Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 182: Unreconciled unexpected gains


As soon as Richard came downstairs, he saw a young man wearing a purple brocade robe waiting in the lobby. This man looked somewhat similar to Ren, but he was younger than the eldest prince. Many, probably about the same age as Richard.

Now that the king has such a queue for the prince to take the initiative to visit, there are not many people waiting. Richard can barely count him. The fourth prince waited for Richard downstairs for a few minutes. There was no trace of impatience on his face. Later, Richard took the initiative to greet him enthusiastically.

“Brother-in-law, I really couldn’t get away the past few days, and I can’t see you until now. Please don’t blame me.”

“The fourth prince is too polite.”

In line with the principle of not hitting the smiling person, Richard politely greeted the fourth prince,

Richard has now discovered that the men in the Charman family don’t have a fuel-efficient lamp. It seems that no matter how capable they are, if they don’t fight for the chair, they are just like members of the Charman family.

Counting the eldest prince and the fourth prince in front of him, four princes have visited him recently,

The purpose is nothing more than one, to win over Richard to help him fight for the position. Sometimes Richard wants to pry open their brains to see if these people have been imbued with some kind of ideological stamp.

Ren is clearly still in his prime at the moment, and he may still have another hundred and eighty years of good life. Why are you so anxious?

“I brought some gifts to my brother-in-law. They are not expensive things. Just don’t dislike them.”

“How could it be possible? The fourth prince is too polite. He came as soon as he came. Why did he bring gifts?”

“Hahaha, if I don’t bring a gift, wouldn’t I be ignorant? I might be the first prince kicked out by my brother-in-law.”


Richard’s mind turned around. It seemed that all the people who came to visit had brought gifts. Among the nobles of all sizes in the royal capital, Richard might not be able to remember who brought gifts. Who would come here? If he came empty-handed during the visit, Richard might be impressed, but it wouldn’t be a good impression.

After all, there are only a few situations where the unique behavior attracts the attention of a certain boss. Most of the time, it is still regarded as cerebral palsy and directly forked by the owner.

Richard is not immune to this kind of thing. If the fourth prince comes to him and wants to play with nothing at the beginning, there is really no guarantee whether he will see him or not.

“Haha, just kidding, brother-in-law, don’t mind.”

The fourth prince has a somewhat different personality from the Charlemagne family. Compared with the sinister or serious family members, he seems a bit out of touch, which makes Richard a little out of step.

“Having been in the capital for so many days, brother-in-law, have you taken a good look around the capital?”

“Well, I have visited it several times during this period, but the capital is too big to be visited in a short time.”

“How does it feel?”

“It is naturally bustling and prosperous, and it is worthy of being the capital of the kingdom.”

“Hai, I’m not asking you this, I’m asking you have you ever been to Liuying Street?”

After saying that, the fourth prince blinked at Richard, his originally handsome appearance suddenly felt vulgar.

Although Richard is not an experienced driver, he is not an innocent little virgin who doesn’t understand anything. Although he couldn’t immediately react to what the fourth prince was talking about, when he combined the name and the other person’s name, the man understood it. With his expression, Richard instantly realized what the other party meant.

“Ahem, I always go shopping with Messiah. I have never been to the place you mentioned.”

No matter whether you are interested in this or not, reject it quickly. I even suspect that you are fishing for law enforcement.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity. Before I could enjoy the gold-selling cave in the king’s capital, I became my brother-in-law first. Otherwise, I would have to take you to experience it when I treat you today.

Half-elves in the southern grasslands, mermaids in the sea, if you want something a little more sophisticated, we can even find you a female dwarf. What a pity, what a pity. ”

Richard couldn’t help but go through the image of a female dwarf with a beard and arms thicker than his thighs in his mind. It became a picture and he couldn’t look straight at it.

You are the one with strong taste, and you are the one looking for a female dwarf.

“The fourth prince was joking.”

“Hahaha, don’t worry, I will definitely not complain to my sister,

Brother-in-law, look at you calling me Fourth Prince and Fourth Prince as soon as you enter the door. You are so unfamiliar and don’t look like one of your own family at all. From now on, you will call me Fourth Brother. ”

“Have the Fourth Prince had dinner? Do you want to just eat in my restaurant?”

Richard was really not used to the fourth prince’s routine, so he simply changed the subject first.

“Harm, you see you still can’t change your mind, but it’s just right. I don’t have anywhere to eat right now. I’ve heard that my brother-in-law’s restaurant is delicious, and I can finally have a full meal today.”


Can’t you tell that this is a tactful eviction order?

There was no other way, so Richard could only order more dishes to be cooked, and then bite the bullet and have a meal at the same table with the fourth prince who was thinking outside the box.

“Hey, this is the legendary cooking? What spices are used to make it taste like this?”

The fourth prince commented on the dishes on the table while eating, and Richard could only chat a few words with each other,

Richard’s performance was not enthusiastic, and he even felt a little cold. In the past, when meeting a powerful person of the prince’s level, being able to get closer to him would definitely be what Richard wished for.

But it’s different now. Richard is strong without desire. His strength and status have allowed him to look down on the princes who have not yet sat on that chair. Naturally, he does not need to be too cautious when facing them. Yes,

Do people who become dog lickers really want to be dog lickers? Isn’t the ultimate goal to be the one being licked?

Now Richard is a little bit interesting. Although his strength as a Sky Knight is a bit false, but so many people have seen it, the falsehood has become real.

The fourth prince didn’t seem to notice Richard’s indifference, so he ate a few more large bowls and added additional dishes. It took another long time before he finally burped and put down the tableware in his hands.

“Thank you for the hospitality today, brother-in-law. I will treat you next time I have the opportunity.”

After speaking, the fourth prince winked at Richard and showed an expression that every man would understand.

Although Richard was a little impatient, he could not go too far, so he stood up and sent the fourth prince out of the door before returning.

When he came back and saw the food on this table, Richard even suspected that this guy was just here to eat, and he didn’t know if the gift this guy gave was worth the money of the meal.

“Bring me what the fourth prince gave you.”

“Yes, Sir Richard.”

A lot of people gave gifts during this period, most of which were jewelry and works of art, and Richard didn’t even look at them.

As a noble, it is still too tacky to give money directly, although Richard would rather have them give him a discount instead of giving him something he doesn’t need much.

Now I want to see what the fourth prince gave me. It’s just that this guy’s behavior today was really out of character. Richard has to prove how out of character this guy is through gifts,

Compared with the naked solicitation of other princes, the fourth prince never mentioned the solicitation. It seemed that he really just came to see Richard and have a meal.


At this time, Yimo had already walked up with the box sent by the fourth prince. It was a simple and inconspicuous small box, so simple that even Richard wouldn’t be surprised if it was empty when he opened it.


Different from the simplicity of the box, it was slightly opened and there was a feeling of precious light spilling out from inside.

Then Richard’s expression became quite exciting.

“Discover rare resources – gems X10.”

“Oh, interesting.”


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