Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 184: The prototype of the Knights


The residence of Marquis Pagat should now be Richard’s residence,

The mansion has been cleaned up, and some of the damage caused in the chaos has been completely repaired. Except for some people with a keen sense of smell who can smell a little bit of blood here, the mansion has reached a standard that can be moved in.

Different from the deserted situation some time ago, the Marquis Mansion today is quite popular. In addition to the guard servants, there are at least fifty big men wearing armor and holding swords gathered in the mansion.

Looking closely, these people are all wearing exquisite chain armor or plate armor, and each of them should be no ordinary martial artist.

These people are all knights who came to seek refuge with Richard, the Marquis of Pingye. Among them are not only knights without knights, but also a few knights with knighthoods.

The knights who were arranged to live in the Marquis Mansion for a few days were told that today was the day when Marquis Richard was going to receive them,

If you want to meet a great nobleman like Hirano Marquis, who started out with military exploits, and is the strongest man in the kingdom, naturally everyone has to do what they want. They don’t wear any fancy clothes, but use all their best weapons. Showed it.

Viscount Hardman is one of them. This middle-aged man in his forties and wearing fine iron plate armor is considered an oddity among the middle and lower-class nobles in the royal capital.

Viscount Hardman was originally a commoner, the son of a tobacco farmer. Although he was a commoner, his family was relatively well-to-do. Hardmen’s health had always been well maintained and his talent was good. Hardmen was very lucky. Selected into the Knight Academy of the Royal Capital, the cradle of civilian knights,

After graduation, he served in Longxingguan for twenty years and then returned to the royal capital. With his excellent military exploits, he was awarded the title of Viscount and had two farms of his own on the Central Plains.

Generally speaking, after a person like Harden returns from serving at Longxing Pass, the basic path should be to marry a wife and have children, raise the next generation, and gradually form a small noble family. If you are lucky, after two or three generations, The family can stably produce one or two knights in each generation, and the family’s title and fiefdom can be passed down stably, thus stabilizing the noble status and completing the family’s class jump.

However, in the years after Hadmen retired from Longxing Pass and returned to the royal capital, he had no intention of getting married and having children. Instead, he continued to train at Longxing Pass and even became more diligent.

People are different. Most people tend to indulge in enjoyment, but there are always people who will always maintain their original intentions.

For small nobles like Viscount Hardman, the Great Knight level is the ceiling. They do not have better resources and better Qi-Entraining Art to support them to take a step closer. If they want to go further, It takes more opportunities.

In Hardmen’s eyes, Richard is the opportunity for him to go further. Originally Hardmen thought of a way to join Sol’s family,

But after the battle at Richard’s Palace and the strength of the Sky Knights was revealed, Hadmon immediately changed his mind.

A child can do multiple-choice questions like Sky Knight and Earth Knight. Since he wants to become stronger, he should naturally join the strongest person, so Hardman arranged several manors. So he led the war horse alone and came to the Hou Mansion with the equipment that was as good as new.

But it was only after Hardmen arrived that he discovered that there seemed to be quite a few people who had the same idea as him. Some people had already arrived at the Marquis Mansion before him and were accommodated there. Many more people came one after another in the past two days. People, some people were born above him, and even had some servants,

His only advantage may be that with these years of hard training, his strength has reached the level of a primary knight, and he is considered the strongest among this group of people.

“Sir Richard, there are fifty-six knight-level warriors who have surrendered recently, and one great knight-level warrior. They have all gathered in the front courtyard of the Marquis Mansion to wait for your instruction.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Li Cha, who became famous through the Battle of Miyagi, naturally cannot do anything during his stay in the capital.

Since you are risking your life, no matter whether the strongest man in the kingdom is real or fake, it would not be in line with Richard’s personality if he does not maximize the benefits.

From the day he woke up in the palace, Richard ordered his men to start setting up flags to recruit knights to follow,

The effect was better than Richard imagined. In just a few days, not only did more than fifty knights come, but a big knight even came to defect. Even when Thor recruited people to go north, there was no big deal. A strong knight-level man defected, and the title of Sky Knight was indeed very useful.

“Hiraye is here!”

From Hardmen’s perspective, a young and somewhat excessive nobleman wearing a gold-rimmed armor walked out of the courtyard surrounded by several knights.

Then he walked straight to the high platform of the school ground.

The originally noisy school grounds quickly became quiet as the other party stood on the high platform.

Most of these knights have experience in serving in the military, and they naturally formed a simple queue at this time,

As the most powerful among the people, Hadmon naturally stood at the top of the team. When he raised his head, he could look into the eyes of the young and powerful Hirano Hou.

“I am Pingye Hou Richard…”

After everyone’s attention was focused, Richard began his speech. Richard, who often gave speeches in soldiers and officers’ colleges, was already familiar with such occasions.

Speaking human words to people and lying to ghosts, Richard’s speech at the Ironwood City Official School mostly emphasized ideals, beliefs and dedication to the territory with the students,

But for the following group of knights who already had rich experience, Richard told them more,

Follow me, Richard, and you will have no shortage of money, status, and a path to advancement. Not only will you have the opportunity to obtain better breathing techniques and qi-entraining techniques, but you will also be able to enjoy the cultivation resources provided by my Ping Yehou forces.

The most important thing is that you also have the opportunity to get personal guidance from the only sky knight currently certified by the kingdom, Marquis Richard.

Although the knights below are not as excited as the young people in Ironwood City, they are still a little excited by the pie painted by Richard. After all, this is what they came here to draw.

After the speech, Richard arranged for Zebul to manage these knights first. With Zebul’s strength on the earth, he would be able to manage these people obediently.

Richard has already figured out how to use these people.

It is impossible to recruit them to serve as officers in the army. In Richard’s plan, the officers of his direct army should all be trained by his own family and have absolute loyalty.

I would rather go slower than break this routine. Richard needs to ensure his absolute control over the army.

In Richard’s plan, these knights will all be organized into a knighthood, a knighthood composed entirely of masters above the knight level,

They will be equipped with red flame horses covered in full body armor, serving as arrowheads for the Northland shock cavalry,

A shock cavalry composed entirely of knights, from man to horse, all in heavy armor,

There are only a few hundred such knights. Once they charge, even a strong man like Misuo may not be able to resist them.

No one knew that a knighthood that would be famous in the mainland would set up its first support in this small prince’s mansion…


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