again.

However, after learning the lesson from the last time, the team has always remained vigilant, maintaining double sentries at night, and must be led by a master of the knight level, so that even if it is attacked by an expert of the earth level, there will be time to give a warning,

When I was on the road during the day, I was all wearing armor and didn’t look relaxed at all.

Seeing that Richard was marching in his armor every day without any intention of relaxing, these new knights naturally did not dare to relax at all, and each made their weapons and equipment to the extreme, neatly and neatly. Wearing all his equipment, he looked like he might be about to charge in the next second.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of these knight-level players has long been different from ordinary people. Although they are a little tired, they are not exhausted. After all, they have just joined Richard, and they do not want to perform poorly in front of Richard.

Ignoring the little thoughts of the knights, Richard sat on the horse, played with a simple ring on his hand, and fell into thinking,

The ring looks a little old, but the shape is very exquisite, and the craftsmanship has obvious ancient elven style. I am afraid that the ring has been around for nearly a thousand years. Even as an antique collection from the elven era, it is of great value.

What’s more important is that Messiah put this ring on his hand with a blushing face when they were leaving. At first, Richard just put it on his finger as an ordinary ring with some commemorative significance. Unexpectedly, this ring actually caused a reaction in the system. If you click on it to view it, you can see the information about the ring.

Treasure: The Ring of the Rebellious Elf King

Introduction: This ring seems to have once possessed great power, but it has also been corroded and damaged over the years.

PS: It can be repaired in the blacksmith shop.

According to Messiah, this ring has been circulated in the royal family since the time of Charlemagne I, but it should be just an ordinary ring, just because it was one of the items that Aragorn once held. It has been kept in the royal family,

Because the ring was too ordinary, the later Charmans did not pay much attention to it. It was not until the young Messiah became interested in its simple elven style that the old king gave it to Messiah. Ya,

For Messiah, this ring has more commemorative meaning than practical significance, so Messiah gave this ring that she had cherished since childhood to Richard as a token of love.

But this ring is really an unexpected discovery for Richard. This is the first time that Richard has discovered a treasure outside the system,

The system’s requirements for identifying treasures should be high. After all, Richard has come into contact with so many antique treasures, from antique swords and jewelry to some exquisite bottles and jars. Many of them are exquisite in appearance and make Richard’s eyes light up. But it did not trigger system confirmation.

And such an inconspicuous ring has been certified by the system. It can only be said to be an item of Aragorn.

Perhaps due to the complete depletion of magic power and the erosion of time, it lost its magical power. Later members of the royal family regarded it as the most ordinary ring, and finally fell into Richard’s hands. Let Richard try the function of the blacksmith shop and repair this treasure-level ring.

“Sir Richard, should we rush to the town ahead tonight or continue camping.”

The cavalry captain asked Richard about the arrangements for the evening. Although it was still not late, a hundred-man marching had to be planned in advance, and if they were going to camp, they had to prepare early.

“Continue to camp and try not to enter the town.”

Once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years, Richard no longer has any trust in the kingdom’s local guards. Whether they have fighting ability or not is one thing, but they are probably infiltrated by the church.

It is better to camp in the wild, as it will not be easy to be attacked on the plains, and the knights can better utilize their own advantages.

The speed of going back was almost the same as the speed of Richard’s arrival. The team of more than 100 people was actually cavalry or one person and two horses. In less than a week, it crossed half of the central plain from the royal capital and arrived in the river valley area. .

“Sir Richard, there are cavalry approaching in front!”


Although the knights in Richard’s team have only just gotten together, their ability to face battles is not weak.

Without Richard’s reminder, the weapons were unsheathed and ready for battle. Even with Richard’s order, they could charge immediately.

However, Richard in front waved his hand to signal everyone to put away their weapons. He had already seen clearly who was coming.

This cavalry of several hundred people all wore the standard battle armor of the River Valley Guard Corps, and the stout fat man at the head was also Dane, whom Richard was familiar with.

“I have met the Marquis!”

Dane and his men slowed down not far from Richard’s team. When they arrived in front of Richard, he quickly dismounted and gave a half-bow without waiting for Richard’s reaction, which was quite a gesture.

“Brother Dane is too polite!”

Richard also hurriedly dismounted and helped Dane up. Dane’s intention to seek refuge had already been clearly written on his face. Otherwise, Dane, as the commander of the Kingdom’s garrison, would not actually have to deal with Richard. So respectful, after all, no matter how tyrannical Richard is, he can’t control him.

Faced with Dane’s surrender, Richard responded enthusiastically. After all, Dane is one of the most powerful figures in the Valley. Although he is now isolated from the nobles in the Valley, he has a real legion under his command. He controls the regular armed forces in the entire river valley and still has a strong say.

With Dane’s support, it will definitely be a huge help to Richard who wants to extend his tentacles into the rich land of the river valley.

“This time, the reputation of the Marquis in the royal capital has spread throughout the valley. Now many people want to meet you, the most powerful person in the kingdom.”

“Lucky, lucky.”

“Your Majesty, the Marquis, is so humble. There is no such thing as a fluke.”

It is impossible to say that Dane has no doubts in his heart. After all, they are people who have fought side by side. Although Richard’s strength was strong at that time, it did not exceed the category of a great knight. How could he become the sky in the blink of an eye? Knight,

Sky Knight, the kingdom hasn’t produced a strong man of this level in many years. I don’t know if Richard is hiding deep or if the information in the capital is wrong. Dane can’t test it.

Dane is not the only one who has doubts. In fact, even Viscount Sauter is a little confused at the moment. However, the people in the royal capital are indeed convinced. After all, most of the high-ranking nobles have seen it with their own eyes. How can there be any lies? ,

Even those who were a little skeptical were confused by the determination from the capital,

Anyway, this does not affect Dane’s surrender to Richard. At least the king’s favor is genuine. If the king helps Richard to fake it, it only means that Richard is more worthy of taking refuge.

With the addition of the cavalry led by Dane, the team became much larger. Hundreds of cavalry marched from the official road towards Burai City…


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